Chapter 17: Tony and Steve meet again face to face

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Peter lead Steve to the Avengers HQ. Steve was prepared to meet Tony again, however Peter was nervous. He wasn't sure how this meeting was gonna go down. "Okay. Are you sure, you want this?" Peter asked. Steve looked at Peter and nodded. 

Peter opened the door and walked in, Steve following him. "Mr. Stark! There's someone here to see you!" Peter yelled out. No-one came. They both start making their way to Tony's office, where the bumped into Pepper Potts. "Oh hey, Miss. Potts. Is Mr. Stark around?" Peter asked. 

"No he's gone out. Let me phone him." Pepper said as she pulled her phone out. "Steve Rogers." A voice said, behind Peter and Steve. Steve turns to see Vision. "Hello, Vision." Steve said. "Long time no see." Steve put his hand out, symbolising a handshake. "Why are you here? If Tony see's you, he's going to go through you." Vision said, threateningly. 

"Yeah okay." Steve said, laughing. "I ain't here for a fight. I am here to apologize and well, hopefully be forgiven." Vision shook his head and walked away. "Yeah, he's not in the happiest mood. Ever since the fight, he has changed for the wrong reasons." Peter said.

"Wrong reasons?" Steve asked. Peter looked at Steve and replied, "Yeah, there was this time Vision was sitting on the couch..."


Vision was sitting on the couch watching the news report of Wanda and Clint escaping from their cells with the help of Steve Rogers. Peter walks in the room and see's the news report. "Wait, if they've escaped, doesn't that make them escaped convicts?" Peter asked.

Vision looked at Peter and replied, "Yes, Mr. Parker. They are just convicts, aren't they? I mean not that you should care all you did was fight them, you never fought by their sides and called them partners. You just saw them as targets and nothing more." Vision then stormed out of the room, leaving Peter staring blankly at the t.v., thinking about what Vision just said. "All I did was ask a question. How is that a crime?"

*Flashback ends*  

Steve looked at the door Vision went through. "He has a point, kid. We were targets to you, but Vision had no right to snap at you." Steve then looked at Peter and smiled. "You were a good opponent, though. You fought well at that airport." 

Peter looked down, smiling and blushing, his hero complimented him. "Thanks, Cap." Steve laughed. "Please, call me Steve." Peter looked at Steve and nodded his head. "Steve Rogers." A voice appeared behind Steve.

"Oh shit." Peter called out. "Hey, Mr. Stark." Peter said, laughing nervously. "Oh, Peter don't swear, Steve doesn't like it." Tony said, jokingly. "Hello, Tony." Steve said. Peter tried to sneak out of the room but Tony stopped him.

"No, you stay." Tony said, grabbing Peters arm. "You brought him here so you suffer some of the consequences." Peter gulped, but it wasn't too loud. "Tony, look. Our war was pointless, Rhoads almost lost his life, the avengers have broken up and all you care about is making the kid suffer some random consequence? Tony we need to settle our differences, who knows what could happen next?" Steve said. 

"Well the last time we 'settled' our difference, you broke out the others out. You are a war criminal, Steve. I'm gonna have to take you in." Tony said, clearly not amused. Steve looked at Tony. "Tony, you got what you wanted, why are you so upset?" Steve asked. Tony was going to reply but Peters phone started to ring. 

"Hello? Oh, hey Clint. Yeah, I'm with Mr. Stark. Okay... Here Clint needs to talk to you." Peter handed Tony the phone. "What? What? HE DID WHAT!?! Oh for gods... I'm on my way." Tony hangs up and gives Peter his phone  back. "Both of you, let's go. Pietro has ran away from New York with Wanda. We have to find them." Without hesitation, Peter runs to the nearest restroom and put his suit on. 

"Okay, Stark. Let's work together. We have too regain each others trust." Steve said to Tony. Tony rolled his eyes and replied, "Fine. Just don't do anything stupid." Tony and Steve leave the building as Peter makes his way to the roof. "Okay, Karen. Locate Wanda's phone." Peter said. "Of course, Peter." 

Peter jumps off the roof and starts swinging in a random direction until Karen locates Wanda's phone. 

*Writers Note*

This chapter took a lot longer than expected. College has been pain and I'm just constantly busy doing other stuff and so, from the bottom of my heart, I am honestly sorry. I will be back soon, just don't know when. Thanks for your patience and Chapter 18 will hopefully be out by next week if everything goes according to plan.  

*05/11/2018 - update*

Hey guys, Shane here. I am really sorry for the lack of updates, College has been very stressful and I am really sorry. I am planning on updating this story either tomorrow or Wednesday as those days are my free days. I wanna thank you guys for your support and I am in the same boat as you guys, I wanna see this story to the end as well and that's what's gonna happen. Thanks for your patience and your support. :-) 

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