Chapter 22

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Not much has been going on with my internship, mom's been having me do simple training and what not. Of course I went with Endeavor's agency, only so I could intern under my mother. Shoto is here too but I'm still not sure why he choose to intern under his father. Today we were patrolling Hosu city because Endeavor really wanted to take down the Hero Killer: Stain.

Of course that ego maniac wanted all the glory of taking down the famed villain, because that would give him the attention, in which he so craved.

Mom and I were patrolling on the other side of the city, away from where Shoto was patrolling with his father. Not much was happening, which was good on our part, that meant we didn't have to jump into action. Well I wouldn't see any action as I'm not licensed to use my quirks out in the open yet.

However things seemed to get bad as there were explosions in the distance and I smelled fires burning. The city was now under attack, as mom and I were running I got this strange text from Izuku, he just sent his location. Which was odd, and upon looking at it I saw that he was also in the city.

"Mom I've got to run, I think my friend might be in trouble," I called out and she stopped for a second.

"Please be careful darling," she says giving me that worried mom look but I just nodded my head before running the complete opposite direction. Heading to the place Izuku seemed to be, I hope he was alright.

To make sure I got there in record time I flew, having my jets back really made me power through the city in record time. To be honest if I had used them in the festival I most likely would've won the obstacle course and gotten those ten million points. But I mean that was too late to think about, and at least I did my best.

I was coming up to the ally when Shoto was running down from the cross section.

"Drea, do you get sent a location from Midoriya too?" He asks as he stood there a second, catching his breath.

"Yeah, just as all the chaos started. I figured he was in trouble," I stated and together we made it down the ally. There was Deku, lying limp on the ground along with Iida and a pro hero. Looks like things would've been worse had we not got here on time.

The Hero Killer was just about to stab his sword into Iida when Shoto shot off a bunch of flames, as he did that I used my vines to lift the other up and placed them behind us.

"Todoroki you're using your left side!" Deku exclaimed in shock, but I figured out the second I saw him use it, this was the reason to intern under Endeavor. So Shoto could finally use that side of him without regret, and train it up.

"Is everyone alright?" I asked waving my hands around, the glow lighting up the ally for a few seconds as I healed minor cuts and scrapes.

"Yeah just don't let him get close enough to cut you. If he tastes your blood then he'll paralyze you," Deku stated as Shoto and I stood protectively in front of the three unarmed guys.

The guy came running at us, but Shoto fired another round of fire while I created projectiles from the earth and shot at him too. However he was quick, even faster than Bakugo and I when it came to his reflexes. Too fast maybe, and it didn't take long for him to cut the both of us. Each on the cheek, however before he could lick his blade, Shoto fired a wave of ice.

All we needed to do was distract this guy long enough for the pros to take over, but it definitely wasn't going to be easy, this made the USJ fight look like child's play.

"You should run, this is my fight. I've taken my brothers hero name so I'm the one who should take the Hero Killer down," Iida screamed at us, and shifting my eyes behind me I could see the hatred and vengeful look within his eyes.

"The Ingenium I knew never had that look in his eyes," Shoto yelled dodging yet another attack, however Stain managed to plunge a claw like weapon into Todo's forearm.

"You cant let harsh feelings like that cloud your judgement. Most heroes don't hold grudges," I added as I wrapped a vine around Stain, flinging him further down the ally. Although I knew he wouldn't stay down for long.

As he was about to get another good hit, Deku had sprung into action. And I could see this internship really helped him get a better understanding of his quirk as he was using it throughout his whole body.

"Either this guy's quirk gets less powerful the more he uses it, has to intake more blood for the effects to last longer or the different blood types have different time limits," Deku stated as he stood next to me.

"We've got to just hold him off until Pros get here, but he's avoiding most of our attacks and if Shoto looses anymore blood it's going to end badly," I assessed the situation, trying to see any possible way to overcome this. However the odds were looking slim.

"I'll distract him so you guys can maybe get better attacks in. While also protecting those two," Deku stated before zooming off towards Stain, the way he was zipping around reminded me of Katsuki when he used his explosions to fly around. I guess Deku was learning from all of us.

This tactic didn't last long as Deku was once again paralysed, but considering he didn't stay down long the first time, this time would be no different.

Stain rushed forward once more trying to slash at Todo, but at the last second Iida was up and attacking the villain, leaving Shoto out of harms way. The two of us fired off more rocks and ice as Iida was stabbed in his arms, leaving him slightly out of commission. He asked Shoto to freeze his engines and once they worked again Iida shot off into the air.

Just as Deku also sprang into action, once again free from the villains quirk. They managed to land hits on the guy as his own desires were starting to make him reckless. With that Shoto fired off more flames as I casted down a lighting bolt. As the two boys began falling, Shoto had made a ice slide for them, since both were pretty hurt.

However we didn't need to fight any longer. We had defeated the Hero Killer.

"That's what he gets for underestimating some of UA's most powerful students," I sighed twisting my body around to crack the massive ache in my back "Fuck I'm getting to old for this shit,"

Since everyone was hurt I used my mending to a least stop any major bleeding, I used up too much energy with the fight so the rest would need to be taken care of at the hospital.

Just like that we defeated the Hero Killer........

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