Chapter 19

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The sounds of sneakers on cement filled my ears as I made my way to the main waiting area of the arena, letting out a breath of relief as I saw Shoto walking down the hall towards me. My feet pushed me forward and I practically launched my arms around his neck. Clinging onto him for dear life.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, burying his face into the crook of my neck for a few seconds, then lifted his head back up. I pulled away slightly, placing my hands on either side of his face. They glowed blue as I gave him some of my strength.

"You both could've killed eachother, what happened?" I finally asked looking up at him with a worried expression.

"Midoriya said something that made me remember her. I remembered my mother before that bastard drove her into madness. She use to always see the best in me, just as you do. And I was a fool to ever forget that," he explained dropping his hands back to his sides, after he said that I smacked him upside the head. "What was that for?" He rubbed his head as I shook mine.

"That's for both of you nearly giving me a heart attack, I'll slap Deku later after he's all better. Also you should probably get a new jacket, if any rogue girls see you like that they might attack," I replied with a chuckle as I stepped back motioning to his very toned body that was half on display.

"What makes you think any of the girls here are attracted to me?" He asks with a smirk, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I've caught a few members of our school ogling over you, especially some in our class during harsh training. I'm telling you it's the brooding mysterious persona you have, it really draws their attention," I teased, wiggling my brows "I've even seen some of the guys staring as well." This caused him to get flustered, which was intriguing. Only I've ever seen him like that, I don't think anyone else knew he ever got like that.

"Now I know you're spewing bullshit," he chuckled trying to shake the thought out of his head.

"I'm not Sho, you're quite attractive. Why wouldn't you garner the attention of our fellow peers," I state looking up at him with a big grin, and he knew I wasn't lying. You see that's the thing about us being so close. We knew each other's tells when it came to stuff like that.

"Just like how you gain their attention too. Because of your radiant beauty," he adds causing my chest to swell at the compliment.

"Right, see you're getting it. Now go get a new shirt, I'm gonna try and plan for my fight against Katsuki," I tell him before kissing his cheek and leaving to enter the waiting room.

Hours passed and it was now my time to shine, or at least shine as brightly as I could. There was no denying that I was strong and a good fighter, but even I'll admit that Bakugo is stronger than me. And he wouldn't hold back.

People might think it wrong of him when he does go all out, probably seeing him as a bad person for not taking it easy on a girl.

But you see from what I've learned of the boy over this last awhile of watching him during training and what not. Is that to him every opponent is equal to him even if they are a girl. So he doesn't hold back because he knows that if anyone is fighting against him, then they deserve a chance to prove that they are equal.

Unless it's a villain, that is. Because then he really doesn't show mercy, but if he's fighting against someone in class for training, it's different.

I stood on the platform across from him. All traces of that caring boy who soothed my nerves earlier, gone. Replaced with the fierce and aggressive boy I've come to like and slightly admire.

He wasted no time firing a blast off at me once Midnight gave the word. The heat from it caused my skin to glisten with sweat as I quickly rolled out of the way. My reaction time and reflexes just as, if not better than his.

Once I came up from the roll, there was not time to waste as I shot whipping winds at him from the clouds I created overhead when I was rolling. They pushed him back with great force, causing his clothes and hair to ripple violently.

He blasted off two shots behind him, which propelled him forward at a high velocity. Slamming into me, he rolled us across the ground before pinning me to the floor. Hands gripped tightly around my wrists.

He looked down at me with a determined look, not seeing me lift my hand slightly, and a bolt of lightning hit the ground next to us. The sound caused him to flinch as he dived out of the way to avoid the electricity.

"That all you got Flower Power," he yelled with a smirk as I sprung to my feet once more. Quickly blocking the punch that he was throwing my way, and from watching the training exercise for when we played as heroes or villains, I knew he always lead an attack with a right hook. So I was expecting it.

"Oh little Nuke, I'm just getting started," I replied as my leg swung around, catching him in the ribcage. He stumbled trying to grab that leg, but I was too quick once more dodging him.

This went one for awhile, and the crowd seemed to enjoy it. Cheering to no end when one of us made a good hit or dodge attacks. Eventually I was getting tired and wanted it to be over, so I stood in the center of the ring.

Raising my arms high around me, wind currents erupted all around me, shifting and creating hurricane grade wind. It rushed around violently heading right for Bakugo, who seemed to sense I'd do something like this.

At the last second he rushed forward before using his blasts to once again fly towards me. It happened so fast that I couldn't counter in time, and his body collided with mine. The sheer force knocked both of us back, hitting the ground hard.

The momentum made me roll alot, until I finally stopped. For a few seconds I laid there catching my breath.

"Andrea Mitchell is out of bounds. The winner is Katsuki Bakugo," Midnight declared and I sighed. Looking around I saw that part of my right hand was over the line.

"Shit!," I mumbled slowly sitting up. Only to see a hand waiting for me, which I took. He helped me up, and the look from before was now replaced with a smile.

"Damn Flower Power, you really do put up a good fight. Well done," he says as the crowd around him cheered. Meanwhile Midnight was gushing over us.

"Oh my god, don't they make a cute couple folks," she called out to the crowd, which caused us to look at her. Suddenly my cheeks became hot, why did she have to say something like that.

"Um we're not a couple," I tried to inform her but she was too busy gushing to even hear what I said, and with that the two of us left the arena.

Our faces were as red as tomatoes........

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