Chapter 27: A theft

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*4 hours later* *Peters POV*

I woke up on the couch with Wanda sleeping on top of me. I saw that it was dark out and took a look at the time. 2:30 in the morning? Holy shit, Wanda and I must have slept like babies. 

I quickly and quietly slipped from under Wanda and picked her up, bridal style, and lead to my bedroom. I placed her on my bed when I felt my phone vibrating. I pulled my phone from my pocket and say it was Tony. I left the room and answered. 

*The phone call*

"Mr Stark, hey. What's..." I was interrupted by Tony panicking.

"The symbiote! It's gone! IT'S GONE!!!" Tony shouted as he continued to panic.

"Woah, Woah. Mr Stark. Calm down. I'm on my way too..." I got interrupted again.

"No, NO! You stay away! Banner told me and Clint that the symbiote was very interested in you, so if you come here, it may find you before you find it! So, just please stay away!" Tony hung up the phone

*The phone call ended* 

I looked at my phone and wondered what I had to do. I needed to find out what happened. Maybe I can assist Tony. No, he told me to stay away, so I should listen to him. I went back to my bedroom and laid next to Wanda and fell asleep. 

*The following morning* 

I awoke to the smell of pancakes being made in the kitchen. Was Wanda making pancakes? I got up and made my way to the kitchen and saw Wanda making pancakes. How many times am I gonna say pancakes? 

"Morning," I said, startling Wanda. She turned and smiled after seeing me with my morning hair and well, morning attitude. I was no longer a morning person. "Oh, someones cranky this morning. Everything okay?" Wanda asked as she was dishing up the last of the pancakes. I had to tell her the news. 

"Not really, Mr Stark phoned me at 2:30 in the morning to inform me that the symbiote is missing. After breakfast, I'm heading down to the lab to see what happened and how I could help." I said, before turning on the news. "Oh, well hey what do you know, the news is also covering it," I said as I was sitting down on the couch.

*'...we don't know where the symbiote has gotten but fear not America, we will find it. Now if you'll excuse me.' What you saw there was Dr Bruce Banner talking about this substance that has disappeared. He has warned many people that this thing is dangerous and The Avengers are doing the most they can to find this slime or whatever it is. We will keep you all updated as this story progresses. This is Bob Barbes of The Raptor news network, just doing Gods work.*

"We both gotta go, we gotta figure out how that went missing," Wanda said. I was just looking at the screen as commercials played. "Yeah, we need to. They might need help." I agreed. Wanda and I finished our pancakes and left as another news segment started. Which reminded me to turn off the tv, but I continued to watch for a second. 

*Welcome back to the Raptor News network. We have had reports that a white-haired man has been seen walking down the street with a massive sword on his back left on display and citizens are downright scared. He has even been seen walking around and eyeing surveillance cameras and shooting them. This dangerous individual must be found and stopped immediately because who knows what else he may do. In other news...* 

I switched the tv off. A white-haired man shooting surveillance cameras? That doesn't sound good but I have more important things to worry about. I ran out of my apartment to catch up with Wanda who was probably waiting for me. 

*Unknown pov*

I watched as the kid turned off his tv and ran out of his apartment. Asshole, I was watching that. I walked up the fire escape and made it up to the roof and watched as people walked by, chatting, laughing. Little do they know on what's really going on.

*Peters pov*

Wanda and I made it the lab and we ran inside. Mr Stark and Dr Banner were freaking out. "Peter, what did I say? Don't come here." Mr Stark said. I Ignored him and asked. "Did you guys check the security cameras? Maybe they can help." 

Dr Banner shook his head. "They got disabled when the symbiote went missing." This took me and Wanda by surprise. How did the security cameras get disabled? Unless... "What if it didn't disappear on its own accords? What if someone stole it?" I questioned. 

Bruce and Tony gave me a questionable look but allowed me to continue. "Think about it, the security cameras got disabled, the case has been destroyed from the outside..." I pointed at the case the symbiote was locked in. "...and look up at that air duct." I pointed up and everyone looked up. "The vent has been loosened. There is no way the symbiote would have to loosen the vent to get through." 

Bruce and Tony looked at each other and nodded their heads. "Not bad, kid. So, it was a theft. Our best bet right now is to figure out who was responsible. You two can stay but only because we could use the help. Now, let's get to work." Bruce said as we started going through everything that could help us find the culprit.

*Unknown POV, location unknown*

(Ring, ring, ring, ri...) I pick up the phone, "Sorry, we're closed for Maintainance. Please call back another time." I put the phone down and went to the fridge to grab a soda. "Ahh, Monster. You never fail me." I said as I took the can of Monster out of the fridge. I sat back down and that's when I got disturbed by my fellow co-worker, Trish.

"I thought I told you to stop drinking those. They aren't good for you." Trish lectured me. It was always in one ear and out the other. I didn't have time to worry about my health. "Trish, listen. You worry too much about me. You've got to relax." I said, trying to calm Trish down. That didn't end well, though. 

"RELAX!?! Dante, you're going out there, walking around with the rebellion out there for the world to see and shooting surveillance cameras! Are you trying to get yourself caught?" After going into hiding, I had no choice but to keep my identity a secret. Shame, that these people are blind to the real world.

"Say what you want, Trish. These people need my help. This world has gone to hell and someone has to do something about it. Now, if you'll excuse me. I've got a little alien I need to go find." I grabbed my rebellion and my girls, Ebony and Ivory, and left my establishment. That alien looked like it could hold a lot of power. Did he steal it? 

*Writers note*

Okay, so, I can already tell that there is a lot of confusion, let me explain. I wanted to add in different universes into this one and merge them together, so I'm adding in a bunch of universes. Starting with Devil May Crys universe. I have merged The original storyline with some hints from the reboot storyline because I thought it would've been fun. So, yeah. I hope this doesn't change your perspective of this story. I hope you guys enjoyed it and thanks for reading!

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