Chapter 57

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The boys went to get changed so Denki and I were chilling on the couch with Mina. The pink haired girl had her head resting in my lap as she watched Frozen. Casually singing out the songs when they came on.

I joined her when let it go was playing, running my fingers through her hair. Looking over at Denki who was chuckling at our goofiness.

"Look it's my boyfriend! He's living out his princess dreams," I exclaimed pointing to Elsa as she sang her heart out.

"I'm not Elsa nor will I ever be!" Shoto states as him and Kat came over to the side of the couch. Taking in the scene before them, with slightly jealous looks.

"What is going on here?" Kat questions, looking at my hand that was twirling around Mina's hair. He looked jealous and, or angry it was hard to tell with him.

"We stole your girlfriend, and she's ours now. You can't have her back," Mina jokes wiggling her brows as Denki wrapped his arms around my shoulders pulling me into his chest. I tried containing my laugh but the attempt was futile.

"Like hell we can't," Kat huffed out crossing his arms and giving them the grumpy gremlin look, it was adorable. However Shoto shook his head, laughing at the scene before him.

"Oh don't get too attached to me Minnie and Denks. I might get attacked by Kiri and Kyoka out of jealousy!" I giggled as Denki pulled away, looking at me with flushed cheeks.

"I beg your pardon?" He asks making me laugh more as Mina sat up. Cheeks also red, as both were quite flustered.

"Oh please you all bet on my relationship. I know you like Kyoka and Mina likes Kiri," I replied with a smirk as I rubbed my hands together. Getting up from the couch and waking over to my boys.

We left them both flustered as we made the journey to the hospital to see Rei. When getting there Shoto signed us in, and Kat gripped my hand tightly. Clearly nervous about this whole thing, knowing Shoto's past, now that we're all dating. Of course we told him everything, since our relationship thrives on trust.

Shoto lead the way, taking Kat's other hand. Rubbing his thumb along the back of it as a form of comfort. Reaching the door I gently knocked, waiting a few seconds before her soft voice told us to come in. I'm sure Shoto already wrote to her saying we were coming.

I entered first walking over to give the woman a hug as the boys came in behind me. Kat was hiding slightly behind Shoto, peeking over the boys shoulder. It was strange seeing Katsuki acting like this, but very cute none the less.

"How've you been momma Rei?" I asked upon pulling away, and she cupped my face with her hands. Smiling brightly as she kissed my cheeks, something she always did when we came to visit.

"Slowly getting better day by day. I always look forward to your visits. It can be boring here," she says with a giggle before looking behind me as the boys.

"My beautiful boy! Is this Katsuki. Come let's have a look at you," she says and I turned offering my hand to Kat. He came over, looking down at the floor as he went. Taking my hand, giving it a squeeze as Shoto stood behind him. Hands placed on his shoulders, giving them gentle rubs. Trying to sooth the usually hot tempered boys nerves.

Rei took a small step forward looking at the boy. She took his face in her hand, slowing lifting it up so he was looking at her. You could see the happiness radiating from her as her smile widened, making her look even more beautiful, whilst also making her appear younger.

Kat made eye contact with her, looking into her grey eyes. His eyes sharpened slightly, and he started to become less shy. Rei pulled the blond into a tight hug, startling Katsuki for a second before he wrapped his arms around her back.

"Thank you for making my son and daughter-in-law happy," she says upon pulling away. Still smiling at him, which made him less anxious about this whole visit.

"I'd like to think I got the better end of the bargain. I'm grateful to have both of them in my life. I love them very much," he says with the biggest smile I've ever seen him make. It was wholesome to watch.

We all hung out for around an hour before we had to make it back to campus. Rei was thankful for our visit and really liked Katsuki, just as we said she would.

At the moment lots of us were chilling around the common room chatting away. Izu was telling us that he managed to get a work study with Sir Nighteye. Who use to be one of All Mights sidekicks, which was a great thing.

"Wow Izu that's amazing, I'm sure you'll have a great first day under him. My mother says that he's a very well rounded and highly accomplished hero," I state looking at the bubbly green haired boy. Shoto and Kat were standing away from the group, and Shoto kept pointing out that everyone seemed to be getting ahead of them, and that they needed to catch up.

Aizawa came into the room and was explaining some things about work studies and that if anything were to happen to students participating in them, then the pro hero had to take full responsibility for any incidents.

"Also Mitchell and Kirishima, Ive been told that Tamaki Amajiki, of the big three, is looking to talk with both of you. Nejire Hado would also like to talk with Asui and Uraraka. You all can find them in school tomorrow," he informed us before making his way to his room.

"I wonder what they want us for?" I pondered scratching my chin as Kiri got up stating that he was going to the third year dorms and find out. Causing Ochako, Tsu and I to follow as well. Deciding that it couldn't wait until tomorrow.

The four of us parted ways upon getting to the building in which both resided. Kiri and I venturing to the boys side of the dorms, wondering where Tamaki was.

"Excuse me but we're looking for Amajiki, could you tell us what floor he's on?" I asked one of the boys standing by the elevator. The boy became flustered as he looked at me, stumbling out an answer before dashing off.

"What it something I said?" I asked Kiri who chuckled as we stepped into the elevator. Pressing the button for the floor the boy told us.

"Some guys just can't act natural around a pretty girl," he replied nudging my should as the two of us erupted into laughter.

We did manage to find the socially awkward boy who was standing with his head against the wall. He was nervous and or anxious at our approach. But I managed to quell his nerves a bit when I waved my hand over him.

Turns out that the hero Fat Gum, who he does work studies under, requested us to join the study. And that we'd start tomorrow when all the paperwork was filed.

And just like that I found a work study. It was exciting, and I was bummed I couldn't do it under my mother but Fat Gum is still a wonderful hero to study under. I wonder where this journey will lead me.......

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