Chapter 15

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Once Todoroki was secured on mine and Denki's shoulders, we surveyed the scene. Looks like Deku had chosen Ochako for his team along with Tokoyami and this girl from the support class who had a bunch of gadgets on her. Making me think of Tony Stark.

As soon as competition started, everyone made a beeline for Deku's team, not wasting anytime at trying to obtain his head band. But nobody more eager to claim it then those of Class 1-B, or Bakugo for that matter. We skirted around all the chaos, watching everything as it unfolded.

So far nobody was gunning for our team, even though we had the second and fourth place winners on it. Of course due to our quick thinking and Shoto's awesome planning skills, we were doing fine at defending our headband, even gaining a few of our rivals along the way.

Deku's strategy was just to run away from everyone, relying on the others for quick escapes and dark shadow to defend their blind spots.

Bakugo flung himself in the air, blasting his way to where Deku and his team were flying out of a trap one of 1-B's students put them in. However dark shadow had stopped him before he could reach for the head band on the green haired boys head. He began falling back towards the field however Sero had caught him with tape and pulled him back to their team.

Time seemed to go by too slow yet too fast at the same time. It wasn't long before the end of this thing came up.

We'd ended up one on one with Deku's team, as Todoroki encased the area in ice. Blocking off the other teams from trying to get that headband.

In the last grueling minutes of this whole thing Iida had told us to hold on for dear life. He revved his engines and yelled out a finishing type move, suddenly we were being propelled at top speed. I clung to Denki and Todo for dear life as we shot straight for Deku, Todoroki grabbed the head band clean off the stunned boys head.

We stopped a few feet away and I felt like the bottoms of my sneakers were on fire.

"Holy shit, that was cool. But I'm sure my life flashed before my eyes just now," I blurted out as I let got of Denki, who looked just as shell shocked.

Iida then went on to explain what just happened, and that doing that move stalled his engines. But who cares, now that we have Deku's band, we're prime target now. He told his team to move, as they raced forward trying to get it back.

I could see Deku finally use his quirk, the power shining green beneath his skin. And he was aiming a shot right at Todoroki's left side, which was now spurting flames. Oh shit, this isn't good.

Deku had just swiped the air which stunned Todoroki who looked appalled about what he had just done, and one of our headbands was taken. Luckily it was only 70 points, we mixed them up so that we'd keep the big one.

Of course time was ticking down as Bakugo blew his way through the ice, making his way towards Deku, however when he noticed the lack of headband, turned towards us. We got Denki to fire off electricity and Todoroki created a spear of ice. I tried blasting the boy off course when the timer went off. And Bakugo landed on the ground, in defeat. Pounding the ground like a child having a fit.

In a slight turn of events however, dark shadow managed to grab the band on Todoroki's head. Putting Deku's team in fourth place.

Todo got off of us and just stood there, holding his left hand out in shame. Looking at it as if repulsed by it. He'd used that side in battle, once again breaking that moral that he had. The first time to save me, but this time to declare victory.

I walked over slowly grabbing that hand, rubbing my fingers along his knuckles. My heterochromic eyes looking into his.

"You're not him Shoto, and you'll never be like him. In everyway you are better, it's strictly your quirk. How you use it defines you, not what he wants you to be. Don't beat yourself up over it, because eventually the guilt will consume you. And I refuse to let you fall when you've come so far already," I spoke softly to him, and I watched as his breath hitched in the back of his throat.

I took a step forward, moving my hand from his and onto his left cheek, gently brushing my thumb along the edge of his scar. And I felt him lean slightly into my touch.

For a moment the world disappeared and it was just the two of us. We'd tuned out our fellow classmates who were watching the scene unfold. Not even noticing the jealous look on Bakugo's face as he too stood by and watched.

"There is nothing wrong with that side of you. Nothing at all. It's just as perfect as your right side. Opposite sides to the same coin, they clash yet work together all the same. In tandem with the other. There's beauty in both sides, yet you can't see it. Because all you see when you look at that side is him. He's caused enough turmoil to your family, and I will not let you fall down the same path as Touya," I could see a small tear forming in his eye that I quickly wiped way as he took in my words.

"Drea," he whispered letting out a deep sigh, not knowing what else to say. I stood on my tiptoes and pressed a kiss into his left cheek. The skin there ran hotter than normal people, that's just how his quirk worked. Not hot enough to hurt.

"There are many things that I'd change in this world. But you're not one of them," I admit giving him a smile. I could almost feel his father's eyes watching us, probably wondering what was being said.

He definitely saw Shoto use the fire, and most likely would have something to say about it. If that happened I knew Shoto would tear his father a new asshole in the most dramatic and sulky way possible.

Our team was in first place, with Bakugo in second. Someone from another course in third and Izuku in four. Meaning we'd all be advancing into the fighting portion of the tournament. The quarterfinals were upon us. All of us were one step closer to winning......

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