Chapter 6: The second "date" Part 1

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After Peter's and Wade's little fight on the highway, Peter needed to cool down, so what he did was text Wanda and ask her if she wanted to hang out.

*The text conversation*

"Hey, Wanda."

"Hey, Pete. Did you watch the news yesterday?"

"Yeah. Who do you think was involved?"

"I don't know. I thought it was Spider-Man because well, it was a guy in a red suit."

"Well, I can't disagree with why you thought it was Spider-Man. I have a feeling it was this Deadpool guy."

"Who's Deadpool?"

"I don't know, some random mutant, who apparently can't die."

"Hmm, sound's stupid."

"Yeah, I know. Anyway, the reason why I texted you was because I was wondering if you wanted to hang out? I had fun last time and I would like to hang out again."

"Yeah, of course. I also had fun last time. When will we meet?"

"I'll come and pick you up in the next hour. Is that okay with you?"

"Yeah of course."

"Cool, see you soon."

*The conversation ended*

Peter runs into the living-room where his Aunt May was. "Hey, May, I'm going out soon." Peter said.

May looks at Peter. "Oh, really? Who are you meeting?" Peter looks at May with confidence in his eyes. "I'm meeting, Wanda. The girl that I told you about." Peter replied with a smile.

"Oh, so you're meeting your girlfriend?" Aunt May said, jokingly. Peter's smile vanished after Aunt May's joke. "Oh come on, Pete. I was only joking." Peter sarcastically laughed. "Okay, you better get ready." May said standing up. "Go on, I'll help you sort out an outfit for you."

Peter went to his room and put on a black t-shirt with a long-sleeved red checked shirt and a pair of Blue Jeans and his red converse trainers. He went to show May his outfit. 

"Okay, Get rid of the black t-shirt, the rest is okay." May said to Peter. He did as May asked and got rid of the black t-shirt. Peter replaced the black t-shirt with a dark blue t-shirt. He went back to May for her opinion. "It's better but don't you think you should wear a bright colored t-shirt?" 

"No, May. I think it looks weird." May shook her head. "Fine then. I think you should go now. Don't want to keep your date waiting." Peter looked at the time and saw he had 10 minutes to meet Wanda. "Okay, bye May." Peter said after he kissed May on the cheek and ran out the door.

Peter makes it to Wanda's, thanks to Flash Thompson. "Thanks Flash, here..." Peter said handing Flash 20 dollars. "Whoa, thanks Parker. Anyway, have fun." Flash said driving off. Peter walked to the door and knocked.  Out of all the people to answer he wouldn't expect to see Clint answer.

"Peter Parker. So what pleasure do I owe you?" Peter looked at Clint with a confused look in his eyes. "Oh, for gods sake. What are you doing here, kid?" Peter was about to answer but Wanda answered for him. "He's here to pick me up." Clint turned to see Wanda in green t-shirt, a black checked shirt and a medium blue skirt. "Wow, Wanda. You look absolutely fantastic." Clint said. He looked back at Peter and gestured him to come in. 

"My god, Wanda. You look beautiful." Peter said, looking in Wanda eyes. Wanda giggled and replied saying, "You look amazing yourself, Peter." They both started to blush. They were about to leave but Clint stopped them. "Hey, Pete. Can I talk to you for a moment?" 

Peter turned and walked to Clint, signaling to Wanda he'll only be 2 minutes. "Okay, kid. Listen here, you hurt her or make her cry, I swear I will hunt you down. You understand? She has been through too much and frankly, I don't want her to be upset anymore." Clint said with a serious tone. "Why would I hurt her. She is an amazing girl and I couldn't stand seeing her upset, as well. I promise, I won't hurt her." Clint nodded at Peter response. "Good, now show her a good time." 

Peter turned and walked back to Wanda. "We'll, where too?" Peter asked Wanda, as they left the house. Clint smiled as Wanda had found someone who made her happy, even-though they fought in the past. Clint turned to head to his room, however he stopped in his tracks when he saw Tony Stark sitting on Clint's couch.

"Oh, hi Clint. So what you are okay with Wanda and Peter dating? Even-though she nearly killed both me and Peter!" Tony shouted. 

"Hey, that wasn't my fault! Maybe if you and Steve didn't get into that argument then maybe we wouldn't have that fight!" Clint argued back. "I mean, be grateful. They found each other and they both are happy!" 

"That's what you think!" Tony shouted at Clint. "When they find out the truth, they will try and kill each other!" 

"Then don't fucking tell them, asshole! Keep this away from them until we know they are ready. Got it?" Clint ordered. Tony stared at Clint, then said, "Fine, we'll do it your way. However, if anything goes wrong, you are to blame." Clint agreed to that term. "Okay, now fuck off." Clint said, shoving Tony out of his house. 

"This isn't going to end well." Tony said to himself as he walked to his car.

                                            *To be continued with Peter and Wanda's POV* 

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