Chapter 50

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As soon as my clone hit the last target, all of mine turned blue. Signaling to the people running the test that I have passed.

"We've finally got our first person to pass, would that person please make their way to the ante chamber," a voice on the intercom states and I began walking to the edge of the arena. The sounds of explosions were plaguing the city behind me, making me think of Katsuki.

The ante room was stocked with fresh water and a table of snacks. I helped myself to a brownie as I sat on one of the benches. Not long after that the very enthusiastic boy from before came into the room, as the announcement that a second person passed played through the speakers.

This guy beat both Todo and I in the practical exam, it was fuzzy but I think I faintly remember it. Yet this time I was the one to beat him, and I'm not usually that quick at finishing things. Unless it was a race, or obstacle course but the one in the exam slowed me down. Of course back then I didn't have good control over using the winds to fly. But from what I remember his quirk is just air related.

As time went on I was beginning to worry, as I was still the only one from the class to pass. It caused me to pace, thus making it snow in the process as I mumbled to myself. Getting lost in my racing thoughts.

"You're channeling your inner Midoriya. I see," Shoto's voice stops my pacing and I turned to look at him, a slight blush crept along my cheeks.

"I was getting worried. I was the first to pass and was the only one from class until now," I replied as he stood in front of me, placing his hands on my hips. Mine rested on his chest, checking for injuries.

"Have you lost faith in me already?" He joked leaning forward, placing a gentle kiss on my lips.

"Not at all, but you of all people know that it's in my nature to worry," I replied offering up a smile and we both walked over to sit to the side. Like the total introverts that we are, avoiding any conversation from the other participants.

"Um Andrea there something I need to tell you that's been bothering me. Now is probably not the best time but it's been eating me alive," Shoto says after a few minutes of silence. I could tell it was important to him, seeing as he addressed me by my full first name.

"What's wrong Sho?" I asked looking over at him with concern. He gently took my hands in his, eyes locking onto mine.

"That memory you accidentally showed the class the other day. Where you told Touya that we all still had faith in him, telling him not to give up. Well the truth is my family, they believe Touya to be dead," he explained looking down at his lap with sad eyes.

"WHAT!" I exclaimed eyes wider than the grand Canyon. This whole time they all thought he was dead, not knowing he's been around this whole time. And in league with villains none the less "What about you? Did you believe that too," I had to know, the idea of them really thinking that wounded me deeply. Their own brother was alive and they have no idea.

He sighed heavily, ashamed "Yes, up until that day you came back from the store with Katsuki. I thought he was dead, but you were as close to him as you are to me so I knew you'd know it was him. Even if he looks different. How did you recognize it was him?" The gutted look on his face made my eyes brim with tears.

"His eyes, I'd recognize them anywhere," I state reaching up to cup his left cheek, gently rubbing my thumb under that lovely blue eye.

"Why did you believe Touya was alive this whole time?" He asks leaning into my touch and he reached up to caress my hand that was holding his face.

"Mom told me that he just ran away. I knew she was telling the truth, but I'm not sure why she didn't tell your father that his son is alive," I sighed, my face became flustered as I realized we're were basically trauma dumping in the middle of a hero license exam.

"Aunty Andy knew too. Why keep this from us?" He says raising a brow. This whole thing was becoming far more confusing then before. To think that my mother kept this from one of her closest work friends.

"I'm not sure," I admit letting out a yawn, and leaned over with my head resting on his shoulder I managed to drift off to sleep. Clearly wishing to just go to bed, but there was still another part of the test after all this.

"I miss Kat," I sighed waking up after thirty minutes as another announcement went on. My eyes focused as Kyoka, Tsu, Shoji and Yaomomo shuffled towards us, looking around for our other classmates.

"Who's the needy one now?" He chuckled and the two of us stood, greeting our friends with smiles. Mine more prominent than his.

"Well we had no doubt you both would pass. I'm surprised Bakugo isn't here yet," Yaomomo voices her praise and it was then I noticed they all were a bit bent out of shape.

Putting my hands together I focused on that pink light from a few days ago. Since discovering it I've been working on learning how to use it and have uncovered cool things about it. Pulling my hands apart there was this wall like structure of the healing power. It stretched until I morphed it to cast over all of them at once.

Yaomomo perked up, feeling better after likely using alot of her lipids to pass. Tsu seemed more awake, and Shoji looked more aware. The cut of Kyoka's ear healed leaving no trace it was ever there. They gasped upon seeing what I just did.

"That breakdown the other day opened up a whe new aspect to my power and I was experimenting with it. Now I can heal bigger injuries and more people at once," I explained with a bright smile, gently clapping my hands together.

We all stood around talking as we all waited to see if our other classmates made it through the test. This process was tedious to say the least.....

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