Chapter 62

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Tamaki had used parts of his ruined cape to fashion me a sling for my arm. Together we both made our way down to where Eri is supposed to be. There were loud crashes coming up ahead and lying there was a severely hurt Mirio. He was bleeding badly in both legs, and although he seemed conscious there was lots of damage he had taken.

"Shit, we've gotta get him out of here before the whole building falls," I state, trying to stabilize the ground. It wasn't being warped anymore so I can control it now.

"I've got you buddy," Tamaki says grabbing hold of his best friend, and I took the other side. My hands assessing over Mirio's body, and a peculiar discovery made me gasp.

"His quirk genes are gone. All the cells are just normal ones now. Meaning he's quirk less, it's different from what you got hit with. Its as if he never had one to begin with!" I stated in shock, so they had managed to make a perfected drug to completely vanquish a quirk. If those get mass produced then it's over for heroes.

"Suneater! Flowering Nymph!" Froppy called out and we turned to see the girl coming over to us, she seemed alright. A worried look was worn on her face, meaning she saw something that terrified her.

"Is everyone alright Froppy?" I asked and she shook her head, as she helped us support Lemillion.

"Sir is badly hurt, but Uravity is bringing him to the surface. Deku is fighting Overhaul but managed to save Eri and Eraser took some hits but he's fine. Haven't seen Fat Gum or Red Riot yet," she explained and leads us off into the big room where a massive hole was.  Ryuku let us climb up her and out onto the streets. There was damage but less then I expected.

From the corner of my eye I saw Toga and Twice peeking from around the building. So I snuck away from everyone, sticking their feet to the ground so they couldn't run. It was the first time I'd seen Twice without the mask.

Toga readied her knife, about to throw when I held my hands up. Showing them I came in peace, I just hoped they didn't try anything.

"Just tell me he's alright? I wanna know that Dabi is alright," I say using the villain name he went by, since nobody but our class really knew who he is. Or at least they had a bit of an understanding as to who he is.

"He's fine. Talks about you alot really, gets down on himself about how he could never live up to becoming the hero you always believed he could be," Toga replied with what I can assume is a genuine smile.

"Tell him I've never lost faith in him, it's the one thing I wish for him to know," I asked letting them go, and they began to walk backwards down the alley.

"Well since you've been nice this time, we'll pass the message," Twice says and I nodded before heading back to the group. And we began assessing everything. Deku was standing not far away, glowing at max power as he held onto Eri tightly. It seemed her quirk was causing damage to him, but Eraser disabled it. Making them both alright, and I walked over.

"Are you alright Izu, how is she?" I knelt beside him, placing a hand on his cheek. He seemed alright, it was like her quirk got rid of all the damage his body had taken.

"We're alright Drea," he says in relief and I smiled. Holding my hands out, as a way to ask him to hand Eri over.

"I can take her for now. You need to get looked at, also it's Sir Nighteye and Lemillion. Mirio should make a full recovery but Sir sustained alot more injuries. It doesn't look good," I tell him and he passed the young girl over to me. She clung tightly to me, before passing out luckily she was fine.

I brought her over to an ambulance attendant when Ochako came over. She too seemed fine, as she went to greet me they brought out Kiri who was covered in bandages.

"He's going to be fine, although he's covered in bruises and cuts," Fat says as he came over. He was looking a little deflated, meaning he used up all his power.

Those who were in better shape stayed behind to clean this mess up and help any civilians who might've been injured or trapped in the cross fire. The rest of us were taken to the hospital, my arm was looked at and Recovery Girl was called in to heal everyone. We were told to stay for a few days just to rest, and then after that had been discharged.

I told Shoto and Kat where I was, saying that I was alright. Explaining that we'd all be home soon, as I gathered the last of my things. Izu came into my room, tears brimming his eyes, and I opened my arms. He wasted no time before rushing into my embrace, crying into my chest as he had done after All Night's fight with All For One.

"He didn't make it," he mumbled into my shirt as I rubbed his back. This is the first time any of us really dealt with death on this journey to become Heroes. Its not easy, nor will it ever be. But it came with the job, so we'd be around it alot more in the future.

"I'm so sorry Izu. How's All Might, Mirio and Bubble Girl taking it?" I asked when he pulled away, and I rubbed the tears off his cheeks.

"Same as me, we were with him when he went," he says scuffing his feet on the floor.

"At least he didn't die alone, nobody deserves to die alone," I replied offering him my hand which he took. Together we walked out of the room, down to the front of the hospital where Kiri was waiting for me.

The police wanted a few statements from us so our ride home was delayed. Once that was over, there were things that needed to be filled out at the agency's. Paper work and what not, along with incident reports.

By the time we got back to the dorms it was getting dark. It felt like forever since we'd been there, and I missed it. I missed my boyfriend's, along with Kat's cooking. I missed the gossip the girls always had, and Denki playing with my hair when he was nervous.

Tsu and Ochako were just getting back as well, and with that we all walked into the dorms together, where everyone was waiting for us.

We were finally back home.......

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