Chapter 15: Bad news

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*Peters POV two days later*

After Thor and Dr Banner returned with Loki, everything was cool. They told us stories of Ragnarok and how they had too fight each other and survive, the story was really awesome and much better than his other stories. 

However this isn't about the stories Thor has told us. My Aunt May was recently diagnosed with the dreadful C-word and it's terminal. She got diagnosed with it yesterday and well, I was destroyed. I lost my parents when I was 5 years old, I lost my Uncle to a convenient store robber when I was 14 and just recently gained my powers, now I'm losing my Aunt May. Life isn't fair.

My Aunt May told Mr. Stark and of course, Mr. Stark said, "When it comes to it, I'll adopt him, so he doesn't have to live in a foster home with foster parents." Mr. Stark thinks living with foster parents is the worst but it isn't that bad. A couple of people in my School live with foster parents and they still walk with their heads held high. 

Anyway, with this news I haven't really done much patrolling around Queens because the news crushed me. I can't go out fighting crime whilst being a depressed idiot. Thankfully though, Pietro was cool enough to patrol for me whilst I've been on my break. I just don't know what to do know.

*3rd Person POV, a few days later*

Peter woke up to his alarm ringing. He sighs and rolls over to shut it off. He gets up and gets dressed and makes his way to the kitchen. However, there was someone else there. Vision. "Vision?" Peter asked, in disbelief. "Ahh, good morning Mr. Parker. Mr. Stark asked me to come here and look after Mrs. Parker for you, when you go out." Vision said, cooking bacon and eggs. "Oh, okay. He could've given me a heads up. I'm just gonna brush my teeth then make my way to School." Peter said, making his way to the bathroom. "Do you not want breakfast Peter? It is the most important meal of the day." Vision asked, concerned for Peters health and wellbeing. 

"Yep, positive. I'm not feeling very hungry." Peter said, entering the bathroom. Vision sighed as he started putting the bacon and eggs on a plate and taking it to Aunt May. "Here you go, Mrs. Parker. Hope you enjoy." Vision said, handing the plate to Aunt May. "Oh, thanks Vision and please call me May. I'm not like that Tony." Aunt May said, laughing. Vision nodded his head and replied, "Of course, May. Peter is also, all ready for school and he should be leaving now." Just as Vision said that Peter walked in the room and walked up too his Aunt May and kissed her on her forehead and said, "I'll see you later, Aunt May. You just have plenty of rest."

"I will Peter, have a good day. I love you." May replied. Peter smiled and said, "I love you too, Aunt May." Vision led Peter to the front door, "Have a safe and good day and remember, if something bad happens, don't be a hero wait until someone else comes." Vision said, as they were heading to the front door. "I will, don't worry." Peter replied. "See you when I get back Vision. Thanks for looking after my Aunt May." 

"Of course, Peter. Now hurry along, don't wanna miss your train." Vision said, gesturing Peter to quickly hurry up. Peter started making his way to the train station and a certain someone drove past him speeding along the road, Flash Thompson. "He's gonna get booked by the police and I'm gonna laugh." Peter said to himself.  

*Meanwhile with Wanda and Pietro* 

"This has really destroyed him, Pietro. I haven't seen him in a while." Wanda said, close to tears. "I know, Wanda. Just give him some time, he'll come back." Pietro replied, hugging Wanda as she starts to cry. "I owe Peter my life for looking after you better than that asshole, Tony Stark, he won't just abandon you, I promise, because if he does I'll kill him." Pietro said, in a serious tone. 

Wanda stared at Pietro. "Don't kill Peter. You're right, he wouldn't abandon me. He just needs some time." Wanda said, reassuring herself. Pietro smiled, "It's all he needs. Anyway, come on. I know one thing that'll cheer you up." Pietro jumped from his seat, and headed straight to the shelves to look at the movies that Wanda had. "Wanna watch 'IT' not the remake, the original?" Pietro asked. "No, put on 'Cloverfield' that's a great film." Wanda replied. 

"'Cloverfield' it is." Pietro said, picking the movie from the shelf and taking the disk out and placing it the DVD player. Pietro pressed play and the movie began. Wanda cuddled in her brothers chest. Pietro smiled, "Like old times, huh?" Pietro laughed. 

Wanda giggled at that statement. "Yep, it is." Wanda replied. Pietro started to think to himself. *If Wanda falls asleep watching this, I'm gonna go see Peter, just to make sure he's okay.* They continue to watch the film and they enjoy it. 

*To be continued*

*Writers note*

Hey, guys. Shane here as you can tell. I am officially back and I am doing great even though typing this part was quite difficult as well, it's involved with the horrible C-word for plot reasons. As I was typing this, I should've been sleeping but I wanted to get this part done for you guys. So I really hope you guys enjoyed, I'm so glad to be back. 

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