Chapter 26: Movie night

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After Peter and Wanda's coffee date, they both decided it would be fun to go back to Peter's to watch a movie. The duo sat down on the couch and Wanda cuddled into Peter. "So, what movie are we watching?" Wanda asked Peter. Peter thought for a second.

"Well, we could give this film a watch," Peter answered, showing Wanda the film 'The Room'. Wanda gave Peter a confusing look. "It's meant to be so bad that it's so good at the same time, what do you think?"

 "It's meant to be so bad that it's so good at the same time, what do you think?"

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"Okay, Pete. Let's give a watch." Wanda said. Peter got excited, the last time he saw a film that was so bad that it was good was 'Ax em'. Peter set the film, grabbed the remote and sat next to Wanda, who caught a glimpse at Pete's old spiderman costume. "You used to wear that?" Wanda asked. 

Peter pretended to look offended but he wasn't really. He saw where Wanda was coming from but he had to start somewhere, right? "Yeah, this was my suit before Mr Stark made my new suit. I still wear this suit, though. I may get around to upgrading it if I can. Hey, wanna see me get over my fear of heights in two pictures?" Peter asked Wanda. She nodded her head and sat patiently as Peter went to grab the two pictures. 

Whilst Peter was out of the room, Wanda did her nosy and found Peters PS4 and his collection of games. She picked up one of the games that caught her eye, 'Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection'.  "Ooh, this looks interesting," Wanda said to herself. 

"Hey, Wanda. I found the... oh." Peter was surprised to see Wanda looking at Peters games. In fact, he started smiling when he saw that she has taken a small interest in them. "That's my favourite series." Wanda turned and saw Peter looking at her with a smile. Wanda smiled back and said, "Sorry for being nosy." 

Peter walked over to Wanda and sat down on the floor, next to Wanda. "No, don't be silly. Here, check them out." Peter said with a welcoming tone. Wanda smiled and did her nosy. She pulled out a game called 'Resident Evil 2', on the cover, it showed a young police officer and a young woman in a red jacket both holding guns with a horde of zombies behind them. 

"Is this one of the horror games, I've been hearing about?" Wanda asked jokingly

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"Is this one of the horror games, I've been hearing about?" Wanda asked jokingly. Peter smiled and nodded. "Yeah, actually. After the massive downfall of this series, they managed to bring it back, this game was awesome." Peter said. He then started talking about the other games he had and spoke about them and all Wanda did was sit and smile. Listening to Peter talking about something he loved always put a smile on her face. 

After 20 minutes had passed, Peter realized he pulled all of his games out of his shelf. "Whoops, I may of went a bit overboard," Peter said, laughing. Wanda laughed with Peter and wrapped her arm around Peter. "It's okay. Hearing you talking about things that make you happy, makes me happy." Wanda kissed Peters cheek. 

Peter took Wanda's hand and kissed it, he was so thankful to have her back and it showed. "Here, I said I'd show you the pictures that showed me getting over my fear of heights." Peter showed Wanda the two pictures. One of Peter on the Empire State Building and the other showing Peter jumping from the Empire State Building.

 One of Peter on the Empire State Building and the other showing Peter jumping from the Empire State Building

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Wanda was shocked

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Wanda was shocked. "Peter, that looked dangerous," Wanda said in a concerned tone. "But it was fun and the rush was amazing. Just feeling the wind hit my face as I was falling. It was amazing." Peter said in a reassuring tone. Wanda looked at the photos again and was surprised that Peter would do something like that, but as long as he was safe, she didn't mind.

"Anyway, how about that movie?" Peter asked. Wanda looked up at Peter and smiled. She picked up the photos and got up. "Okay, let's watch this and see if it's really what you claim it to be," Wanda said, hitting Peters nose with the pictures before sitting down.

"Well, that's what Ned and MJ told me. You know, Ned gave me this film 7 months ago and I never got around to watching it. Just shows how... nevermind. It's not important." Peter said trying to change the subject. "You ready?" Wanda nods as Peter turned on the film and the two cuddled into each other and watched the film. 

Wanda was worried about Peter. *What happened during the past 12 months, Petey?* Wanda thought to herself as she cuddled into him more. Peter rested his head on Wanda's head and for the first time in a long time, felt safe. 

*To be continued*

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