Chapter 14 - Thor and Hulk returns

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*Peter's POV*

The thunder storm got worse. We were never scheduled to get a thunder storm so this does raise my concern. However, I'm in school right now so I can't go out and check it out. I do have a feeling, however. Could it be? 

"Peter!" My teacher, Mrs. Thompson, shouted. "It's just a little thunder, no need to be afraid." She said. After that comment she continued her science lesson. I wasn't convinced that it was just "a little thunder", it was something else. 

The thunder grew more powerful, this was when the teacher started to get interested. Everyone looked out of the window and thankfully that gave me the opportunity to sneak out without anyone noticing.

I ran outside and was amazed at what I saw. Thunder and lighting blasting it's way to the ground. I did jump a bit when the lighting hit the ground in front of me, however when I saw three figures standing up after the blast, a grin grew on my face.

"Where the blazes are we?" One of the figures asked. "Earth, brother. We are home, well, our second home." The other figure replied. The three figures walked out of the dust and smoke to reveal themselves. *Holy shit* I thought. *It's Thor, Dr Banner and Loki.* 

*3rd person pov*

"Holy crap. You did it. Home sweet home." Dr Banner said, walking around and observing the scenery. "Something is off." Thor said, stopping dead in his tracks. "We are in front of some sort of building." 

"Yeah, a campus." Dr Banner said to Thor. "A school campus. Which means a bunch of high schoolers just witness us appearing out of thin air." Loki smirked and said, "Well, you aren't very good at hiding young one over there." Loki noticed Peter trying to hide behind a tree. *Crap* Peter thought. 

Peter walked into the view of Bruce, Thor and Loki. "State your name, boy." Loki demanded. Thor looked at Loki with an angry look. "That is not how you get someone's name, Loki." Thor said, with an angry tone. "My name is Peter. Peter Parker." Peter said, to hopefully stop Thor and Loki from arguing. Bruce walked up to Peter and asked him, "Where are we, Mr. Parker?"

"Queens, Dr Banner." Peter replied, Bruce looked at him with a quite shocked expression. "I know who and what you are, sir. Same with you two." Peter confidently said, looking at Thor and Loki. "Who told you?" Bruce asked. "Mr. Stark and Vision. They told me everything. The time Loki tried to take over the world and the age of Ultron. I know it all." 

"So, you're an Avenger?" Thor asked walking to Peter. "No, I'm more of a friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man." Loki laughed at what Peter said. "Spider-Man?" Bruce questioned. "A bit of a weird name, not going to lie." Bruce added. "So you are a man of spiders?" Thor asked. 

"What? No, that's quite up surd. No, I just have spider powers. I am able to climb any and all surfaces, I have the ability to sense when danger is nearby, like a sixth sense, I have superhuman speed, agility and strength." Peter said.

Loki, still laughing, says, "Last time I checked, spiders don't have superhuman strength, speed and agility and they certainly don't have a sixth sense." Bruce looked at Loki and said, "Unless the spider was mutated to have those abilities. My guess is the spider bit you and gave you those abilities." 

"Yeah that is exactly what happened. A radioactive spider bit me, whilst I was on a science fieldtrip." Peter said. "Well, Mr. Parker that makes no sense. The radiation from the spider should've killed you." Bruce said, putting his glasses on. "Guess I got lucky." Peter said. 

"Well, man of spiders, where are we?" Thor asked, looking around. "Queens, sir and please call me Peter." Peter replied. "Right, well. Where's Stark?" Thor asked.

"He's at the Avengers Headquarters." Peter said. "Thanks, kid. Now get back..."Bruce said, getting interrupted by police sirens. "Oh crap. Well can you blame the police, we just appeared in thin air and Loki is also with us." Banner added, face palming.

"Oh, and what's wrong with me being here?" Loki asked Bruce. "Well, first of all, you sent a massive alien army to destroy New York. Second of all, you sent an android like thing to destroy, where was it? Texas?" 

Loki laughed, "Okay, you got me." The police cruiser made it too the campus and the police officers exited the cars and walked towards the four. "Lookie here, it's the incredible Dr Banner and the psychotic Gods. Mr. Tony Stark is gonna have fun with you three, however, you. You better get out of here kid or I'll tell Mr. Stark." The police officer laughed as his partner walked Peter back to the school.

*To be continued*

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