Chapter 2: Wanda's apology

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For the past two years, Wanda was feeling guilty about what she did to Vision. Every night she has nightmares about the event. She was always thinking about apologizing but she always stopped herself, in case Vision never forgave her. She looked at her phone and remembered she had Peters phone number. "Maybe he can help me." Wanda said to herself.

Wanda texted Peter saying, "Hey."

*Text conversation between Wanda and Peter*


"Hey, Wanda. How are you?"

"Feeling guilty about something. :("

"Oh, what happened?"

"I hurt a friend and I am scared too apologize."


"In case he doesn't forgive me."

"Wanda. I'm sure he'll forgive you. It doesn't matter what you did to hurt him, if you apologize and honestly mean it, then he'll forgive you."


"Yeah. When I was younger, I hurt my Aunt May by throwing something at her in a fit of rage. I was extremely angry at something and I took my anger out on her. Everyday I look back at that and I always felt guilty. My Uncle Ben, bless his heart, managed to calm me down and told me that no matter what you do to hurt someone, you apologize and mean it, they will forgive you."

"Wow, Pete. That's sad but very inspirational."

"If there was one thing my Uncle Ben was, it was inspirational."

"Where is he now? If you don't mind me asking."

"No no not at all. He's gone. He died because of my arrogance. I was in a store and I got in a fight with the check out guy. I don't know why but i was about to storm out, but i turned around and the check out guy was being robbed and i did nothing to stop it. I walked out and then allowed the robber to get away. Not 5 minutes later I hear a gun shot. I turn around and see my Uncle Ben laying lifelessly on the cold hard concrete. Every night I blame myself for what happened to him. If i had done something, he would still be here."

"Peter, I am so sorry. I wish I was there so I could give you a hug."

"I've shed my fair share of tears. Thanks, it's okay. I'm okay."

"Maybe I should apologize, all my friend was trying to do was look after me after my brother, Pietro, died sacrificing his life."

"I'm sorry about your brother."

"Thanks Peter."

"Of course, I was raised to be nice and polite, not as an asshole."

"Thanks, Peter. For your help, I really appreciate it. :)"

"You're welcome, Wanda. Good luck."

*End of conversation*

The next day, Wanda goes to the Avengers base and looks for Vision. 

"Wanda?" A voice said, that scared Wanda. 

She turns around and sees Tony. "What are you doing here? Not sounding rude or anything, it's just you hurt Vision by abandoning him."

 Wanda looks down to her feet. "That's why I'm here.  I want to apologize to Vision." Wanda finds herself on the verge of tears. "Okay then, follow me." Tony said, surprising Wanda. 

"Vision!" Tony yells. "Someone wants to talk to you. Vision comes out of his quarters and sees Wanda following Tony. "Wanda?" Vision says, not believing what he is seeing. "Vision I am so sorry for what I did. Please, can you forgive me?" Wanda said hugging Vision whilst crying. 

"Wanda, you hurt me. You honestly did. However, you were only following in what you believed in, but there was no need for that. Anyhow, I can't always stay mad at you. I forgive you, Wanda." Vision said. Wanda looked at him, tears streaming down her face. "Thank you, Vision. Thank you." Wanda and Vision hugged in silence for 5 minutes. 

"Can we go back to the way things were, before the fight happened?" Wanda asked Vision. "Of course, Wanda." Vision replied. Tony smiled and said, "Great, you are friends again. Now Vision you have someone else to play chess with." Vision laughed at Tony's comment and agreed with him. 

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