Chapter 58

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I was extremely excited to start the study, this was a great opportunity to work in the field as a semi pro. Which would potentially get our names out there, so we'd make our debuts as young heroes. Trying to leave for said study was the hard part, at least right now it was.

"Come on Bakubro, she's got to leave. And you have to get to class with Todoroki," Kiri tells my angry pouty boyfriend who currently had me in a death grip. His head burried into my neck, refusing to let me go.

"Then I'll just have to come with her," he replied, sounding grumpy. I knew it was partly because he was upset that him and Shoto didn't get to participate in studies like this. They had to get the license first before being able to advance to our level.

It did make me feel bad for them, since they had to attend class whilst some of their closest friends go to go out and work directly with heroes. Another reason he didn't want me to leave, was solely the fact that he didn't want me to get hurt when him or Shoto weren't there to protect me. Even though they knew I could handle myself, they still worried. Just as I worried for them.

"The quicker you let Drea go, then the quicker we can head to class. And she can head to the study. Meaning the quicker she can return back to us," Shoto tried bargaining with Katsuki, pulling his arms from around my waist.

This just made the blond jump, wrapping his legs around my legs. Causing me to squeak, lifting my arms to hold under his thighs so he didn't fall.

"We'll walk them to class," I turned to look at Kiri who nodded, before the four of us began walking towards the school. Katsuki holding on to me tightly, like his life depended on it. And I could feel him smirking against my neck.

"He's lucky you guys needed to pick up your costumes," Shoto chuckled from beside me. He was walking with his hand on the small of my back, knowing that I was strong enough to carry the angry man baby. It was just for a better support.

"I always knew there was a softy under all that gruff," Kiri jokes as he held the classroom door open for me. And I trudged through, gaining some goofy looks from those who still had attended lessons.

"Repeat that Shitty hair and I'll blast you to hell," Kat growls as I giggled, setting him down in his seat. Bending down to kiss him goodbye since I knew if I didn't then I'd never hear the end of it when I got back. Giving Shoto a kiss as well, I grabbed my costume case going back over to Kiri who waited patiently.

"Oh Momo could I borrow your notes later. Don't want to fall behind my studies, and Shoto if you could pick up mine and Kiri's assignments that would be lovely," I asked them waving to everyone. The two nodded as everyone else wished us luck.

Together we met up with Tamaki after changing into our costumes. The third year looked just as anxious and socially awkward as he usually did. I've never seen him fight but he had to be great if he achieved a spot in the big three.

"We don't bite you know. Don't let Kiri's teeth intimidate you," I tried to joke to make him feel better as we sat together on the train.

He let out a heavy sigh, one that could put shame to Shoto's "I wanna go home," he was staring heavily at the floor. Shaking with shyness along with anxiety, it made me sympathize with the poor dude. I waved my hand over his, glowing blue as people around us watched. He suddenly relaxed, but not fully. But I smiled knowing he was slightly more calm.

"I know how you're feeling Tamaki, when I first got here my anxiety was so bad to the point my weather quirk acted up. I can't even count the amount of times I've made it snow in class. Or caused mini hurricanes to sprout from my hands," I tell him trying to give morale support despite hardly knowing the boy.

"Yeah or sometimes she'd make it so cold that our nipples would freeze," Kiri adds with a chuckle, and the boy managed to crack the faintest of smiles. Which was a win in our books.

The ride continued with light conversation between Kiri and I as we did our best to include the shy boy. Who mainly just listened, when this little girl came over. Stopping before me, a big smile on her face. She might've been no more than 4, a picture of me from the sports festival was clutched in her tiny hand.

"She was wondering if she could have your autograph. She's been a fan of yours since seeing you in the festival, plus your mother has inspired her to one day be a hero," the girls father states from a few feet behind her. This caused me to smile more.

"Of course it's not a problem," I replied and she took another step forward. I took the sharpie from her little hand, "What's your name darling?" I looked down at her seeing the smile on her face.

"Kimiko," she replied proudly, and I giggled before writing a little note to her, signing my hero name at the bottom. Not noticing a journalist taking pictures of the whole encounter.

"Your hero name is pretty," she says getting all bubbly and giggly. "May I have a hug," she asks and I nodded holding my arms out to her. Placing her on my lap so it wasn't at an awkward angle. Just then Kiri snapped a picture on his phone, a smirk on his face.

"I'm definitely sending that to Bakubro," he stated as Kimiko got off me, she clutched the autograph tightly to her chest.

"Thank you so much," her father states before the two got off at the next stop. I still couldn't believe that just happened. Like I knew our faces were out there just didn't know it was to that extent.

I peeked at his phone next to me, as he scrolled to the top of his camera roll to see the picture. When one caught my eye, and I pointed to it.

"What is that?" I asked and he chuckled clicking on the picture, it popped up to reveal the group who came to rescue Kat and I. Only they were in some kind of disguises, and I burst out laughing.

"Oh my goodness, what is that wig Shoto's wearing?" I asked looking down at my boyfriend in the photo, who was wearing this ridiculous black haired wig, that poorly covered his white hair. And he wasn't wearing it when we met up with him and Momo, so it must've flown off.

"We didn't want to draw attention to ourselves," he says shrugging his shoulders but I still asked him to send that to me, so I could show Kat.

We got off after the next two stops, and ventured to Fat Gums agency. And this was the start of the studies......

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