Chapter 24: The Black Goo

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*1 year later* *Peter's pov*

Hey, it's me, Peter Parker. Your friendly neighbourhood idiot. 1 year ago, I lost my Aunt to cancer and I lost the love of my life because she found out the truth of who I was because I was too scared too tell her the truth. Ever since then, my life hasn't been the best but living with Tony and Pepper was the best thing that happened to me. I found my motivation to be Spider-man, Aunt May, she knew the whole time and in the message Happy gave me, she told me not to give up. I'm somehow still in Clints goodbooks despite what he said, but he always says, he doesn't blame me. Pietro is still missing, I spend 3 months looking for him but to no avail. Wanda still hates me and I don't blame her. But I have seen her visit May's grave. I guess Wanda misses her as much as me. MJ and Ned are still my best friends, idk where I would be without them. Tony did call me today, though. Telling me something important had been handed to him. I wonder what.

*Wanda's pov*

1 year. Has it been long enough? Should I talk to Peter? Should I be there for him like he was there for me? I don't know if I forgive him or not. I just miss him so much. I visit May's grave out of respect for her and Peter, she was a sweet and caring woman, taken too soon. Peter still visits Clint, to keep him updated about Pietro and his search for him. I wonder why Peter is looking for him. Clint told me he got a call from Tony about something that got given to him, something out of this world. What if Peter is there, could I maybe, fix what I broken last year?

*At avengers tower* *3rd person pov*

Tony was setting up the substance, still confused on what it was. He was very interested by what this was. He dubbed it the black goo until he figured out what it was truly called.

There was a knock on Tony's door, "Come in," Tony called out. The door opened and in came Peter, taking off his mask.

"Hey, Tony. What's going on?" Peter sat on one of the chairs. "What's been handed to y...?" Peter was interrupted by Tony.

"Some black gooey substance, but apparently it's alive. Now if that doesn't sound ridiculous, I don't know what will." Tony said, before taking a sip of his coffee. "You look beat, kid. You getting some sleep alright?"

Peter looked up at Tony, "Just some late nights. Looking out for the neighbourhood, you know. Like a friendly neighbourhood Spider-man."

"I'm not an idiot, Peter. It's Wanda isn't it?" Tony asked, concerned. "Yeah, it's Wanda. I miss her, Tony." Peter said, looking down at his feet as if he's ashamed of himself.

"Look, Peter. Shit happens and she needed to know. If she wasn't happy about that then so be it. You're too young to be wrapped up for a girl like this..." Tony got interrupted by Peter.

"SHUT UP! So what if I'm 'too young' that doesn't mean I never loved her! I loved her, Tony and you ruined it. Do you not think me losing my Aunt was enough? Did you really want to make those months the worst months of my life because let me tell you something, YOU DID! And I get it, she needed to know but I was going to tell her someday, when *I* was ready, not you! I only stayed because I had no where else to go, if you never intervened, me and Wanda could be living happily together, but no that never fucking happened, because fuck me and fuck me happiness!" Peter stormed out and slammed Tony's door. Tony sat on the same chair Peter was and looked at the picture he had of him and Peter, before the dark times.

"He's right. I shouldn't have intervened. Oh, May, Ben, Mary, Richard, what do I do?"


Peter is sitting on the stairs that lead to the main entrance of the Avengers tower, he heard a car pulling up. He looked up and recognised the car and the paint job. It was Clint.

"Hey, kid. Give us a second." Clint calls out. "He looks pissed off. I wonder what happened?" Clint said, sounding concerned.

"I don't know but if he's in the type of mood, I don't wanna see him." Wands said ignoring to look at Peter. "I think he needs you, Wanda. Come on." Clint proceeds to exit the car, Wanda begins to follow.

"You okay, Pete?" Clint asks.

"Just, I hate this shit. I have never felt this miserable since my Uncle died. I lost May and Wanda in the same week, so I was lost. I didn't know what to do. I spent those 3 months looking for Pietro to help ease my mind but it never helped. I've had countless sleepless nights, thinking about the one person who probably doesn't even care about me anymore. I just... I just want to leave and never come back. Just take off and forget this life and live a new one. I never wanted this, I didn't ask for this." Peter replied, sounding empty.

"Well, kid. The way I see it. These things happen for a reason. Life just throws these curve balls at you and the best way to deal with these things is too talk to someone. You have a lot of people you can talk to, there's me, Tony, Natasha, Happy, Bruce, your friends, Steve, Bucky, Sam, hell even Wanda. You aren't alone, Peter. Life will beat you down but you can beat it by fighting back and doing the things that make you happy and motivate you. This is not what May or Ben would've wanted. You just gotta be strong, no matter what happens, I'm always gonna be here for you, Peter." Clint places his hand in Peter's shoulder, reassuring him.

Peter smiles slightly, he needed to hear that. Wanda looks at Peter and remembers all the amazing memories they had. She had to make things right. She needed him, like he needed her.

"Let's go inside and find out what this substance is." Clint said, Peter already knowing what it is nods and joins him and Wanda, anyway.

*Tony's office*

"Come on, you useless piece of shit. Do something, anything." Tony started stressing about the substance. He needed to know what it was.

There was another knock on Tony's door, "Come on in," Tony called. Clint, Peter and Wanda entered.

"Tony before we start, I just wanna say..." Tony interrupted Peter by hugging him. "No, I'm sorry for ruining your chances with Wanda. I shouldn't have gotten in the way." Tony said, with a calm and collective expression.

"Still, I'm sorry for what I said. I shouldn't have snapped like that." Peter said. Tony just smiles, "It's okay, son. It's okay."

Peter and Tony break the hug up. "Now, time to get to work. This thing." Tony said, as he picks up the petri dish that contained the goo. "This was given to me and I have no clue as to why, but what I want to know is too see what this thing is and if it's alive or not. So, I can't seem to figure it by myself, so let's go to the labs and see if they can figure it out."

Tony signals everyone to leave and head to the labs but Peter stops Wanda from leaving for a second. "Okay, listen. I'm truly sorry I never told you the truth. To be honest with you, I was scared. I was scared I was going to lose you if word got out. I was doing it to protect you. I still love you, Wanda. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I know I do. This past year was the worst and I don't want to go through it again. I need you now, more than ever." Peter looked into Wanda's beautiful eyes. Remembering how he would always get lost in them.

"I've missed you too, Peter. I understand why you kept your identity a secret and I'm sorry for reacting the way I did and I am so sorry that I left you suffering with the death of your Aunt May by yourself. I shouldn't have. I need you as well, Peter. I love you so much. I love you." Wanda couldn't stop herself anymore, she needed to feel safe in his arms again. She hugged Peter and Peter hugged her back. Wanda felt safe again, safe and warm. Peter felt safe and warm as well. He missed Wanda so much. Clint and Tony were watching from the door.

"Is this a good idea? What if it happens again?" Tony questioned. "Just don't interfere next time and maybe it won't." Clint responded.

"You still want to get that apartment, Wanda?" Peter asked, calmly. "Yes, I would love to get that apartment." Wanda said, not letting go.

The black goo starting showing interest in Peter, it saw how angry he got when he snapped at Tony. He was a perfect host for it. The black goo wanted Peter.

*to be continued*

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