Chapter 18

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Chatter was heard all around us, and there was this guy peeking over the wall from the stands next to us. He seemed to be sprouting insults our way, like he was jealous of us or something. You could tell by the way he was trying to tear us down with his words.

My vines crept down from my wrists as they began gliding over the heads of our classmates, who were watching with smirks on their faces. Yet I was still just standing there next to Bakugo, my face void of any emotion.

One vine crept up the wall and suddenly began stroking the dudes face, and I tried holding in the laugh I was about to have, from seeing the look on his face. The other vine was just dangling in the air, and the guys eyes followed it wondering what it was going to do. Mind you I wasn't going to hurt him, but at least try and frighten him a bit.

"I think we've finally met someone with a bigger ego than Kat, such a shame really as he wears his pride like a badge of honour," I called out as my classmates snickered at the statement, "You better be careful, I know first hand what pride can do to someone in the hero world. It's not a pretty outcome." and with that my vines came back.

Suddenly the boy was lifted away from the wall and a pretty red headed girl peeked over, giving us an apologetic smile.

"Sorry about him," she stated before ducking back down once more. Well that truely was an interesting interaction.

Present Mic began talking once more over the speakers, announcing the next match was about to begin. That's when my nerves began acting up once more. I wouldn't let it affect my quirk this time as I took deep breaths.

"Speaking of big egos. I overheard you talking to Endeavor in the hallway," Bakugo leaned over to whisper in my ear, although I'm sure none of the class could hear him over our English teachers loud voice.

"All of it?" I asked letting out a deep sigh, I never thought I'd be having this discussion with him, especially since I was so good at keeping things about Todoroki's life a secret. Although technically I didn't reveal it on purpose.

"I really wasn't trying to eavesdrop, but I couldn't help it," he admitted before turning back to look at the ring, where Todo and Izuku were now standing. Getting into a fighting stance.

As soon as they were given the green light, Shoto shot a massive stream of ice at Deku, who countered the move by flicking it with his index finger. The impact causing the ice to break apart sending wind and ice everywhere. Nearly freezing people in the stands, again. Shoto had placed a wall of ice behind himself so he didn't get thrown out of bounds.

I did notice that Deku had broken that finger, and realized that he was going to put up a great fight, only at the cost of his limbs. He'd likely only leave here in a body bag.

"That guy that I protected you from that night, he's....." He trailed off as if trying to believe it himself.

"One of Shoto's older brothers, the eldest one of the two. Touya has Endeavors quirk, only he creates blue flames. Which are hotter than the normal red flames, I mean Endeavors got blue flames too. But Touya's are only blue," I explained as I again watched Deku flick away the ice from another of Shoto's attacks. Breaking another finger.

"You said that you refused to let him ruin Todoroki like how he ruined his brother, does that mean? Did Endeavor?" He asked and I seemed to know where he was going with that question.

"Did he cause that irreversible damage to his own sons body? Yes because he's such an egotistical bastard that is too worried about his image that he only strived to create powerful children, ruining their lives along with his wifes life by physically driving the poor woman insane," I finally explained a portion of it, hoping Shoto won't be mad at me for telling someone. But I knew Bakugo wasn't going to say anything to anyone else about it.

"Is what why Todoroki doesn't use his fire, to defect and rebel against his father," Katsuki asks and I looked over at him, to see that he was genuinely curious about this whole thing. Did he actually care about Shoto? Hmm I wonder.

"Shoto only sees that bastard when he looks at that side of himself. Although I'm sure you heard me talking to him after the calvary battle, he was so ashamed to use that side," I sighed looking down at my hands which were fiddling with the end of my jacket.

"Makes sense, if I was like Todoroki and my father treated me like shit I'd rebel against him too," he replied as we both continued to watch the match.

Shoto kept shooting off ice at Deku, yet the boy still deflected it by breaking his bones. I'm not sure what they were talking about, but I could see their mouths moving. Also Shoto had ice in patches across his right side, which wasn't a good sign. He was reaching his limit for how much ice he could use.

Yet Deku wouldn't back down, even going as far as hurting one of his damaged fingers even more and at this rate I couldn't watch anymore.

"They're going to kill eachother, I can't watch this," I mumbled before turning and pressing my face into Bakugo's chest, clinging slightly to the front of his jacket. He wrapped an arm around me, and ran his fingers through my split coloured hair. I could hear the battle raging on behind me. Gasps sounding all around.

"ITS NOT HIS QUIRK, ITS YOURS!" Deku suddenly screamed out, and for some reason that made me clutch Bakugo tighter, from this angle I couldn't see some of our classmates looking up at us, with devilish looks on their faces.

"Um Andrea you might want to see this," Bakugo says in my ear and I figured he must be serious as he used my name for the first time ever. Not calling me the nickname that I'd come to like.

Lifting my head from his chest, I turned looking down at the platform, eyes wide and mouth gapping like a fish out of water. Fire was now erupting in the arena, causing heat to fill the open space.

"Shit," I state causing my classmates to look up at me as fear shined in my eyes, I felt my body tremble as tears appeared at the corner of my eyes.

"What's wrong?" Mina asks and I felt my world crashing down on me, it was essentially good that he was accepting that part of him. Which I'm proud of but it's the downsides that are what I'm worried about.

"He's not trained that side of his power well. Sure he does well when he rarely uses it, but he's never casted flames that big," I stated before rushing down to the front, leaning my hands on the bar as I watched what was happening.

Just then Endeavor began screaming at Shoto, giving him praise for using that side, and that was one thing I was afraid of. However I couldn't seem to hold my tongue.

"SHUT UP YOU ARROGANT PRICK HE'LL NEVER BE LIKE YOU!" I screamed causing a few of my classmates to gasp, but Bakugo chuckled as he was now stood next to me. The crowd were also shocked as Present Mic explained that I really didn't like the pro hero. Due to personal reasons, although I'm not sure how he knew about that. I just hope my mother didn't scold me later for my sudden rash behavior.

Just as both of them were about to use their finishing moves, a mountain of cement pillars were placed in between them but the cooling then sudden rise in the temperatures caused a massive explosion. Wind pushed me back but I stayed in place as I moved the currents around me.

When the dust cleared Deku, was out of bounds and really beat up. Shoto was still standing in the ring, although the left part of his shirt was melted off. That's all I could take before rushing out of the stands.......

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