Chapter 20: Peter finds Wanda and Pietro

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Peter has been walking for 4 hours, he's trying not to go and web swinging in case he gets caught by Pietro and he wants to surprise them but right now, he is having no luck. Peter was close to giving up and calling it a night but a security alarm catches his attention.  Peter has no choice, he has to suit up so he runs to the nearest alleyway and changes. He webs his suitcase on the side of a building and makes his way to the security alarm. 

By the time peter gets there, he hears the police negotiating with someone, if only he had Starks suit he would understand what they were saying. "Ты не можешь остановить меня, я носорог!" The perpetrator shouted as he ran through the police blockade at the front of the bank. "Holy shit!" Peter shouted as the mechanical rhino ran away.

Peter knew he had to stop him before anyone got hurt, so he followed the Rhino until he stopped at an abandoned warehouse. "Тупые свиньи, их много." The perp mumbled as he got out of the suit. "Не важно, я теперь богат!" The man shouted as he laughed. 

"Yeah, that's nice but do you speak English, I don't understand Russian?" Peter said as he climbed through the roof window. The man looked up and saw Peter on the roof. "Spider-Man, in Russia, Невозможно." The man said pulling out his gun. He began to open fire in Peters direction but he dodged all the bullets and webbed up the perp. 

Peter took the that was still in the perps hands and threw it away. "You know not once in my life did I ever deal with a Russian Rhino but hey, there's a first for everything, right?" Peter said, sitting on one of the chairs. "So, how's it hanging?" Peter said, trying not to laugh at his stupid pun.

"Боже мой! Shut the hell up!" The perp shouted. Peter laughed and walked towards the perp. "So, tell me. What's your name?" Peter asked but the perp stayed quiet. "We playing the silent game now? I hate that ga... oh, what's this?" Peter walked towards the perps computer and found out his name through there. 

"Aleksei Sytsevich? That's a pretty cool name. Can I borrow it?" Peter asked. Aleksei sighed with relief when he heard police sirens getting closer. He was never more relieved to hear the police sirens in his life. "Oh, it's the boys in blue. Well, gotta go, it was nice meeting you, Aleksei." 

Peter left the same way he enter and made his way to his suitcase. He grabbed his suitcase and went to the alleyway to get changed, however without his knowledge, Pietro was watching him, he wasn't a threat, that's why his spider-sense wasn't going off. Pietro knew Peter was Spider-Man and it hurt him knowing he couldn't tell Wanda, but Peter trusts Pietro that he won't tell Wanda. 

"Parker!" Pietro shouted. Peter turned around and there he was. *Oh shit* Peter thought. Pietro jumped off the roof to talk to Peter. "What are you doing here?" Pietro asked. 

"I'm here to find you and Wanda. You both disappeared without a trace." Peter said with a worrying tone. "We just needed to get away from New York. Sorry if I made you worry but Wanda can take care of herself." Pietro said. 

"I know, I was worried because I thought she didn't, you know, want to be with me anymore." Peter said, looking down. "Are you kidding, as soon as we got here, her first order of business was to tell you that she was okay and to not worry about her." Pietro said, with a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, she still loves you very much." Pietro put his hand on Peters shoulder like how an older brother would when trying to reassure the younger sibling.

"Come on, I'll take you to the motel me and Wanda are staying at, she'll love to see you again." Pietro starts walking but Peter doesn't. "Can I get changed first?" Peter asked. Pietro nodded and looked away as Peter was getting changed from his homemade suit to his normal clothes. "Okay, let's go." Peter said as he makes his way to Pietro side. 

*Peter and Pietro walk to the motel*

Peter walks through the front door of the motel room and see's Wanda watching the tv. Peter smiled at how her hair flowed down to her shoulders. He never had a good look at her hair until now. He wanted to run his fingers through Wandas hair but he was interrupted from his thoughts by Pietro.

"Hey, Wanda. I found a stranger." Pietro said as he walked to his room. Wanda turned and saw Peter. She jumped off the couch and ran into Peters arms. She would be lying if she said she wasn't happy to see him. 

"What are you doing here?" Wanda asked, looking into Peters eyes. "I came to find you."

*Writers note* 

It's a bit short, I do apologize about that but I hope you guys enjoyed reading. Also, sorry for the lack of updates, I just haven't been feeling like myself lately and I feel bad for it. I'll, hopefully, feel better soon. Again, I'm sorry about the lack of updates.

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