Chapter 13: The next day

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Peter and Wanda woke up to Peter's alarm. "Oh crap!" Peter yelled as he jumped out of bed. "I'm sorry, I gotta get going to school. I'll see you later." Peter kissed Wanda on her cheek and ran out of the house. Peter ran to the alley-way and put on his suit. "Hey, Karen. Play 'I'm not okay by MCR'" 

"Sure, here you go Peter." Karen responded. Peter started making his way to school whilst the song was playing. As Peter was swinging through the air, he saw the train station that he goes too, originally to catch his train to school.

Peter landed and took his suit off and put normal clothes and continued to play his music through his headphones. He pulled out his phone and see's he has received a text from Tony saying, "Hope you had fun last night with that girl. Clint told me because well, he walked in on you two, whilst Wanda was on top of you. You're lucky I haven't told your Aunt May. Now don't you have school today?" 

Peter texted his Aunt May saying, "Hey, May. Don't worry I got on the train. I'm heading to school right now. I'll see you later. xx" Peter put his phone back in his pocket and waited until he got to his stop.

Peter got to his stop and exited the train. He saw Ned, who was waiting for him. "Hey, Pete." Ned said with his hand in the air, gesturing a high-five. "Hey, what's up, bro?" Peter said, high-fiving Ned.

"I saw the new Star Wars movie. Oh, it was good. It wasn't the best but it was still pretty good." Ned said. "What, really? You never said that about 'The force awakens'. You said that it was the best movie of 2015. You also said all the Star Wars films are great." Peter said.

"Well, 'The last Jedi' was good but there were some flaws." Ned said. Peter and Ned walked past Flash, the high school bully. "Hey, Parker. So how has Spider-Man been? Seeing that you know him." Flash asked, jokingly. "Okay, Flash. First of all, I don't know Spider-Man. Ned was only making a joke and second of all, I heard Spidey borrowed your car. Is that true?" Peter asked, holding in his laughter.

Flash walked away, angry, because it was true but Flash doesn't want to admit it. Spider-Man did "borrow" Flash's car. "So, anyway. Let's just drop Star Wars because I have something to admit to you." Peter said, quietly. "However, you can't tell anyone." Ned looked shocked, he thought Peter was gonna tell him something serious, like Peter is now officially an Avenger, however that wasn't the cast. "I slept with Wanda, last night." 

Ned looked at Peter with a shocked expression on his face. "You did it? With that Wanda girl?" Ned asked, trying not to shout. Peter nodded, laughing. Ned then laughed with Peter. "Oh my God, Peter. You really must be in there then?" Ned asked.

"Yeah, obviously. I mean, I thought it was obvious." Peter replied. Ned laughed and high-fived Peter. "Wait, what about Liz?" Ned asked. "I mean I thought you had feelings for her?" Peter looked down.

"Liz is gone, Ned. She isn't coming back." Peter said, walking to the school. "Now let's go. There seems to be a thunder storm starting." Ned followed Peter to the school. 

*Meanwhile with Wanda* 

Wanda just got out of the shower and she heard a thunder storm beginning. "Oh great." Wanda exclaimed as she walked to her room and got dressed. She found the protection Peter used when they did it. Wanda put it in the bin and went downstairs and saw Clint sitting on the couch.

"Hey, Clint. How was your night?" Wanda asked. "Well apart from me walking in on you on top Peter, topless. It was an interesting night." Clint answered. Wanda started to blush. "Yeah sorry about that." Wanda said, embarrassed.

"Wanda, come on. We're going out. I have someone I want you to meet. Trust me, it'll be worth it." Clint said, standing up and picking up his house and car keys. Wanda followed Clint to the car and entered it.

Clint started and Wanda played one of her favourite songs.

"Oh hahah, I get it. It's because you're in love." Clint jokingly said. "Well, your not wrong." Wanda said, confidently. "I am in love."  

Clint and Wanda have been on the road for 10 minutes until they get to their destination. "Here we are." Clint said, leaving the car. Wanda turned off the radio and got out of the car, but waited by the car because she didn't like the scenery. 

"Okay, Wanda. You ready?" Clint asked, as he starts to walk back to her. "For what?" Wanda asked, confusingly. Wanda looked at the wall that Clint walked towards. When Wanda saw who walked out from behind the wall she covered her mouth in shock. It was Pietro.

"Hey, sis. Miss me?" Pietro asked, holding back his tears. 

"Pietro?" Wanda asked, almost crying. Pietro starts walking to her, but Wanda runs to her brother and hugs him so tightly. "I've missed you, so much." Pietro smiled and started to cry. "I've missed you too, Wanda." Pietro said. 

Clint watched and smiled as Wanda and Pietro have been reunited. Clint went though his pockets and found a picture of him and his kids. Clint then texted Peter telling him that Wanda and Pietro have been reunited. 

*To be continued*

Here's a song at the end for you guys to listen to. Also I would like to take this time to say thank you, all of you for your support. I have many ideas that I am borrowing from someone who is on YouTube and Wattpad. Here is her links, please check this person out: 


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