Chapter 18: The search for Wanda and Pietro

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"Peter, I have located Wandas phone. She is in Moscow, Russia." Karen informed Peter. "Woah, woah, woah, woah. Moscow in Russia? How the hell did she get there?" 

'Well, her brother is very fast, he can run on water. Maybe, that's what he did.' Peter thought. 

As he swings to the airport to hopefully get to Russia, he remembers he can't as he has no money to get there.  He starts to panic but he remembers he's in Clint's good books, he can go to Clint's for help.

*At Clint's* 

After Clint was able to come out of hiding, he went back to his family. He was surprised to see how much his kids have grown. He was outside with his family having a barbeque when Peter arrived, dressed in his normal attire. 

Clint saw the panic in Peters face. "Are you okay, kid? You don't look too good." Peter was sweating and he looked like he was holding back tears. 

"Wanda's gone. Pietro took her to Russia. I need help getting there." Peter said, with worry in his voice. "I can't ask Mr. Stark because he won't take me because he doesn't want her near me and Aunt May most certainly won't let me go, she doesn't trust Russia. Mainly because of how homophobic the country is."

Clint nods, "Okay, I'll help, but I can't go with you. I have to look after my family." Clint brings Peter in for a hug to comfort him. "It's gonna be okay, don't worry." 

*3 hours later*

"Okay, here you go. Be careful, okay. I know you will because you're smart, but Russia can be dangerous." Clint said, has he walks Peter to a plane. "I will, don't worry." Peter reassured Clint. "Thank you for your help." Peter hugs Clint again.

"Anytime, kid. You need help and Tony or May or anyone else isn't around, my door is always open. Now go get her." Clint said as Peter runs to get on the plane. 

'Aunt May ain't gonna be happy but I ain't leaving Wanda behind.' Peter thought. 

The plane starts to take off and Peter takes hold off his arm rests. He has never been on a plane before and usually when he's high in the air, it's under his control. So Peter was in new territory.

*4 hours ago, with Tony*

Tony has just left the base on his search for Wanda. "Friday, any ideas where she can be?" Tony asks his AI. 

"Yes, sir. She has been located at Moscow in Russia, with her brother, Pietro." Friday says. "Her phone has been turned off so I don't know where in Moscow." Friday added.

"Shit, okay. Where's Peter? I swear if he leaves New York to go find her, I'm not gonna be happy." Tony asked. Friday starts to look for his location but the AI can't find him. "Sir, I can't find him" The AI tells Tony. 

"FUCK!!! He did it again, he removed the fucking tracker! I'm gonna have words with him!" Tony yells. However, the AI finds Peter suit, which is safely tucked away in a case under his bed. 

"I found his suit, however, it's in his room." The AI says to a hot-headed Tony.

"What, oh well. He might be there, he might not. There's no telling for certain." Tony says, remembering that time he tried to sneak out of New York to Ohio to meet a girl he was talking too before he met Wanda, Peter did the exact same thing to get to Ohio, left his suit in his room and took his homemade suit, instead. He only got caught because Aunt May told Tony he was going to Ohio for a few days. 

"Okay, forget it. Let's get to Moscow, we need to find her, for Peter. He needs her, right now. Especially with May being in Hospital." He said, with concern in his voice. "Try and find her again, use the security cameras, cell phones, ANYTHING. Get her found!" Tony ordered.

"Yes, sir. You can count on me." Friday said, to Tony. The AI knew how much he cared for Peter and how much Tony wants Peter to be happy. It knew everything. Friday was more human than Jarvis was before he was implanted into Vision. "We'll find her, sir. And we'll bring back to Mr. Parker." Friday added. 

*Writers note* 

Sorry for the long delay, I didn't know to continue this but I managed. I hope it was worth the wait. I've been playing a lot of the Resident Evil 2 remaster, for the PS4 and I've been loving it. I have found a new favourite ship Cleon (Leon x Claire). If you guys want, I may write one-shots and stories with those two together. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

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