Chapter 11: Peter and Clint search for Pietro

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*Peter's POV*

2 days after telling Clint the truth about Pietro, we always went out every night to find him after his disappearing act. Hopefully this is the night we find him. 

*3rd person POV*

Clint picked Peter up at 12 am whilst Wanda was asleep. "Well here we go." Clint said has Peter got into Clint's car. Peter played with the radio a little bit and a song he liked started playing.

Clint allowed Peter to play the song as it was one of Wanda's favourite songs, just like Peter. "Where do you think he is?" Peter asked, to break the silence between them. "I don't know. Did he not tell you where he went?" Clint asked in reply. "No he didn't." 

"Oh for gods sake. He could've had the decency to tell you where he had planned to go." Clint said, annoyed. Peter's phone started ringing, it was Wanda. "Shit, it's Wanda. What do I do? What do I say?" Clint looked at Peter and smirked "What do you think?" Peter answered after he turned the radio down.

*The phone call*


"Hey, Pete. Do you know where Clint is? I feel asleep and when I woke up he disappeared."

"Sorry, Wanda. I don't know where he is. I'll give him a call and see if he answers or not."

"Okay, thanks Peter. See you tomorrow."

"Yeah of course. See you tomorrow."

*The end of the phone call*

Clint laughed. "You know for the first time lying to your girlfriend. That wasn't half bad. As long as she fell for it, that's all that matters." Peter rolled his eyes. "Yeah well it ain't over we need to find Pietro."

"Yeah true." Clint said. "Oh and I'm expecting a phone call." Peter looked at Clint confusingly until he found out what Clint meant. Peter pulled out his phone and texted Wanda saying:

"I got a hold of Clint, he's going out for a late night drive. He'll be back some time in the morning. He said not too worry, he'll be fine. After all he doesn't miss his targets. So don't worry, you have the house all to yourself tonight. Hahah. Goodnight Wanda. xx"

Peter sent the text to Wanda and put his phone away. The song playing on the radio had finished and a song that Uncle Ben loved to listen started to play. 

"Oh shit." Peter said lightly chuckling. "My Uncle Ben loved this song. He would always sing it to me before bedtime when I was younger." Clint looked Peter and notice that tears were starting to form under his eyes. Clint pulled the car over and wrap his arm around Peter. "Hey, Pete. I know it's hard losing someone you love. It can be hard to accept that people that you care for are gone but, you may not be able to see your Uncle but he can see you and I bet he is extremely proud of the man you became." Peter looked at Clint and hugged him. "Thank you, Clint. I needed that." 

In the distance Pietro saw Peter and Clint in a pick up truck. "Come on, Pietro. Just go back to Wanda." Pietro stood up and walked to the pick up tuck. "Clint?" Clint looked out the window and saw Pietro. "Holy shit, Pietro!" Clint got out of the car.

"Hey, old man." Pietro said, smiling. Clint puts his hand on Pietro's shoulder. Clint laughs and pulls him in for a hug. "Glad to see again Pietro." 

"Well, of course. How long as it been? 3 years?" Pietro said. "Roughly 3 years, yeah." Pietro smiled and looked at Peter. "You never gave up on me, did you? This was your idea, right?" Peter nodded and said, "Obviously. Wanda misses you. She wants her brother back."

Pietro looked down and agreed. "You're right, let's go." Pietro and Clint went into the car but Peter didn't. "Peter let's go." Peter was shaking his head no as he said. "Wanda wants me to go and spend the night with her. So I'll make my own to your place. Remember return by morning." Peter ordered to make the story they made up believable. Clint nodded his head and drove in the opposite direction. 

Peter proceeded to put his suit on and commanded Karen, his suit lady, to play 'Sweet dreams by Eurhythmics' and made his way to Clint's house to surprise Wanda. 

*To be continued*

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