Chapter 45

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It was around the middle of the night when I was woken up by distant sounds, like someone was in the common room. Well that and I didn't sleep like I use to, after being kidnapped and all. At night was when the nightmares plagued my thoughts, causing me to become restless.

Stuffing feet into slippers, I made my way out of the room. Walking towards the sounds of the tv, which was on. Sitting on the couch was Denki, who was someone that would be the least expected to be up so late.

"Don't sleep well?" I asked making my presence known and he turned to look over at where I stood. His eyes were droopy like he wished to sleep, but something else was keeping him awake.

"Not really. Those of us who were stuck in lessons still feel pretty bad about what went down at the camp. I felt ashamed that I couldn't be of any help especially after finding out you and Bakugo got taken," he replied huffing a deep heavy sigh as he shifted through the channels on the tv. Settling on Spongebob.

"There's nothing any of you need to feel guilty about. Even if you were out in the woods, there would've been more injuries than need be. There's no denying that both our class and class 1-B are incredible students. Nothing would've stopped them from taking Kat and I. Not even our quick reflexes," I tell him, placing myself next to him on the couch.

"How can you still be humble after going through what you did?" He asked looking over at me in wonder, as I gave him a kind smile.

"Dwelling on the past is only going to hurt me in the long run. My best bet is just to focus on overcoming what happened by being there for Kat and anyone who was effected by our kidnapping. Which I can guess is the whole class," I informed, getting all empathetic and caring. Just like I normally did when comforting someone.

"Taking care of yourself is important too. Even if your quirk makes you put others first it's alright to look out for yourself as well," he smiles placing a hand on my shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. Reassuring me as I have done for countless others.

"That's kind of you to say Denki. Sure my traumas are important to heal from, but they are less compared to those whom I hold dear. Everyone who didn't help in the fight, or risk the rescue needn't feel guilty because of all the what ifs because it's over now. What's important now is we all look out for eachother. We're all like a family now, and family looks out for eachother," I spoke softly, as I got up and went into the kitchen. Fiddling around with things for a few minutes before coming back over to him.

A cup of steaming tea in my hand as I held it out for him to take.

"It's chamomile with lemon and honey. This should ease your nerves and help you sleep," I stated, handing it to him.

"Thanks Drea, for everything," he says and I leaned forward pressing a kiss to his forehead. Then made my way back to my room, where I had a quiet sleep. Nothing haunted my dreams for the rest of the night.

When I woke again, Todo and Kat were both on my bed. Snuggled together, wrapped in each other's arms as Shoto's head rested on my shoulder.

This confused me greatly on how the hell they managed to even get into my room. I'm hoping the answer was simple and didn't require Shoto freezing the lock or Katsuki blowing it up just to get in. Although it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.

One of them groaned and I was pulled on top of them both. Their arms embracing me firmly, although I could tell they were both still slightly asleep.

"You know I could have you both arrested for breaking and entering," I giggled as my face and neck were soon peppered in pecks and kisses. A slight pressure was felt at the base of my neck causing me to make a questionable noise.

"I swear if either of you give me a hickey, no cuddles for a week," I threatened as I felt that sensation again. Then the coolness of ice as it soothed the tendered area. Both chuckled underneath me, finding this whole thing amusing.

"Please darling with how beat up you get during trainings, nobody would even notice," Shoto stated as I held myself up with my arms, looking down at both of them.

I shook my head before leaning back down, pressing my lips into the spot connecting Shoto's neck and collarbone. Gently nipping and sucking at the skin, licking the slightly purpled skin as he too made a few moans.

Smiling at my handy work I turned my head into Kat's neck, repeating my previous actions. His breath hitching as I hit a rather sensitive spot.

"Andrea," he warned as my teeth grazed the skin gently. Marking him just as they marked me, only making things fair. I mean he was all about things being fair after all.

"Hmm," I hummed pulling away once more smirking down at them. "What it was only fair," I added batting my eyelashes innocently.

"Well it was a pretty nice way of saying good morning," Shoto says as they let me get up. Sitting down on my legs with my feet tucked under me.

"How'd you guys even get in here? I swear if you broke my special lock I'll kill you," I stated narrowing my eyes, trying to look menacing.

"We went to Nezu, explained to him that Kat was having trouble sleeping and could only get a decent sleep in our company. So he added our prints to the lock," Shoto explains and they both sat up as well. Stretching out sore and tense limbs.

"He was completely alright about two boys sleeping in the same room as a girl?" I wondered, it was strange but I guess he trusted us.

With that out of the way we ventured down the hall into the kitchen where I began making the fattest stack of pancakes. Kat was in charge of doing up the eggs and bacon, as Shoto had the important job of making all the toast also adding butter to them all.

As everyone made their way downstairs to start the new day, they were greeted by a delicious breakfast with the addition of a fruit platter that I did up when I finished the mountain of pancakes.

We were going to need all our strength, as I felt a hard day of training coming up.....

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