Chapter 51

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It felt like a century before the rest of our classmates showed up, all 21 of us managed to move on to the next round. Which I knew they would, I might be a tad biased but we were very powerful and commited for first year students. Of course by sticking together the majority of them helped eachother pass, not wishing to go on with anyone left behind. That's what made us different than most classes, we all looked out for eachother.

The screen before us displayed the testing area we just left. And loads of destruction commensed in the form of things exploding into bits. Giving me an idea of what our final test would be. Rescue simulations.

"Woah those explosions were fucking sick," Katsuki and I stated at the same time as we watched the screen with excitement. Hands clenched into fist as we bustled with anticipation.

"It's scary how different yet similar those two are," Sero points out looking over at Shoto who was shaking his head slightly from our antics.

"You've no idea Sero. That's not even the worst of it, wait till you've seen Drea in full battle mode. It's quite scary," he tells the dark haired boy next to him.

It was then that I turned, noticing the scratch on Izuku's cheek and I rushed forward. Cupping his face, my palm glowing as the cut healed beneath my touch.

"Honestly Izu, if you keep getting injured I'm going to have to wrap you in bubble wrap. You're too precious to be battered and broken all the time," I informed the green haired boy, slightly teasing him. Picking up the look Ochako seemed to be giving me as I interacted with the boy. Who was flustered.

"Oh it was that girl over there, she surprised me. It's not like I want to keep getting hurt Drea, but at least I'm getting the hang of my quirk," he replied sheepishly as he scratched the back of his head. Also nodding his head towards a girl from Shiketsu High.

A bell sounded and it looks like we were starting the test, and our goal was to rescue as many people as we could. While pretending to wait for the pros to come deal with the bigger things.

Once again Kat ran off, Kiri and Denki following after him much to his disliking. I raced ahead of the others not wasting time at jumping into action.

My clones started clearing rubble quickly, using most of my quirks to get the job done quicker, whilst I began going through the steps of first aid to every bystander I came across. Treating their ailments as best as I could before taking them to where Shindo and his class had set up a recovery area.

Then moving on to the next person that the clones found. Repeating the steps until the area around me was checked thoroughly and deemed empty of civilians. I was carrying the last wounded girl over to the area, as Deku made his way over with a person he saved.

That's when things began amping up as Gang Orca, who was pretending to be a villain. Came out of nowhere and starting attacking to no end. Of course this test wasn't that simple, why would they make it simple.

I was getting into fighting mode as Shindo ran forward, asking Deku to help get all the injured away from the area, as I ran along side the spiky haired boy.

"I'll help you," I state as we both crouched down, him vibrating the earth as I warped the ground and controlled the damage made from his counterattack. Making sure those behind us weren't effected.

This picked off some of the minions, but Gang Orca was there before we could even blink. Using his quirk to paralyze Shindo, and I quickly grabbed the boy before moving back. Trying to get us both out of harms way, as ice shot at the pretend villain. Thank god, Shoto's got incredible timing when it came to stuff like this.

He held the villain back as that air guy from earlier also arrived at the scene. Some of our classmates came over and we all began helping evacuate the injured from the scene. Loads of people from all the schools working together. I'm guessing this was a big focus for the test.

We left those two to hold Gang Orca back, moving quickly to get everyone to safety, yet again. Only this time there was the treat currently taking place behind us.

However those two began arguing, practically jeopardizing this whole thing as they both fired off attacks. However the air mixing with the fire caused it to fire straight at me, where I was leading Shindo out of the way.

Next thing I knew, I was scooped up by Deku who was clearly pissed at them for having an argument during what's supposed to be a serious life or death situation.

Shoto glanced over with wide eyes as Deku flew passed. Shocked about what almost happened, and Deku dropped me off before quickly rushing Shindo to safety.

I didn't even bother waiting as I spring into action, cascading winds around me in that spiral motion I had done at ultimate move training. Letting the currents guide and propel me forward, knocking wind guy out of the way as I whipped passed him. Clouds forming above my head, rain and lightning pouring down.

The electricity dancing across my body as I lined up my shot. Focusing, for the right time to dive, knowing those two could make an unpredictable move at any second.

"Electric raging cyclone!" I shouted as I dove down at a rapid speed, angling myself just right for max velocity. My hands out stretched as I threw a targeted punch at the ground. Knocking over all the minions and fixating the damage away from the people behind us. It wasn't much, but it bought us time.

Gang Orca used his sonic waves to incapacitate Shoto and the other guy as the minions began recovering. Next thing happened so fast it was unexpected. Fire and air began surrounding the pro hero in a firey cyclone. As I rushed back to help move the people, more classmates came to help.

Everything was happening so fast it was hard to keep up, but a bell chimed as the announcer stated all civilians were in the evacuation zone, meaning the test was finally over.

Everyone changed back into their school uniforms as the points were tallied up. The people who passed were listened in alphabetical order and my eyes skimmed down the list until I found my name.

This was it, I've done it. I'm now classified as a semi pro hero. This was the best day ever....

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