Chapter 46

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The whole class was enjoying our breakfast, wondering how training was going to go. It was going to be tough as we worked to get our hero licenses early. Something that usually happened in year 3. Some of us were joking around, like Ochako was using her zero gravity to float various food items down the table to those who couldn't reach. It was amusing to watch.

"For a prestigious school I thought it would be more strict and serious," a voice caused me to freeze in my tracks as the others looked towards the main door.

Confused slightly upon hearing someone, besides me, speaking English. Well now a days practically the whole class spoke to me in either English if we were around the rest of the class or in Japanese when not. But also that person had an American accent. Shoto tensed beside me, fists curling together tightly as his jaw clenched. His eyes shrinking into slits as he glared intensely at the guy standing there.

"What do you want Jackson? How'd you even get here?" I seethed, standing up quickly my body filling with rage and anger. The nerve of him really, did he actually have nothing better to do than fly across the world to patronize me.

"Oh I've just come to see why my future wife hasn't come back to America this summer. As you normally do," he states causing a few of the classes eyes to widen and I saw Kat look up from the corner of my eye. Slightly hurt.

"She's not your future wife you bastard. Her parents never agreed to the Quirk Marriage and are letting her have her own choice. One that they never got to have," Shoto defended, now standing up beside me. He looked like he was about to spew fire at the jerk any second. Jackson didn't even flinch as he crossed his arms. The tall black haired boy smirked as his hazel eyes glared at Shoto.

"Still pinning after her like a lost puppy I see. It's funny how she'll never go for you, even if she's daft and oblivious to your feelings. You're nothing but a half and half bastard that can't even amount to the full power of his quirk," Jackson retorts, thus shocking Katsuki out of his initial hurt feeling.

"The fuck you say about my boyfriend and our girlfriend?" He says getting pissed as he shot up next to me. Sparks pulsing out of his finger tips, Shoto also had a few embers dancing along the palm of his left hand.

"Ooh have I hit a nerve. You know Andrea baby I never pegged you for a slut," that line there did it.

Kat practically launched himself over Kirishima towards the prick who just couldn't leave me alone. Blasting the guy in the face, or tried to as the blast ricocheted off him. Hitting Kat instead, good thing it wasn't a very big one but his pajamas were smoking.

Jackson's quirk allows him to turn his body into rubber essentially. So all attacks just bounce off of him.

I raced over making sure Katsuki was alright as Shoto froze Jackson's feet to the floor so he didn't try anything else. The rest of the class came over, ready to defend us if need be.

"I swear to god Jackson if you don't get your egotistical ass out of our dorm house it won't end well. We're on campus so we're permitted to use our quirks if threatened," I stated as I healed the small burn that was on Kat's arm.

Class 1-B must've heard the blast from their dorm as Kendo, Tetsutetsu and Shiozaki came rushing into the dorm as well.

"What was that blast, did someone piss off Bakugo?" Kendo asks as she placed her hands on her knees, catching her breath.

"Yeah, we've got a security breach," I stated glaring at Jackson who was trying to break free of the ice. "Meet the guy who thinks he owns me, he's delusional and literally flew here from America and somehow got onto campus,"

"Woah dude, stalking girls is totally not manly," Tetsutetsu states looking at the guy in shame. Jackson didn't care though as he finally broke free from the ice. Only to be scooped up in Kendo's enlarged fists.

"Don't fret Andrea I'll take this runt to see the facility, they'll know how to handle this," Kendo says offering up a smile before leaving with a kicking and screaming Jackson.

"Thanks guys," I told Tetsutetsu and Shiozaki who waved before following their class rep out towards the school. Denki practically had stars in his eyes as he gazed at the vine haired girl.

"I fucking hate that guy," Katsuki says once it was just our class again. We were all pretty pissed off from the whole thing.

"You and me both babe," Shoto chuckled and everyone soon began rushing around to finish getting ready. Since this whole thing was about to make us all late for training.

After quickly changing into our uniforms, we were all sitting in the classroom as Aizawa went on to explain how trainings were going to go. We'd be working hard to try and obtain our hero licenses, it was hard to do. So we'd be amping up the training.

Today we'd be coming up with two ultimate moves, something powerful and unexpected. As he explained that, some of the teachers came into the class, ready to provide aid.

Once everything was explained, we all changed into our costumes before heading over to Gym Gamma, a special gym created for things like this. Where the teachers can manipulate and bend the surrounding area to provide the best exercises for us. And set up challenges that each would need to overcome.

Ectoplasm created clones of himself that each student got to work with. He provides input on how to better perfect our fighting styles and how to maximize attacks. It was all very useful and a bit enlightening.

Right now I was fighting him hand to hand. Dodging punches and kicks, honing my concentration in the process. This was no different than training with Endeavor, except there was more helpful feedback.

I zipped around the area of rock we were fighting on. Adapting to the surroundings as he sent a punch at my stomach, I rolled out of the way. Taking a deep breath I caused winds to propel me in a funnel like motion. Shooting into the air.

Each rotation making the wind stronger, and rain began pouring down over the whole arena. My eyes locking on my target, when I was lined up perfectly, I dived down as lightning coursed around me.

My hands were out in front of me as my body spun around like a drill head. Electricity dancing across my skin as my fist connected with the clone, creating a loud booming sound but I quickly warped the ground to create minimal damage.

I landed in a crouch, lightly blowing hair out of my face. The whole class seemed to have gone quiet, and looking around it was because all eyes were on me. The encounter with Jackson made me so enraged that I let my anger out a bit harshly. Good thing it was just a clone, as our actual teacher stood to the side with Cementoss and Aizawa.

"I think I'm gonna call that 'Electric Raging Cyclone'," I stated as I took in all the amused faces. Taking a bow for dramatic effect, a big smile on my face.

This was definitely a fun exercise, hopefully the license exams were just as entertaining......

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