Chapter 30: Venom vs Tony

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Shocked by what he had done, Tony charges for Peter and tries to blast him but thankfully for Peter, he sensed the attack coming and got out of the way. "Tony Stark," Peter said but with more venom in his voice than before. "You tortured me with your experiments, trying to learn what you can about me but see that's the funny part, you learned nothing about me." 

Tony looks at Peter and raises his hand. "I only asked you for your help in Germany, Peter. I never did any experiments on you. What kind of animal do you think I am?" Peter begins to laugh, but something wasn't right. It wasn't Peter, it was the suit. The suit was laughing as Venom began to reveal his true form. His slimy texture was enough to make anyone's skin crawl, but the worst part was his sharp and pointy teeth holding back his long and rubbery tongue. "Parker didn't say that. It was me."

Venom lunges at Tony as Peter watches helplessly as Venom has taken full control of his body. "I refuse to go back to that lab. I refuse to be experimented on again." Venom backhands Tony into a nearby wall before lunging at him again, grabbing his head and throwing him aside again. 

As the fight between Venom and Tony intensifies, Dante looks up and smirks before pulling himself out of the wall. "Damn, that kid is screwed." Wanda jumps and turns to see Dante standing there with his sword through his chest. "This isn't the first time this has happened to me. My brother was the first to do this to me." Dante pulls his sword out of his chest and leans on it. 

Tony shoots at Venom with supersonic soundwaves which weakens Venom. Venom begins to scream out in pain from the noise and Tony goes to tear Peter away from Venom before a sudden punch knocks Tony back. "Stay away from him, Stark!" Peter calls out through Venom before Venom reattaches himself back onto Peter. 

Tony and Wanda both look at Peter in shock, whilst Dante just smirks at the sight. "I won't let you take him." Peter prepares himself for an attack from Tony but nothing. Tony just stood there. "Peter..." Tony tries to say but Peter cuts him off. "No, this is where YOU zip it. I will not in good conscious let you take Venom again. He may not be human but he still feels... he's not a monster." Peter looks over at Wanda, remembering all the bad things that were said about Wanda when she and Pietro both worked for Ultron. "He's lost and needs guidance. Needs someone who cares for him. It's funny. I know someone else who was also in that position." 

Tony, still staring at Peter, stands up. "You're a fool, Peter. It's only saying that to you so it can turn you into a monster. It's lying to you!" Tony charges for Peter but this time Peter also charges for Tony. Just as they were about to collide, Dante jumped in between them and pushed them aside. "Sorry to interrupt, but that was beautiful, kid. Unfortunately, I still need the suit, so hand it over."

Peter slowly looks up to face Dante. "If you want him, you'll have to take him, but you already knew that," Dante smirks at Peter's response but before the two could clash it out, Peter's spidey sense starts to go off. 

 Before Peter could react quickly enough, a large metal beam hit Peter off the building and he fell unconscious. "NO!" Venom screams out as he takes over, catching Peter on the side of the building. Venom looks up and sees Wanda and Dante jumping down to him. With an urge to protect Peter, Venom leaps from the side of the building and lands on a nearby roof. Unfortunately, before he could get far enough, Tony landed right in front of Venom. "Round 2."

Tony charges for Venom and Venom does the same. Leaping over Tony, Venom extends his arms and sticks to Tony's suit. "Well, shit," Tony says before Venom slams him down on the roof and he begins to go wild, tearing at Tony's suit, ripping it apart. "No, you don't," Tony in retaliation blasts Venom off him with his arc reactor on the suit.

Venom jumps back up and prepares himself for another attack. Tony's suit begins to repair itself. "Interesting, maybe you did learn something from me." Venom chuckles to himself. "Nanotechnology, son," Tony responds as he flies up, charging up the super-sonic blast. Venom was ready for this and waited for the attack. 

When the blast was fully charged, Tony aimed it at Venom and fired at him. Venom, with a small smirk, jumped out of the way of the blast radius and stretched his arms out again, sticking to Tony's legs and pulling him back down on the roof. "I would rather die than go back to that lab, STARK!" Venom roars as he slowly approaches Tony and picks him up. 

Before Venom could finish Tony off, Dante stabs Venom in the back which makes him drop Tony. "That's for throwing me and stabbing me with my sword," Dante says from behind. Venom goes for a backhand swing but Dante dashes away from the attack and throws Venom up in the air before hacking and slashing at Venom. 

With one final slash, Peter falls out to the ground and Dante traps Venom in a glass jar he hid in his jacket. "There we go, you got your boyfriend back," Dante says, turning back to face Wanda before she runs to Peter's side. "Oh, Peter. I'm sorry, I had to." Wanda cries as she holds Peter close to her. Wanda was the one who picked up the beam with her powers and struck Peter with it. 

Dante helps Tony up and hands him the jar. "My job here is done. As much as I love the kid, however, I did this for pay. How will I be..." Tony pulls out an envelope and hands it to Dante. "$50,000 in cash. Thank you." Dante takes the envelope and puts it in his jacket pocket. "Pleasure doing business with you, Stark." Dante begins to walk away.

"Oi, Danny Phantom." Dante turns to see Peter is awake and struggling to get up. "When we meet again, I want a rematch." Dante chuckles and continues to walk away. "Well, I'll be sure to keep in touch. Adios, kid." Dante salutes Peter before falling back off the building. 

Peter gets up and stands up. "I don't blame you, Wanda. But next time, don't knock me out." Wanda chuckles as she holds Peter up. Before Tony could fly off with Venom, Peter snatched the jar out of Tony's hand. "Leave him with me. He doesn't want to go back to that lab." Tony looks at Peter with an angry expression. 

"Peter, that thing is dangerous. You don't know what that thing is capable of." Peter turns to face Tony, with empathy in his eyes. "I'm willing to take the risk if it means I can help him. Like May used to say, 'You help someone, you help everyone'." Tony rolls his eyes before extending his arm out. "Give me the alien, Peter." 

Peter retaliates by responding, "Over my dead body, I refuse to take him back." Wanda tries jumping into the argument, taking Tony's side. "Peter, I hate to admit it, but he's right. I can see where you're coming from and I love you for it but without the right tests, we can't be sure what its interior motive is. How can we even trust it?"

Peter looks at Venom and sighs in defeat. "I guess if you're agreeing with Tony, I must be the one in the wrong. Fine, take him but I wanna be there for the tests." Tony nods and agrees to Peter's request. Tony takes the jar from Peter and flies back to Avengers HQ. "He's not evil. He just needs help." Peter says to Wanda before swinging off, following Tony to Avengers HQ. Leaving Wanda on the roof. 

"Bless your heart, Peter. Always trying to see the good in everyone and everything." Wanda says to herself with a small smile, before using her powers to fly to Avengers HQ with Peter and Tony. 

Dante watches from afar, with the same smirk he always has on his face. He was waiting for someone. "I thought you would be here sooner, but I guess if bullets could hit you..." Dante turns around to face Pietro. "You kept him alive? I told you to kill him!" Pietro yells at Dante. "One bullet to the head is all it would take but no, you couldn't..." Before Pietro can finish Dante pulls out one of his guns and points it at Pietro.

"You are wrong about Peter and I would rather die a thousand times before I even consider killing him. You, however, I'd be more than happy to put a bullet in your head. But this time, your death would be permanent." Pietro stares down the barrel of Dante's gun before looking at him. "Fine, but you'll regret it. I can promise you that." And just like that, Pietro was gone. 

"One day." Dante puts away his gun and walks off, the sun setting behind him. 

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