Chapter 4: The stranger

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*Peter's POV*

Yesterday was fun. I asked Wanda if she wanted to hang out and she said yes. We met up at the coffee shop where we first met. It was great. However, after I got mine and Wanda's coffees, my spider-sense started to go, so of course we had to get out of there. 

We went for a walk to central park, which was fun. We spoke about the Avengers and especially their new recruit, Spider-man (AKA me but she doesn't know that), and the attacks that happened in Sokovia and New York, all those years ago. We did start talking about things that we enjoyed so it wasn't a complete disaster.

At the end of the day, Wanda headed back home and so did I, however my Aunt May wasn't too pleased. 

"Peter, where the hell have you been? I've been trying to phone and you didn't answer! What were you doing that was more important than coming home?" My Aunt May asked.

"Well, I was hanging out with a girl, who wasn't Liz or Michelle." I replied, surprising May. "Yeah, I met a girl, she's nice, sweet, pretty and funny." 

"Well, Peter next time let me know, got it?" Aunt May ordered. I nodded and walked to my room. 

*3rd Person POV* 

Peter sat on his bed and pulled out his phone and headphones and started to listen to music. This didn't last long as Peter's spider-sense started to go off. Peter looked out the window and saw a strange figure standing outside. He opened his window and asked the stranger to get lost.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Parker, but I'm afraid I can't do that." The stranger said. "See, I'm here to talk to you so come on down here and we can talk."

Peter goes outside to the stranger. "My name is Ajax and I am here to warn you. That girl who you were with earlier today, well she's dangerous. I'm not saying you have to believe me but just heed my warning, Parker." Ajax said, trying to get Peter to stay away from Wanda.

Peter looked at Ajax and recognized him from somewhere but he can't figure it out. "And if I don't stay away from her?" Peter asked. "Well then, that would just be you're problem. Goodbye." Ajax then walks away.

"Who does he think he is?" Peter thought to himself.

*The next day*

Wanda woke up from a peaceful sleep. She went downstairs to her living room and turned on the T.V. However there was an interesting news report about a huge car crash on a highway, which was caused by a man in a red suit.

"Red suit? Could that be Spider-man?" Wanda asked herself. Without thinking she got dressed and went the highway.

*Meanwhile at Peters*

Peter saw the same report and he knew who was responsible. 

"Red suit? Oh are you kidding me?" Peter exclaimed. Peter put on his Spider-man outfit and headed straight to the highway.

*At the highway, in a news helicopter*

"As we can see, there is a lot of damage and, wait what's this? 10 people, who are armed, are surrounding that black SUV." The female news reporter said.

"What are they up too?" The pilot asked. The female news reporter shrugged. "Where are the Avengers and if they are watching, can they stop this?" 

"Woah, holy shit, turn off that camera!" The pilot shouted. 

"Oh my god, the man in the red suit is killing all the armed men down there. This is not something we can fake. Oh my..." The female news reported started to cry at the side of all the men dying. 

"Jesus, Mary and Joseph. That's something you don't see everyday." The pilot commented. The female news reporter was still quiet. "Elizabeth, want me to get us outta here?" The pilot asked. Elizabeth nodded saying, "Yes, please, Marcus. Just get us out of here." The helicopter flew away as the man in the red suit was on a murder rampage.

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