Chapter 31: A stray cat

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Tony arrives at the lab. Walking in, he joins Bruce and hands him the jar containing Venom. "What is this thing capable of? I feel like we've barely scratched the surface." Tony asks. Banner takes the jar, pulls a small portion of Venom out of it, and places it in a petri dish, sliding it under a microscope.

Meanwhile, outside, Peter and Wanda are about to enter Avengers HQ before Wanda stops him. "Peter, wait. Maybe it's better if we leave them to it." Peter turns to face Wanda and looks her in the eye. "Banner and Stark don't care if he's in pain, but I do. I don't want him going through it alone." Wanda grabs Peter's hand, holding him back.

"I'm sorry Peter. I love you." Wanda says, but before Peter can respond, she casts a spell on him, making him fall asleep. "I feel like you care more about Venom than me. I'm doing this for your good." Wanda whispers as she catches Peter, laying him down. Little did Wanda know, Vision was watching her and Peter. 

"Need help getting him home, Wanda?" Vision asks as he phases through the window where he saw everything. Wanda jumps slightly as she turns quickly, looking defensive and ready for a fight, but calms down when she sees it is Vision. "Vision? Uhh... no, well... Yeah, I could use a hand getting him home. Trying to move him when he sleeps is like trying to move a mountain." Wanda chuckles to herself. "Don't worry, Wanda. I can help." Vision smiles as he lowers himself to pick Peter up. Vision then begins to fly with Peter in his arms, and Wanda follows behind, returning Peter home.  

As Vision and Wanda return Peter to the apartment, Vision lays Peter down on the sofa, and Wanda walks to his side and takes his hand. "I'm sorry, Peter. I hope you know that," Wanda whispers to the sleeping Peter, but obviously, there is no response. "Peter hasn't told you anything about the past year, has he?" Vision questioned, walking to Wanda and handing her a glass of water. Wanda takes the glass of water and shakes her head. "No. Why? What happened?" Wanda questioned, with a hint of concern and worry in her tone. 

Vision sighed before sitting down on the chair in the corner. "Well, it all began..."

*nine months ago*

"... nine months ago. Peter was still grieving May. Ned and MJ were there for him despite his protests. They knew of the argument between you two and did what they could. However, there was someone else..."

Peter is sitting on the roof of his old apartment building, looking at his contacts on his phone. Every time, he would stop at Wanda's name, which he would give to hear her voice again. As Peter scrolls through his phone, his police scanner picks up radio chatter about three people robbing a jewel store. Peter sighed as he put his phone in his bag and threw it to the side. "Duty calls."

Peter slides off the roof and swings to the jewel store. By the time he arrives, the three thugs are already tied up. Curious, Peter approaches the hanging men. "So, you guys thought you could rob the Jewel store. I'm guessing you thought the retail price was a scam?" The thugs look at Peter, and they try to escape their bonds, but they have no luck. 

"Don't hurt us, man. We'll tell you everything you need to know," one of the thugs pleaded. Peter then got closer to the thugs, which made them more nervous. "We don't know who it was. It was a woman dressed like a cat. After we took the gems, she just appeared out of nowhere, and she..." Peter webbed the thug's mouth shut before he could continue. 

"Dude, calm down." Peter then points at one of the other thugs. "You. Can you explain without freaking out?" The thug clears his throat and begins to answer. "It was meant to be an easy score. We go in, get the gems and get out. It was going to plan before Black Cat showed up." Peter's head perks up, clearly showing curiosity. "Black Cat, huh? Sounds like bad luck. Do you know which way she went?" 

The thug shakes his head. "I have no clue, but you couldn't miss her. She's probably watching us right now." And just like that, Peter's Spidey sense starts to go off as he looks up at the roof and notices a slim-looking woman in black tights with a white fur collar looking down at him. "Looks like I don't need to look far. Thanks, guys, and remember to hold on. The cops will be here soon." 

Peter then swings up the building to reach the roof, but by the time he gets there, the figure is gone—or so he thinks before she pounces on him, sweeping him off his feet, jumping on his chest, and pinning him on the roof. "Well, well. It looks like I found a stray spider. Far from home, little guy?" Peter chuckles at the woman's comment.

"Says the stray cat. It's late. Where are your owners?" The woman leans closer to Peter's face. "I'm an independent kitty. I don't need any owners. Unless you're offering?" The woman has a flirtatious smirk on her face as she stares down Peter's lenses. Peter cannot help but blush deeply under his mask. "Uhh... what?" 

"Mmm, someone's a little nervous." She pauses for a second. "But he isn't a little guy, that I can tell. The name's Black Cat." Peter continues to blush deeply. "I... uhh... I can't let you go with those gems, they're..." Before Peter could finish his sentence, Black Cat lifts his mask slowly and kisses him. Despite Peter trying to push her off, he fell for her trap and kissed her. 

Black Cat pulls away from the kiss. "Oh, a good boy in love with a bad girl, eh? I bet you've watched plenty of those movies, but I'm sorry, Spider. I gotta run." Black Cat gets off Peter and makes a run for it. "Hey, wait!" Peter calls out, trying to get up before noticing she clamped his hands on the roof. "Well, she's a clever one. Good kisser, too. Did I just say that?" Peter breaks free from the restraints and swings away.

*Present day* 

"Well, in his defence, I left him. I can't fault him." Wanda says to Vision, still holding Peter's hand. "There's more, Wanda." Vision says. "Leave it. I don't care. As long as she doesn't come back." Vision kneels down next to Wanda, placing a hand on her shoulder. "That's the thing. She does come back, she always does and I think she will do everything she can to steal Peter."

"I won't let her, I'll make her live her worst nightmares if she takes him from me." Wanda's eyes begin to glow red, thinking about all the ways she would make Black Cat suffer. "Wanda..." 

*2 months ago* 

Peter catches Black Cat and pins her against a wall. "Cat, what did you do?" Peter asks with his voice filled with despair and worry. "I did what I had to, Spider. To keep you safe." Black Cat answers, leaning her head on Peter's chest.

 "There's a 5 million dollar bounty on your head. How is that keeping me safe? Hammerhead, Fisk, Tombstone, they're going to kill you." Black Cat looks up at Peter. "As long as they stay away from you. I don't care what happens to me. I'm sorry, Spider." Black Cat kicks Peter in his nether region and Peter falls to his knees. "Oh, that was dirty." Peter groans in pain. 

"I'm sorry, Spider." Black Cat says as she kneels, lifts Peter's mask and kisses him one last time before running away and disappearing. "Story of my life. I meet a girl, we bond, fall in love and she leaves. Typical Parker luck." Peter gets up and walks to the edge of the roof. Planning on taking down Hammerhead, Fisk and Tombstone. "I just need something to give me the edge I need. Then I can bring Cat home." 

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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