Chapter 28: Peter and Tonys argument

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*Peter's POV*

Four nights. Four nights I have spent trying to find that black goo. Functioning off of 4 hours of sleep, I have just finished my 6th coffee. If May were here she would've slapped some sense into me, telling me to get sleep. 

As I'm swinging around the city, I heard screams coming from an alleyway, knowing someone was in danger, I went straight to the source of the screaming and see 6 thugs surrounding 2 women. From what I could see there was a man laying on the ground, unconscious. I know exactly what is gonna happen. 

I land in front of the 6 thugs and stand up straight, "Hey, fellas. Lovely night for a walk, huh?" I said before upper cutting one of the thugs before pulling them back down to the ground using my webs. "So, you guys making sure these ladies get home or...?" One of the thugs tries to swing a baseball bat over my head but I ducked my head and he missed. 

"A swing and a big miss." I kick the guy in the stomach and he slams against the wall and I web him up. "Alright, lets just..." Three of the thugs pull out guns and point them at me. "You're getting on our nerves, bug." One of the thugs said. 

"Technically speaking, I'm an arachnid." I say, jokingly, smiling under my mask. The three thugs started opening firing as I dodge the bullets. "Damn, you guys suck. Ever heard of a shooting range, heard their good at helping improve your accuracy ." I keep dodging till the three thugs run out of ammo. 

"Shit!" One of the thugs shout. The remaining 4 thugs run but I web them up against a wall.  "And that's a wrap, ladies and gents. I hate to see you guys in a sticky situation but whelp, that's the way the cookie crumbles." I turn and see the 2 women surrounding the unconscious man. I run over to help them.

"Hey, is he alright?" I ask as I kneel down next to them. "Those bastards hit him, we need to get him to the hospital." One of the women said, with a shaky voice. I call 911 and ask for the paramedics. As soon as I know they are on their on their way, I reassure the 2 women that help is on the way, I stay with them to make sure nothing happens. 

As time goes by my spidey-sense starts going off. I turn around, scanning the area but nothing, I can't risk anything and turn to the women. "Get your friend out of here, somethings..." I try to finish but I see a tall figure standing at the entrance to the alleyway. 

*Wandas POV* 

I toss and turned, unable to fall asleep. The thought of that symbiote being out there is terrifying me. I open my eyes and get out of bed and put on my dressing gown. "Why is this bothering me? Peter will be able find it, he's clever enough to do so." 

I sigh as I go into the kitchen and open my fridge and grab a bottle of water, afterwards I enter the living room and turn on the TV. I channel surf with nothing to watch. I sigh again, turning off the TV, placing the remote on the table. "Please be okay, Pete." 

*Peters POV* 

I stare at the figure as I motion the women to get away from the area. "I don't know who you are, but if I were you I'd stay away." I prepare to attack but the figure just stands there then walks away. Confused wasn't the correct word for what I was thinking. 

I turned and the women managed to get away with their friend, I sigh with relief and escape to a roof and sit on the edge. I feel my phone vibrate, I see the caller ID is Wanda and answer it.

*On the phone*

"Hey, Wanda." I answer. 

"Hey, Pete. You sound tired. Are you okay?" Wanda asked with a hint of concern in her voice. 

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just having bad luck with looking for that symbiote. There's no sign of it anywhere." I say, leaning closer on the edge of the roof. 

"Just come home, Peter, please. It's getting late and you need sleep." Wanda said, hearing the seriousness in her voice. 

"Alright, I'm coming home, now. I'll be there soon." I say, sighing with defeat. 

"Good, good. See you when you get here. I love you, Pete." Wanda said.

"I love you too. See you soon." I say before hanging up.

*End of the call*

I sigh and stand up before swinging home. 

I make it home and enter through the window, seeing Wanda passed out on the couch. I smile and gently lift her off the couch and carry her to our bed. I take off my suit and fall in the bed, wrapping my arm around Wanda, falling asleep next to her. 

*The following morning*

I wake up to my phone vibrating, thinking its an alarm but instead its Tony calling me. 

*On the phone with Tony*

"Parker, you need to stop! You spending countless nights finding this dumb symbiote, it's idiotic and it's slowly deteriorating you. You may not see it but I certainly do. You got to stop this madness before it completely destroys you." Tony said to me in a serious tone. 

"Mr. Stark, you don't understand..." I start to say before getting cut-off.

"Yes I do, Peter Benjamin Parker! It's you who doesn't understand. If that thing got on you, god knows what it'll do to you! STAY OUT OF THIS!!!" Tony shouted. 

I started getting angry as I yelled back, "What is it then? Why can't I help? I can look after myself, I've been doing it since May died because someone was quote unquote too busy to CHECK ON THAT ONE PERSON WHO NEEDED YOU THE MOST!!" 

Tony was silent as I continued, "You could've sent Happy or Vision or Ms Potts, but noooooooo, even that was too much for you! I needed you Stark and you left me to grieve on my own! I can forgive Wanda as her and I weren't together at that point but at least Clint occasionally checked up on me and he's got a wife and kids but you... you couldn't even have sent a text or called me..." 

"I'm sorry, kid." Tony said before hanging up. 

*End of the call* 

"YOU ASSHOLE!" I yelled as I threw my phone against the wall, breaking it. Wanda stood by the doorway, looking distraught. "When I lost my Uncle, I lost my father figure. The man who raised me and told me 'With great power, there must also come great responsibility', Tony helped fill that void that was left in my soul when my Uncle Ben was killed and when Aunt May died, he was only there for me for a month then I never heard from him until the symbiote came into orbit. Clint was the only one out of all of them who checked up on me and made sure I was okay, but not Tony, not Happy, not Vision." 

I close my eyes as I sit down on the bed. "Who needs them, I've been fighting my battles alone and maybe it's better that way." Wanda approaches me and silently says "Peter..." before I cut her off and continue. "Well, I mean, why not, huh? No matter what I do, I always end up alone. With no one by my side, no Ned, no MJ, no Tony, no Happy. WELL IT'S NOT FAIR!!" I yell as I slam my fist against my bedside unit, breaking it. 

I stand up feeling my suit cover my body. "Give me some time, Wanda. I need some time to think." As my suit fully covers me, I hear Wanda speak in a worried voice. "Peter, is that...? PETER!" I hear Wanda yell as I jump out the window and begin swinging. 

"We don't need anyone, Parker. We only need each other." 

*To be continued*

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