Chapter 3: The first "Date"

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Vision is escorting Wanda to her new quarters. It was all quiet and Wanda decided to break the silence. 

"Hey Vision. Did I tell you I met someone?" Vision turned to look at Wanda with a smile. "No you haven't, what wonderful news. What's his name?" Wanda hesitated at first but she answered him anyway. "Peter. Peter Parker." 

"Peter Parker?" Vision asked. "Yeah, why what's up? Do you know him?" Vision shock his head no, saying, "No I don't, tell me about him. Is he kind?" 

"Yes, of course. He helped me gather up the courage to come and apologize." Wanda replied. "He is also funny, sweet and cute. I met him in person." Vision opened his mouth as to say something but quickly shut it. He waited until the right moment to tell Wanda the truth about Peter.

*Meanwhile with Peter and his friend, Ned*

"What's she like? Come on." Ned was annoying Peter because he wanted to know about Wanda. 

"I told you, she's nice, funny, pretty cute and shy. She's like Michelle but she doesn't act weird, hahah." Peter laughed. Ned agreed laughing with Peter. "I wonder if she's busy today. I might ask her if she would like to hang out. I don't know."

"You should. You never know she might love too." Ned said, giving Peter some courage. Peter takes his phone and starts to text Wanda.

*Peter and Wanda's text conversation*

"Hey, Wanda."

"Hey, Peter. How has your day been?"

"Good, thanks. How has your day been?"

"It's been good, thanks. So what's up?"

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today?"

"Yeah sure. Sounds like fun. Where will we meet?"

"The coffee shop, where we first met. Or somewhere of your choice."

"Yeah sure, I'll see you in 10 minutes."

"Okay see you soon."

*End of conversation*

"Well, Ned. If you'll excuse me, I am going to meet Wanda." Peter said, waving goodbye to Ned. "Good luck, Peter!" Ned said, waving goodbye. 

*At the coffee shop*

Peter arrives at the coffee shop but Wanda isn't there yet. He waits for her to appear. He stands waiting for 5 minutes until he decides to wait inside. Two minutes later, Wanda appears. She was wearing a long sleeved t-shirt with a red short sleeved shirt and a black skirt. She dressed like she wanted to impress Peter. 

"Hey, Wanda. You look beautiful." Peter said, trying not to blush. 

"Aww, thanks Peter. You don't look too bad yourself." Wanda said, blushing lightly. 

Wanda and Peter sit down and start making conversation. "So, what do you like to do in your free time?" Wanda asked Peter. "Well, I'm a bit of dumpster diver. I go through rubbish and if I find anything that's still working like a computer or a dvd player, i take it." Wanda looked at him with a funny look. "Yeah, I know. I'm a bit of a weirdo. I also like to draw, listen to music and read books." 

"Well that's a lot better than you going through dumpsters, haha." Wanda said, jokingly. "I don't really like doing stuff, but when i do, i do like reading stories and watching T.V." 

"Nice. What do you watch?" Peter asked. "Well I do like watching that show with... oh what are they? Oh yeah, dragons and such. I'm sorry i forgot what it's called."

"Oh, you're talking about 'Game of thrones'." Peter said. "That's a good show, My friend Ned watches it but not for the story, mainly for the really inappropriate scenes."

"Oh yeah, I know what scenes your talking about. Your friend seems more weird than you." Wanda said, holding in her laughter. "Well, you're not wrong." Peter laughed and Wanda joined him.

Peter stood up and asked Wanda what coffee she wanted as he was paying. She asked for an Americano. Peter went up to the person behind the counter. "Hi, may I get a medium Americano and a medium Cappuccino, please?" 

"Yeah, of course." The guy typed on the register Peters order. "That'll be $12.50" Peter pulls out a twenty dollar note. "Here you go." Peter hands it the guy. "Here's you change." Peter takes the 5 dollars and puts the $2.50 in a charity tub.

Peter goes back to Wanda and sits. "They should be ready in 5 minutes." Wanda smiles and looks at Peter. "This was nice, I really appreciate everything you have done for me." Peter looks at Wanda and he gets lost in her eyes. "Has anyone ever told you, you have beautiful eyes?" Wanda looks down blushing. "Aww, Peter. No, no-one has told me that, thank you."

"You're welcome, Wanda." Peter smiled as he reached out to hold Wanda's hand. However, the moment got ruined when, "Is there a Peter who ordered a medium Americano and a medium Cappuccino?" Peter sighed and went to get his and Wanda's coffees. "Thank you." Peter said to the worker. "Yeah no problem." The worker replied.

Peter returned to Wanda with the coffees. "Here you go." Peter said handing Wanda her coffee. "Thanks, Peter. Wanna go for a walk?" Wanda asked. Peter nodded and putted on his hoodie. Wanda stood up and held Peters hand as they left the coffee shop.

However when they left, a strange person was watching them leave. "Hey, can I have my bill, please?" The stranger asked the work man. "Yeah, sure. Give me a minute." The worker left to the strangers bill.

"Peter Parker, huh? You better watch you back." The worker returns with the bill. "Here you are, sir." The stranger pays for his order then leaves. "Peter Parker. Just wait until Tony Stark hears about this. He won't be happy." The stranger walks in the opposite direction of Peter and Wanda, laughing quietly.  

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