Chapter 7: The second "date" Part 2

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Peter and Wanda just walked out the door and they went down the front steps. "So what's the plan?" Wanda asked Peter. He thought about it for a while. "Wanna get something to eat?" Peter asked. "Yeah, sure. I am feeling hungry."

Peter and Wanda head to the nearest pizza shop, as they were both craving a pizza. "Hey, wanna go to Joe's Pizza?" Wanda asked. "Yeah sure." Peter replied, walking into Joe's Pizza with Wanda. 

"Good afternoon, my name is Mr. Aziz. How may I help you today?" Peter and Wanda looked at the menu. "May I have a pepperoni pizza with stuffed crust?" Wanda asked. Mr. Aziz put Wanda's order on the computer. "And what would you like?" Peter took a good look at the menu and noticed that his favorite pizza wasn't on the menu. "Umm... could i have a mozzarella cheese pizza?" Mr. Aziz then puts Peter's order on the computer. "Is there anything else you would like?" Peter and Wanda looked at drinks. "Could I have a medium diet cola?" Peter asked. Mr. Aziz put Peter's drink on the computer. "Could you make that two?" Wanda asked. Mr. Aziz nodded as he started to count up the orders. "That'll be $17.50" Peter pulls out his wallet and pays Mr. Aziz $20 for his and Wanda's order.   

Wanda walks towards a table and sits down. Peter takes his change and walks to Wanda. "Hey, I'm gonna quickly head to the restroom." Wanda nodded as Peter headed to the restroom. 

"Hello, Wanda." A strange voice said. Wanda turned and Ajax was behind her. "Let me tell you something, I want someone dead and it's someone your little boyfriend knows. Wade fucking Wilson. He's the man I want dead. However, I do know your little boyfriend and I can tell that he likes you a lot but I'm not here to help you with your love life. What i'm here for is to tell you to tell Parker. Stay away from Wade Wilson. Got it?" Wanda nodded in fear. Ajax smiled and said, "Good, have fun on you're little date." Ajax then left Joe's Pizza. 

Wanda see's Peter leaving the restroom. "Jeez, people don't know how to keep a bathroom clean after cleaners clean them." Peter said, jokingly. "What's wrong?" Peter asked, as he noticed fear in Wanda's eyes. "Some guy told me to tell you to stay away from this guy called, Wade Wilson." Peter's eyes widened with shock. "Give me a minute." Peter said running out the store. He pulls out his phone and phones Wade. 

*The phone conversation*

"Hey, Hey Pete. What's going..."

"Wade listen to me. Ajax just stopped Wanda and told her to tell me that he wants me to stay away from you. I have a feeling that he wants you dead."

"Oh, fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck! Did he hurt her?" 

"I don't know, he better not have."

"Okay, that fucker is dead! Oh and also his real name is Francis."

"I don't care. Look just be careful okay."

"Will do, Pete. Okay I gotta go. Colossal is going crazy at me. Just because I swore doesn't mean I need your big metal balls in my ass."

*The end of the phone conversation*

Peter walks in and goes straight to the counter. "Ahh, Mr. Parker. What's up?" Peter leans forward and asks Mr. Aziz, "Did you see a strange guy talking to the girl who I was with?" 

"Will now that you mention it. Yes I did. He was wearing some sort of black biker outfit and he had really short hair well basically bald with a cut on his lip and a black eye." Mr. Aziz said. "Okay, thanks Mr. Aziz." Peter said. He went back to table and hugged Wanda. "I told Wade. He isn't happy." 

"What, but this guy wants you to stay away from Wade." Wanda said looking at Peter with a serious look. "Wanda he doesn't scare me. I promise I'll be okay." Peter said reassuring Wanda. "Anyway..." Peter said as Mr. Aziz came over to the table with Peter and Wanda's pizzas and drinks. "Pizza time." Peter said as Mr. Aziz put the pizzas on the table. Wanda smiled at the site of the pizza. "like Wade would say, what situation isn't improved by pizza?" Wanda laughed as she started to tuck in on her pizza.

*With Wade and Colossal*

"I don't fucking care!" Wade shouted at Colossal. "I want him dead and I want him dead now!" Colossal picked up Wade and threw him across the room.  

"That's enough, Wade! There is no need for all of this!" Colossal shouted. "You need to calm yourself! Peter and this girl will be okay, as long as you don't do anything stupid!"

Wade got back up, groaning in pain. "You are such a metal ass. Goddamn." Wade falls over on his back. "Ahhh, fuck! Okay fine, I'll stay here. I promise." 

"You better, Wade. If I find out you have done something to this man, I will break all your bones." Colossal left the room.

"Francis, you are a dead man." Wade said, standing back up. "I should have killed him 3 years ago. I should've!" 

*Writers note*

Hey, readers. Sorry for not publishing this chapter a lot earlier, I have been very busy and so, I haven't had a chance to continue this story. I will be hoping to continue this soon, but right now, it's quite difficult. I will keep you guys updated soon. Thank you for your patience,  I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll continue this soon.  

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