Chapter 10: Quicksilvers return

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Peter and Wanda are walking through Central Park, holding each others hand and having a good time. They were laughing and joking about. 

"Oh, Peter. You know how to make my day a lot more brighter." Wanda said, with a big smile on her face. Wanda then hugs Peter while he laughs. "Thank you. For everything you have done for me. I am so grateful to have you in my life."

Wanda gets lost in Peter, she starts to lean closer to kiss him but within a blink of a eye, Peter disappears. "Whoa, what the hell!" Wanda exclaimed.

*With Peter*

Peter gets sent flying into a wall. "Ahhhhh, shit!" Peter screams, now groaning in pain.

"Peter Parker?" Peter looks up to see Quicksilver standing over him. "Oh shit!" Peter jumps in shock. "Pietro? Is that you?" Pietro smiles. "Oh, so you know me? That's good."

"How are you here? Wanda told me you died. That you sacrificed your life to save Hawkeye." Pietro looked down a little ashamed by what he did to hurt Wanda. "Is Wanda okay?" Pietro asked. "Yeah she's fine. Hawkeye told me before she met me she almost committed suicide many times. She was ashamed of herself. She had hurt Vision and she couldn't live with that. Then she met me and she has been smiling more and well, her suicide attempts are no more."

*This is where you play the music that I have provided*

Pietro looks at Peter and hugs him. "Thank you for helping her. I owe you my life." Peter hugs Pietro back. "You don't owe me any thing. I was just doing what I had to do." Pietro starts to cry a little in Peters arms. When Pietro catches himself starting to cry he pushes Peter off him.

"Sorry, do forgive me. It's just I faked my death to keep Wanda safe. I was being hunted down so I had to pretend that I got killed and well I've been on the run ever since. Anyway, enough of that. I heard someone is trying fuck with your relationship with my sister."

*Back with Wanda*

"I'll keep an eye out don't worry, Wanda." Clint said. Wanda started to cry as she thought she had lost him. "Hey, hey. It's okay, there's no need to cry. I'm sure he's fine. Maybe he's unconscious somewhere and he's still alive. Maybe he got teleported somewhere but the people who teleported him are just seeing what he's like and when they are done, he'll be back. You know I bet that when Peter is back he will knock on that door." Wanda looks at the door and waits for that knock.

*Outside the house*

"This is where Wanda and Clint have been staying. All you got to do is just knock." Pietro walks to the door and knocks on the door. Pietro and Peter hear Clint saying, "That could be Peter, let me get it." After Clint says that he opens the door to find Peter and only Peter. Pietro ran off to scared and ashamed to see his sister in pain. "Wanda!" Peter shouted whilst running to Wanda. "Peter!" Wanda ran towards Peter and fell into his arms. "I'm okay. I'm fine I promise." Wanda cried more as the man who she loves has returned safe and sound. 

"Peter?" Peter looked into Wanda's and the kissed each other. Clint smiled at this and thought *Thank god the kid's alright. Now I can tell Tony to call off the search.* Clint pulls out his phone heads outside. He phones Tony and he answers.

*The phone conversation*

"What is it?"

"Peter's fine, he's home. He's in my house with Wanda."

"Thank god, where was he?

"I don't know, but listen. Peter and Wanda have just kissed each other. I think they are ready to find out the truth but I don't feel right telling them. They are happy, you know. Do you really want to ruin that?"

"Need to wait and see. Thanks for letting me know the kid is safe. Keep in touch."

*End of conversation*

Tony hangs up Clint. He walks back in to see Wanda sleeping on the couch and Peter sitting with a worried look on his face.

"Peter, what's wrong?" Peter looks at Clint and tells him the truth about Pietro. "Well, I was taken, but not by aliens or by a teleporter but by a speedster. Pietro is alive Clint, and I'm afraid because I have a feeling he's going to kill someone." Clint looks at Peter then looks at Wanda. "Does Wanda know?" Peter shakes his head. "No, I couldn't tell her. At least not yet." 

*To be continued*

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