Chapter 26

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Three days of absolute hell were finally over but none of us could find the air to breathe. Since now we had the practical exam, which we were now all standing in front of the area where it was taking place. In our costumes, as the teachers stood before us, and I knew they had something to do with passing the exam. Which means it was going to be an absolute pain in the ass to pass. I had a feeling we'd be fighting these pro heroes.

If fighting Stain was hard, this was going to be almost next to impossible. Hopefully there was also a second way to pass this thing, because if it was beating them in a fight, I don't even think Todoroki would pass it.

As I had thought, we were indeed fighting against the teachers. Each team has half an hour to either place hand cuffs on their opponent or get to the safety line by fleeing. Which didn't sound too hard but I knew they wouldn't make it easy.

Part of me was looking forward to this, that was until I found out I was paired with Kat and Zuku. I'm not upset to be teamed up with them as they are both incredibly good at fighting, however it was Katsuki's stubbornness that would jeopardize this whole thing.

He definitely wouldn't want to discuss any plans on how to tackle this with Izuku. He probably thought he could do this all on his own without our help. It would be his pride that would likely cause us to fail. And to make matters even worse, we had to fight All Might.

"We're fucked dudes. Guys it was nice knowing you all, please plan me a nice funeral, and don't let Mineta write the eulogy," I state placing my hand on my heart. Some of the class laughed but I was being serious for once.

"Nah you got this dudette," Kiri offered encouragement giving me a thumbs up. This caused me to feel slightly better, as soon as we were given the clear to start. Kiri and Sato were up first, they would have to fight Cementoss.

All the others branched off to make up plans, however Bakugo just walked away from Deku and I. This caused the two of us to sigh as we went into the viewing room to watch everyone's exam.

Ochako joined us not long after, considering she was unfortunately paired up with Aoyama. Who at this moment was too busy looking at himself in the mirror.

From watching everyone going through their exam Deku and I have learned that we were all paired up with teachers we'd have a hard time fighting. So this was a way for us to figure out our weaknesses so they couldn't be too exploited.

"How are we going to plan this out, Kacchan isn't going to want to talk to me," Deku says when it was Ochako's turn to try the exam. From watching the screen she seemed perplexed by something Aoyama had said while they were getting blasted away by Thirteen.

"We'll have to fucking wing it I guess. He's not going to listen, and try to take All Might on by himself. One of us might just have to edge their way to the safe zone. We'd never be able to immobilize All Might, he's too fast," I replied with a sigh.

After waking up in both Shoto and Katsuki's arms, there was this sort of mutual understanding between the three of us. Even with that trust I knew I couldn't get Bakugo to even try to work out a plan with Izuku.

It was now our turn and so far it was complete silence. Bakugo was rushing up the main road of the city, clearly trying to find All Might and take him down. And no matter what Deku said to the hot headed boy, he wouldn't listen.

"Stop following me," Bakugo scolded us as we both rushed along trying to keep up with him.

"Come on Katsuki we need to work together for this. None of us are going to get close enough to get the handcuffs on All Might. So it's better if we all just try and get to the safe zone," I state trying to get him to see reason, this was the best option. Rushing in like this wasn't going to end well, especially if he let his pride get the better of him.

"Are you calling me weak?" He grumbled through clenched teeth, of course thats what he took from this statement.

"You know Kat not everything we say are backhanded insults, I just mean that none of us are strong enough to take on All Might, even together," I replied knowing this was pointless, he was going to argue regardless of anything we said.

The two of them began arguing which ended up with Izuku getting punched in the face and that drew the line for me really.

"Put your damn differences aside, we're on the same side. Also if you hit him again, I'll kill you," I seethed, tired of all the bickering and Bakugo's aggressive nature towards the precious green haired boy. I stood protectively in front of him as he held his nose, trying to stop the blood coming down.

Huge winds whipped across the city, destroying everything in its wake, as All Might took playing the villain a bit too harsh. Due to the sudden and quick advances of the wind, I couldn't stop it as all three of us got tossed around. Hitting the ground hard, as I didn't have time to break the fall by changing the structure of the earth below us.

Bakugo landed on top of me and I let out a grunt. With all his gear on he was heavy and it felt like a brick landed on my chest. The air was knocked from my lungs for a few seconds.

"You alright?" He quickly asked before getting up as I nodded my head. He wasn't long before trying to fire an attack on the pro hero, who grabbed the boy by his face.

Not getting the reaction he thought he would as Bakugo fired off blasts at the hero's face. Not very strong ones, and soon he was thrown onto the ground.

By now Deku and I were getting to our feet, as I shot earth projectiles at the man. As I once did against Stain, however just like the villain he too dodged my attacks easily. Coming up behind me quickly slamming my back into the ground. I definitely felt a rib crack.

My breathing was now laboured, the sight of me lying there in pain caused both boys to spring into action. Finding a common motive, protecting me.

This only led to Izuku getting pinned to the ground on his stomach by a metal contraption. Bakugo getting slammed into a building, but still not staying down for long.

I tried getting up, by everything hurt. Yet I still tried attacking as I shot lighting down on the hero but he was still standing. No scratch on him whatsoever.

This was it, we were going to fail the exam..........

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