Chapter 1: "Who are you?"

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Peter left his school at the end of the day and instead of doing his usual routine of leaving school and patrolling as Spider-man, he went straight home to his Aunt May. 

"Hey, May. I'm home." Peter said, as he walked through the door. "Oh, Peter. There you are. Mr. Stark was here looking for you." May replied. "He should be at his house, that's where he said you should meet him." 

"Okay, Aunt May. Let me just put my bag in my room." Peter entered his room and put his bag on his bed and pulled out his Spidey outfit. "Well nothing wrong with a bit of swinging." He said to himself whilst putting the suit on. 

Before he left, he spotted a picture of him and his Uncle Ben. "I hope i'm making you proud, Uncle Ben. I miss you." Peter said with a faint smile on his face. "Karen, where is Mr. Stark?" Peter asked his suit-lady, Karen. "He is at the Avengers base with Mr. Rhodes." Karen replied. "Thanks Karen." 

Peter started swinging to the new Avengers base. He was listening to music as he was swinging to help get there faster. *Ring ring ring* Peters phone was ringing. "Karen answer. Hello?" Tony was on the other line. "Ahh, Peter. Where are you right now? Actually, never mind I see your signal. Anyway could you stop by the coffee shop and get me a large cappuccino and you can get yourself something. I just transferred 20 dollars into your bank. Don't take too long." Tony then hangs up. "Wow okay then, Mr. Stark." Peter lands in an alley-way and changed from his suit to casual clothing. 

Peter enters the nearest coffee shop which was Starbucks. What Peter didn't know was Wanda and Clint were in the coffee shop and Clint spots Peter. "Give me a minute, Wanda." Clint says to Wanda as he stood up. Wanda looked at the same direction as Clint and she sees Peter. "Who is that and do you know him?" Clint walks over to Peter without answering Wanda. 

"Hey, kid." Peter turns to Clint. "You're Peter, right? Peter Parker?" Peter nods. "Look, I'm sorry about the fight we had in Germany." Peter looked confused. "What fight? We had a fight, when was this fight?" Peter asked, winking at Clint. "Oh sorry, wrong person." Clint got the signal and went backed to Wanda. "So who is he?" Wanda asked. "He's someone. Not really important." 

Peter got Tony's large cappuccino and a doughnut for himself. "Thanks." Peter said as he left. Wanda spotted him leaving and she followed him out. "Excuse me?" Wanda shouted. Peter turned to face her. "Clint knows you, doesn't he." Peter walked towards Wanda asking, "I'm sorry but who are you?" 

"Wanda, Wanda Maximoff. Who are you?" Wanda asked. "My name is Peter. Peter Parker." Peter replied holding his hand out for a hand shake. Wanda shakes hands with Peter. "Hey, look I'm sorry but I need to meet someone, but here." Peter gives his phone number to Wanda. "Here's my number, just phone me anytime and if I can't reply then i do apologize, I get really busy." Wanda takes his phone number and she puts his number on her phone. "Thanks, I hope we can talk to each other." Peter walks away waving goodbye and Wanda does the same.  

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