Chapter 19: Russia

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Wanda and Pietro ran away to Russia to visit their home country. Pietro just picked up Wanda and made a run for it with her in his arms. Wanda kept telling Pietro to stop but he didn't listen. She wanted to tell Peter she was going to Russia but she couldn't.

When they got to Russia, Wanda tried phoning Peter but he didn't answer. "Damnit!" She said. "Pick up, Peter. Please, pick up." 

"Wanda, listen, just put the phone down and let's go explore." Pietro said, holding Wanda's hand. "When we're done here, we can go back to New York and you can tell Peter about everything we did. How does that sound?" Pietro smiled as he said that.

"Okay, Pietro. Let's go, then." Wanda said, as she started  walking around Moscow. They planned on exploring all of Russia before they return to New York. However, Peter was on the plane to Moscow and his first plan of action was too find Wanda, because he was worried about her and Tony was in his suit on his way to Moscow to find Wanda so he knows she's safe and too make sure Peter isn't in Russia.

*With Peter in the skies of Russia*

'I hope Wanda is okay.' Peter thought. He was worried about her but didn't want to show it. 'I know she will but what if she won't be? What if Russia is dangerous? No! No, Russia is not dangerous, she'll be fine, all I need to do is find her, that's all.' Peter continued thinking. 

Peter looked around and was hoping nothing bad would happen on the plane. His fear of planes began when he turned 6 and saw a plane crash on a farm he used to visit. The left engine cut off and it spiralled out of control. Peter still has nightmares about the crash to this day. Everyone on the plane and everyone on the farm had died, no one survived. 

He shivered at the memory and that caught the attention of the person who was sitting next to him. A young man, maybe 3 or 4 years older than Peter. The young man looked at Peter with a concerned look.

"Are you okay?" The young man asked. Peter looked at the man and said, " Yeah, I'm just not used to flying, that's all." Peter looked down at his legs. The young man laughed lightly. "It's scary to begin with, yes, but once you get used to it, it's really fun and one of the best ways to travel." The young man said.

"The name's Steve, in case you were wondering." Steve said, going back to reading his book. "I'm Peter." Peter replied with a smile. "I know another Steve, he's a pretty cool guy, but he packs a mean right hook." Peter added, laughing lightly. 

Steve looked at Peter with an eyebrow raised. "So, I'm guessing you and this Steve got into a fight? Not really a fighter myself but I would fight if I had too." Steve commented. "Got into this one fight with a guy but I realized it wasn't worth it. We were fighting over a girl but she wasn't interested in either of us and went with this other guy. I don't know what happened to her but from what I heard, she cheated on the guy and he left her whilst she was pregnant with the other guys child." Steve continued. 

Peter was speechless and he didn't know what to say, so he kept his mouth shut in order not to say something he'll regret. The pilot has announced that the plane has run into major turbulence and asks everyone to put on their seatbelts. Peters nightmare was slowly becoming true. 

*Back with Wanda and Pietro*

"What do you think, sis? It looks nice, no?" Pietro said, as he was trying on new clothes. Wanda giggled at how idiotic her brother look. He was wearing a neon pink t-shirt with tight red chinos and big blue sunglasses. 

"You look ridiculous. I thought Peter had a ridiculous sense of style." Wanda laughed. Pietro gave Wanda a funny look and laughed. "How I have proved him wrong. He'll be upset that I won the ridiculous outfit competition." Pietro said, throwing his hands in the air, in a cheering motion. 

Pietro went to get changed into his normal outfit. Wanda did some more exploring of the clothes store, looking for a new outfit to impress Peter with, but to no avail. She didn't give up, though. She knew she'll find an outfit. Pietro comes out of the changing room and he then proceeds to purchase the clothes he had on previously. He thought they were funny and they kind of suited him.  

Wanda and Pietro left the shop to go the motel they rented for a few days. Wasn't much but it was enough for the two. Wanda goes into the bathroom to take a shower as Pietro turns on the news and see's a report about a plane falling from the sky, little did Pietro know, that very plane had Peter on it. 

*Back on the plane with Peter* 

The plane started losing turbulence and everyone on the plane was panicking. Peter had to do something and fast. He got up from seat and headed to the bathroom. The door closed behind him and proceeded to put on his homemade Spider-Man suit. He had no way on how to get of the plane but to his luck or him being unlucky, a part of the plane ripped off, leaving a massive hole in the plane so without hesitation, he left the bathroom and went straight for the hole. 

He managed to closed the hole over with his webbing. "Okay, now how do I stop the plane?" Peter shouted to himself. He remembered how he stopped the vulture when he tried stealing Tonys tech. It was risky but he had no choice, he had to get the plane to crash land on the beach. "I wish Mr. Stark was here." Peter webbed to the top of the plane and stood in between the two wings. 

Peter shot a web for both wings and proceeded to pull the wings up. The plane had enough in the engine in the tank to glide to the beach but he knew it wasn't gonna be easy. However, as if a genie had heard Peters wish, he saw Tony flying along side of the plane and gave Peter a thumbs up to signal he's got it from here. 

Tony flew under the plane and glided it to the airport, Peter jumped off the plane and landed on a nearby roof, He know Tony had it, He was a professional. After the plane landed no one was killed, however, a good few people had to go to the hospital. Everyone cheered as Iron Man flew away to get Peter. 

Peter sat on the edge of the roof, he had a feeling he was in trouble again. Tony landed on the roof near Peter. "So, you found out Wanda was in Russia? Impressive. You always tried to stop a plane from crashing with your onesie? Again, impressive." Tony said, sounding sarcastic. "Is everyone okay?" Peter asked Tony with concern in his voice. "Yea, they're fine, you did good kid, trying to keep that plane in the air, however, coming here to Russia behind my back, when I told you not too, that just hurts, Pete. I get it, that girl means the world to you but you can't just do these things without letting anyone knowing first. I'm sorry but that girl deserves to know the truth about you." Peter shot up and looked at Tony.

"No, Mr. Stark. She can't know, I haven't told her because I want to keep her safe, why can't you see that? Oh wait, I forgot, you told the press you were Iron Man without worrying about Ms. Potts or Happy. They were in danger so many times because of you, if you had kept your identity a secret then they wouldn't have been in danger. If you had just thought about them first and kept you being Iron Man a secret, then you would understand." Peter said, in a more angry tone that usual. 

Tony looked at Peter and was speechless. Peter never raised his voiced at Tony like that before, that's when he smiled and said to Peter. "You know, that may be the nicest thing you have ever said to me after I gave you that suit back. You really care keeping your identity a secret, huh? Well, that's fine then, you will have to tell her some day, just letting you know." Tony enter his suit and flew off, Peter had no clue where he was going but he didn't care. 

Peter went to the airport to retrieve his suitcase that he left behind and set out to find Wanda and Pietro. Peter knew he had to tell Wanda the truth one day but for now, all he cared about was finding her. 

*Writers note* 

New chapter up, I hope you guys enjoyed it. Also, I wanna give my opinion on someone who has been plagiarising my story, If you don't stop I will copyright claim the story, if you wanna make a story inspired by this story that's fine, just let me know and give you the green light. To the person plagiarising my story, I don't mind that you've taken inspiration from this story to write your own, at least I hope you have, but you've just straight up copy my story word for word and chapter for chapter. Like I said, if you wanna write your own based off of this story, that's fine but let me know first. I believe you have talent to write your own stories, I know you do. Just please stop copying my story. Thank you all for reading. 😁

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