Chapter 21: "Glad I found you"

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Peter and Wanda hugged again, he knew Wanda was okay but he had to make sure. Peter couldn't let her go but he knew he had too. "Why are you here?" Wanda asked Peter. 

"I needed to know if you were okay, you and Pietro disappeared and I was worried." Peter replied. Wanda looked down and smiled. "I'm glad you were worried about me, I was worried about you too but I knew you were going to be okay." 

Peter looked at Wanda, staring into her eyes, "I'm glad I found you." Peter whispered as he pulled Wanda into another hug. Wanda loved Peters warm and loving embrace. She smiled and said, "I'm glad you are okay." 

Peter and Wanda stopped hugging and went to sit on the couch. Pietro went to join Peter and Wanda on the couch and they started watching TV but Peter never understood what the people on the TV were saying as he didn't know a single bit of Russian, but he still watched it anyway. 

*The next day* 

Peter woke up on the couch with Wanda on top of him. He chuckled to himself and tried to keep up without waking her. Somehow he succeeded on getting off the couch whilst she was still asleep. He looked down at Wanda and smiled, he kissed her on her forehead and got his shoes on. 

Peter left the motel to go to the roof of the motel building to get his suit. He noticed that his homemade suit wasn't in there but the suit Tony Stark made for him before the airport battle. "Huh, I guess Mr. Stark was here. Well, I guess it'll do." Peter quickly put the suit on before Wanda noticed. 

Peter sneaked back into the room after putting his normal clothes on over his Spidey suit and saw Wanda was still asleep. He sighed with relief but he had no way on getting back on the couch so he sat on a chair that was in the corner and waited for Pietro and Wanda to wake up, however, Pietro wasn't in the Mote room, he was gone but Peter didn't know that. 

Peter turned the TV on and watched the news, even though he had no idea what they were saying, however when the news channel shows a picture of the man he took down yesterday, he had a feeling he had escaped and he was right.  

"Oh my god. Aleksei escaped. I gotta..." Peter went quiet as Wanda started waking up. *Well, shit. Wanda's waking up, but I can't let Aleksei get away. Fuck it, he can wait. I can't leave Wanda, right now. I can catch him some other time.* Peter thought to himself as he walked over to Wanda. 

"Good morning, Angel." Peter said, soothingly. Wanda giggled, she loved it when Peter spoke like that to her, it made her smile and blush like crazy. "Good morning, honey." Wanda replied back, with a warm smile. 

"How'd you sleep?" Peter asked kneeling down to meet Wandas face. "I slept wonderfully, although my bed ran away and is now kneeling next me like he's gonna propose to me." Wanda answered, giggling lightly. Peter looked at Wanda with a small smile. He loved hearing Wanda laugh. With all the shit she has been through, she can still laugh at the small things. "How about you, Pete?" Wanda asked. 

"I slept brilliantly knowing that you were by my side." Peter said, smiling. Wanda smiled and blushed even more. Peter laid on the couch next to Wanda and they cuddled into each other. *She's perfect, I hope Pietro doesn't come out and see this.* Peter thought as Wanda fell back asleep in his arms. 

*Meanwhile with Pietro* 

"Don't hurt him, please. He's not a bad guy. I just want you too send a message." Pietro said to the strange figure.

"I'm sorry, Pietro, but I can't promise anything." The figure said. "If he doesn't even listen to the message, then I'll be sure to kill him." Pietro looked up at the figure with his eyes wide open. "NO! Don't, please! Don't kill him please!" Pietro begged. 

The strange figure looked at Pietro with his soulless eyes. "Fine, as you wish." The figure came out of the shadows. "But if he tries doesn't listen then he... will... die! Understood?" The figure said. 

"Yes, Morlun. I understand." Pietro said in a defeated tone. "Just leave Wanda out of it, please." Morlun smirked and replied saying, "Of course, I won't hurt her. Besides, she's not worth killing anyway." Morlun started walking away. "However, if she gets in the way, I can't promise anything." Pietro picked up a rock and threw it at Morlun, screaming, "YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!!" however, Morlun was gone. 

Pietro looked at his hands ashamed at what he has done. He sent a madman after Peter, the teen who Wanda feel in love with. There was nothing he could do except wait for when Morlun would strike. 

Pietro made his way to the motel, climbing in through the window and walking into the living room, he found Wanda and Peter, cuddling and sleeping on the couch. Instead of anger rushing through Pietros veins, it was sadness. He knew Peter wasn't going to survive against Morlun, he knew Morlun was going to kill Peter. Why did Pietro accept Morluns deal? 

"I'm sorry, Pete. This is my fault. Please, look after Wanda for me." and after that, Pietro was gone. He had left the motel and disappeared. He had removed all traces of his existence from all computers, cell phones, police files, everything. He had to disappear once and for all and this time, he can't come back. 

*Writers note* 

Hello, sorry this took longer than expected. I wanted to introduce a new villain into this and I didn't know who until I figured out who. MORLUN!!! If you don't know who he is then here's a picture of him: 

Damn, who gave him the right to be so sexy? Anyway, I don't know when the next chapter will be finished but if you guys have any ideas on how you wanna see this continue and/or have any villains you want added into this (except Venom and Carnage, ...

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Damn, who gave him the right to be so sexy? Anyway, I don't know when the next chapter will be finished but if you guys have any ideas on how you wanna see this continue and/or have any villains you want added into this (except Venom and Carnage, I have a plan with these two) then let me know in the comments. Thank you for reading and I'll see you all later.

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