Chapter 29 - Devil May Cry

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That night was interesting, to say the least for Dante, son of the Legendary Dark Knight Sparda, as the wind blows through his medium-length white hair. He takes another swig of his soda as he watches the sunrise. Pietro was standing behind him.

"So let me get this straight, Speedy Gonzales. You want me to help your little gang of hitmen to kill your sister's boyfriend? After faking your death, disappearing off the face of the planet for god knows how long and who knows what else you've been doing just to avoid your sister? And the brother of the year goes too..." Dante says in his sarcastic tone.

"He's dangerous, I just know it. He's a prodigy of Tony Stark and he's just as dangerous, if not more. Stark is responsible for the death of my parents and I don't like the path Peter Parker is going down. Especially after what happened last year." Pietro says, referring to the death of May.

Dante jumps up and turns to look at Pietro. "I'm sorry, but the answer is no. I'll take any job but this. I'm not killing Parker. I kill demons and last time I checked he ain't. He just wants to make sure the neighbourhood is safe, like the friendly neighbourhood Spider-man he is. And uhh, next time, stick to made-up names, I didn't need to know the kid's real name." Dante says as he walks by Pietro. "Adios, amigo." Dante proceeds to jump off the roof as Pietro watches.

*Outside Devil May Cry*

A short black-haired woman, packing a mean-looking rocket launcher over her shoulder, walks up to a building with neo lights that read "Devil May Cry". She enters through the double doors and walks over to the desk. Not seeing Dante anywhere, she places an envelope with a note inside of it on the desk.

The note reads: "Dante, we need to talk ASAP. Here's the money from the previous job, don't spend it all on pizza. You have my number so call me as soon as you see this. Lady xx"

The woman leaves the building, locking the doors behind her and walking off into the night.

*Meanwhile with Peter* *Peters pov*

I snapped at Wanda. I shouldn't have done that. All she tries to do is help. I look down at the ground and then at the window showing my reflection. I see my suit, the black, slimy, alien-like texture of it. It's enough to make my skin crawl but I feel amazing, stronger and more aware.

I keep on hearing a voice, though. It's hard to explain. It speaks to me. "Parker." I turn around and see no one. Was it the suit? I walk towards the edge of the roof and look over the city. I begin to plan a course to Dr. Banner's lab to return the suit. As amazing as it feels, it's a hazard keeping it away from the lab. 

*SCREECH* "AHHHH" I hold my head in pain as I begin to fall to the ground. That's when the suit sticks itself to a wall. I look around frantically, trying to find the source. Nothing, but my tingle is going crazy. That's when the wall behind me breaks and a hand pulls me through it.

I look up and that's when I see him. Red jacket, a big sword on his back, twin pistols and who knows what else.

"I received a nice little letter from a coworker of mine, Pete. You got the symbiote and well, it's gotta go back to Banner, it ain't nice to steal after all." He said with a smirk on his face. I wanna wipe that smirk off his face. 

"You're the guy that's all over the news. You're a threat to this city and its people." I feel the symbiote tighten around me as the rage builds within me. The guy pulls out his sword and points it at me. "Trust me, kid. Don't believe everything you see on TV." I didn't listen to him as I charged for him but he moved to the side and tried to swing his sword at me, but the symbiote caught it and threw him out of the building.

"Alright fine. You want a dance, I got some time to boogie." 

*Meanwhile, with Wanda* 

Wanda is frantically trying to call Tony but to no avail. "Oh come on you rich, snobby, son of a bitch. Answer the phone." She tries again and he finally answers. 

*The call*

"Look, I don't know why you would be trying to call me but if it's about something stupid, I'm hanging up. Now, what is it?" 

"Peter has the alien. HE HAS THE BLACK GOO!!!"

Tony goes quiet for a minute before answering. "Where is he, do you know?" 

"No, I don't. I've tried calling him but he hasn't been picking up, so I tried you because I know you put a tracker in his suit." 

"What? How did you...? He told you, didn't you?" 

"Yes, he told me. Why was he supposed to keep that a secret? You know how he can be with secrets."

"Yes, yes, I know. Hold on. Shit, I can't... I can't track him! I can't find him! Get out there, look for him! I'll be with you shortly!" Tony hangs up.

*The call ends*

Wanda without thinking twice, uses her powers to fly through New York to find Peter. She searches everywhere for him, but no sign. Tony appears in the sky, also looking for Peter. "Friday, any update on his location?" Tony asks his AI. "Negative, sir. I can't locate the suit or the symbiote. He's truly lost." 

Wanda watches Tony from below, hoping Tony can find him. She wants to trust him, but she doesn't know how to. She shakes her head, forgetting about Tony and gets back to her search for Peter, thankfully it didn't take her too long. 

*Back with Peter and Dante* 

"Get out of our way!" Peter screams out to Dante, as he charges for him again. Dante also charges Peter, hoping to end this fight. "I think it's time to finish our little dance, Petey. Don't you think?" Peter chuckles as he grabs Dante by the ankle. "We were only getting warmed up, but let us give our audience the ending to die for."

Peter slams Dante on the ground, which results in Dante's sword flying up in the air and landing nearby, lodged in the ground. Peter repeatedly smashes Dante's face before throwing him across to a nearby building, grabbing his sword and throwing it at him. Dante slams into the wall before his sword pierces his body and pins him on the wall. Dante hangs there, limp and Peter looks at him in shock. Did he just kill? 

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