Peter's Introdution

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*Peter's POV*

Hi, it's me. Peter Parker, your friendly neighborhood Spider-man. 2 Years ago i met Tony Stark who is also known as Iron Man. He made up some lie to my Aunt May that i applied for his Grant, which obviously wasn't true. He had to make up some excuse to meet me because he saw me in action when someone filmed me saving some people. 

I couldn't believe that he had asked me to fight by his side against Captain America and this kinda creeps me out but I think Mr. Stark has a crush on my Aunt. Anyway, we went to Germany and that is where I met Captain America and the team he had assembled. However I am going to be honest there was a girl with Mr. Rogers. She looked very pretty but I doubt me and her could became friends. 

Anyway we fought and I think we won, I don't know, Mr. Stark wasn't very clear about that. Anyway, we got back to New York and I was able to keep the suit, so that was pretty awesome, however I do wonder what happened with that girl who was fighting by Mr. Rogers side.

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