Chapter 5

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I let out a deep breath once back inside, leading Todoroki back into my room, making sure that he was sitting before I went on to explain everything.

"I was coming in front of the store, not paying attention to the world around me. Like an idiot. When I literally ran into Touya. He grabbed hold of me when I told him to leave me and you alone. He was starting to burn my wrist when Bakugo stopped him, saving me and then patching up my burn," I huffed out as much as I could, hoping it would take awhile for him to make sense of everything.

"That bastard, I can't believe he'd come back. And hurt you of all people," he growled, clenching both hands into tight fists.

"It's out of our hands, plus it's not like we can tell anyone. Come let's think about this later. We need sleep because I'm certain the real training starts tomorrow," I replied, placing a gentle hand on his arm, smiling when he relaxed.

Both of us prepared for bed and climbed into my bed. He pulled me into his chest and it didn't take long for either of us to fall asleep.

~The Next Day~

Normal classes had passed by surprisingly fast, as did lunch. So now everyone was gathered back within the confines of the classroom. I was doodling aimlessly in my sketch book, not paying much attention

That was until a loud noise came from the back of the room along with a booming voice screaming "ITS ALRIGHT BECAUSE I AM HERE!"

This caused me to literally flip my desk as I had been startled so bad by the sudden entrance. Not even noticing that All Might was currently in the class and was our teacher for this class. I heard a chuckle from behind me as I quickly righted the desk. My face flushed a deep crimson, no doubt.

"You dropped this Flower Power," Bakugo says as my sketch book appeared over my shoulder, just as everyone else began freaking out over All Might.

"Fucking hell," I muttered to myself, gently taking the book from his hand, quickly going back to my doodle.

As I did so, All Might went on to explain that today we would be doing mock hero/villian battles where we'd be put in groups. One team would be playing as hero's whilst the other, the villains.

The goal for the hero's was to obtain the fake weapon that was placed within the building we were going to use. And the villains had to defend it. The hero's win if they got the weapon, but the villains win if time runs out.

We were also given hero suits, that were designed as per our descriptions on our enrollment papers. Mine wasn't too flashy, it was a black tank top with leggings made for a comfortable but breathable material. Around my waist was a belt containing many pouches for seeds, which benefited my Chlorophyll quirk.

Around each wrist were cuffs that fired out air, this will help control air flow for when I used wind currents to fly. Topped off with cleated boots to help me dig into rough terrain so I didn't get thrashed around when manipulating the ground.

I couldn't help the excitement pumping through me as I picked up the metal case. Each one was numbered sort of reminding me of the game show Deal or No Deal.

"If I lose this I can finally yell 'WHERES MY SUPER SUIT!," I joked earning a laugh from Izuku who was also excited to be getting fighting suits.

"That makes you Frozone, Todo," I smirked at my best friend who was now standing with us. "Even though he's the one that says that, I claim that line,"

"See I'm not the only overly obsessed fan of something," Izuku giggled, yep that's right. As if this boy couldn't get anymore precious, he went and did that.

"Wait until she starts ranting about Harry Potter," Shoto sighed shaking his head as my eyes lit up. Rookie mistake dude.

"Speaking of, doesn't Aizawa remind you of...." I was cut off by a hand covering my lips, stopping my would be rant.

"If you say Sirius Black, I'm going to freeze you for eternity," He replied before removing his hand. Shit he knew me too damn well.

I smirked jumping like a lightbulb went off in my head "If you did that, then I'd be cryogenically frozen and in like 1000 years when global warming is shit then I'll melt and maybe found by scientists. In that time Quirks probably won't be around due to society always working in reverse. So then I'll be thought off as a god and maybe even be worshiped with temples and shrines," I state waving my hands around excitedly.

"Calm the hell down Flower Power, you damn nerd. You're as bad as Deku," Bakugo roared, his usual aggregated expression written on his face.

"Well you're fucking chipper this afternoon Katsuki," I rebutted rolling my eyes and shaking my head. He flipped me off before walking away, yet I couldn't help but giggle at his over reaction.

"That's the first time I think anyone talked back to him, other than Aizawa," Ochako says coming up beside me, linking our arms together. On the other side of her was this pretty short girl, with dark green hair. She seemed to sort of resemble a frog.

"His bark is worse than his bite," I say just shrugging my shoulders.

"Drea this is Tsu, her quirk allows her to have the abilities of frogs," Izuku introduced us and I smiled holding my free hand for her to shake.

"Nice to meet you. Ribbit," she says taking the hand. It was nice to start getting acquainted with everyone. I'm sure after today I'd likely know everyone's names. And their quirks.

"You as well Tsu," I say offering up another smile "This is my best friend Shoto Todoroki," the boy nodded his head in greeting at the girl before walking off towards the changing rooms.

"He seems very stoic and reserved," Ochako pointed out causing me to chuckle because she hit that on the nail, head on.

"There's a big ole softy underneath that walled off exterior," I admit and we all walked to the changing rooms. Going into the designated ones for boys and girls.

Once ready we were all gathered in the training arena that All Might told us to gather in. There he began explaining everything and who we were paired with.

"Young Mitchell, due to the uneven numbers I've placed you with Jirou and Kaminari. I think your quirks will pair well with there's," All Might says looking at me, and I felt like exploding. The number one hero was talking to me, in front of the whole class.

Trying to keep my cool I just nodded hoping that I didn't mess anything up. We all went into this command center type room where screens were placed along the back wall.

Ochako and Izuku were playing the hero's for this round whilst Iida (who I hadn't been introduced to yet) and Bakugo were playing the villains.

Hopefully things go quick, and nothing too extreme happens.....

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