Chapter 35

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It's now the next day, time to head out to the camp which was exciting. We were all gathered in the classroom, as Aizawa explained things to us, like how everything was going to go. Once everything had been gone over, we all walked outside to wait for our bus.

Ochako seemed a bit too excited for such an early hour. Flinging her arms around excitedly, and standing a bit too close to Deku, who was red in the face. I could definitely ship them. They would be a cute couple.

Monoma from class 1-B came over to where we all stood, once again being very weird and claiming he was better than our class. I guess he didn't really learn his lesson during the festival when I scared him with my vines.

Luckily Kendo clocked him on the back of his head and the egotistical blonde slumped to the floor and Kendo carried him onto their bus. Calling out for the rest of the class to join them.

"He could really give you a run for your money Kat," I joked nudging my ego driven boyfriend in the ribs with my elbow.

"I'm way better than that extra," he replied causing me to giggle.

"That just proved my point babe," I whispered to him, and his cheeks went a bit pink as he shook his head. Trying to keep up with his image of not giving a fuck.

Iida then began shouting at us to get on the bus in the correct seating order. So we all followed the class reps orders, getting on in an orderly fashion. I was beside Kat with Shoto behind him, so at least we were all close. I'm not sure what was going on really, as travelling long distances like this made me sleepy. So I pretty well fell asleep as soon as the bus started moving. Lying my head on Kat's shoulder.

Once again stirring the pot on all the bets people were making over who I was dating. And the only reason I knew there were bets was due to Kouda telling me, saying he felt bad that the others were just openly discussing such things without my knowledge.

Of course since I was asleep, I absentmindedly cuddled into him. Thus fueling the fire even more so, not that Kat minded being used as a pillow.

My sleep was ended an hour or so later when the bus stopped. Aizawa told us all to get out, and I was happy to stretch my legs out. Knowing that this was more then meets the eye.

Mineta was rushing about trying to find a place to go to the bathroom, but as I thought, it wasn't a normal rest stop. Meaning it was part of the camp exercise. The doors of a black car parked by opened, and two girls got out. They were dressed like cats, talking about this being the start of the camp, and we had to make our way through the woods to get there.

If we didn't get there by noon we'd miss lunch and have to go hungry. A few of them were about to argue when the ground shook underneath us. And I braced myself, knowing I couldn't use me quirk out here. We were jostled about as the ground lifted us over the railing above the canyon. And we're tossed into the forest below.

We were told that in order to make it to camp we'd have to cross the monster forest. But since it was on private property we were free to use our quirks however we liked. Mineta had ran to the tree line trying to find a place to relieve himself when a rock monster came at him.

Deku sprang forward, activating his full quirk, taking Mineta out of the cross fire. I knelt down, slamming my fist into the earth, shaking the whole forest around us. The monster broke apart just as Todo and Bakugo fired attacks at it. Which hit the same time mine had. Crushing the beast into dust.

"You want us to fight monsters, I'll give you monsters of my own," I smirked touching a tree, it sprang to life. A mouth of jagged bark like teeth morphed in the middle of the trunk as eyes rested above it. Limbs turning into arms of their own.

I did it to a few shrubs as well as my classmates watched in awe, at least the ones who never saw me do this. Which was the majority of them if we're being honest.

"DIE!" Kat screamed as more rock monsters came forward. He blasted them repeatedly as the rest of the class sprang into action. Using our quirks to work in tandem with eachother.

I was running alongside Shoto and Bakugo, the latter of which was complaining that Shoto was getting in his way. Making a competition out of it like he normally did, while also putting up the act in case our classmates were listening.

"Then choose a different path," Shoto replied also keeping up the act of them not getting along.

"Just date already you old married couple," I chuckled as I blasted a rock monster with lighting, and it exploded nicely. My plant monsters were scattered throughout the forest, helping the others complete the tasks we had been given.

This went on for hours, fighting our way through the fucking woods chased by rock monsters. Which at least I had some control over, well not fully but I could dismantle them with a single touch. Good for the times when I was able to get close to them.

By the time we got to the camp it was definitely supper time. We were all exhausted and extremely tired from the harsh fighting we had to do. Alot of us were drained completely, even I couldn't do check ups on them. I was too sore and my body felt like lead. We all looked like zombies at this point, thank god I didn't have to use the bathroom yet. It would've been embarrassing to have to do it in a forest.

I was carrying Toru on my back as she twisted her ankle in the last mile of the forest. Some ice should bring it back to normal, of course it was hard to accommodate an injury that I couldn't see. If I felt better after, then I'll heal it myself.

Hopefully we got to rest a bit before any more harsh challenges arrive for us to tackle. Camp has officially begun......

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