Chapter 25: I forgive you

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*Peter's pov*

Wanda and I are back together, here's hoping it lasts. Anyway, Tony and Clint go to the labs to find out the mysterious black goo is. Wanda and I wanted to go in with them but Tony refused to let us in.

*Readers pov*

"So, how have the past 12 months been, Peter?" Wanda asked.

"Honestly, they weren't good. The best thing that happened to me throughout those months was my graduation and working with Tony. But other than that, it was all a mess." Peter responded. "What about you? How were the last 12 months for you?"

"Well, Clint took me in when you and I broke up. His kids were great and I had a great time. Congratulations on graduating, by the way, I'm sorry I wasn't there." Wanda said, looking at Peter.

Peter smiled, "It's okay. We had problems but now we are going to solve them, right?" Peter asked for reassurance.

"Yes, of course. We will. I'm really sorry for the way I..." Wanda got cut off by Peter hugging her. He didn't want to hear her apologizing over his mistake.

"No, Wanda. Don't be sorry. You had every reason to act that. I should've told you the truth, but I was scared. I didn't want to put you in harm's way. I wanted to keep you safe." Peter said, in a calm voice.

Wanda hugged Peter tightly. She felt safe again. She knew that no matter what, Peter was gonna keep her safe. No matter what.

Peter and Wanda's hug got interrupted by Tony leaving the lab. "Alright, you two love birds. Get in here, Bruce wants to talk to you two."

The trio entered the lab, "I got the kids, honey." Tony said, jokingly to Bruce.

"Thanks, Tony. Right, you two. Whatever you do. Do NOT let this thing get on you, no matter what." Bruce ordered. "This thing is alive and it has..." Bruce gets distracted by the black goo trying to follow Peter.

"Interesting, it seems to like you. Remember, don't let any of that get on you."

Peter looks at Bruce confused. "Why not?' Peter asked.

"It has the characteristics of a symbiote, which needs to bond to a host to survive. And sometimes, these things in nature, when they bind. They can be hard to unbind." Bruce responded. "That's all I have on it, right now but I should have more test soon. Just for now, stay clear of the symbiote." Bruce dismisses Peter and Wanda but Wanda has one last question.

"What would happen if one was to bond with the symbiote?" Bruce looked at Wanda. He took off his glasses as he responds. "I don't know just yet, but we can't use test this thing out on people in case they die. As I said, I'll figure this all out soon. Just give me time. Now you and Parker can go. Tony, can you and Clint stay, I'm gonna need a few extra pairs of hands."

Peter and Wanda leave. "Symbiote, huh. Sounds ominous. " Wanda joked. Peter didn't laugh, he had a serious look on his face. "You okay?" Wanda asked with a concerned look.

"There's something else about that symbiote. Why does it want me? What have I done?" Peter questioned. "I gotta get my hands on that thing."

"Peter no! You can't, Dr. Banner said if you bond with that thing, you won't be able to unbind. Come on, let's go somewhere else." Wanda said, trying to pull Peter away from the lab. Peter, not wanting to start an argument with Wanda, went with her.

They go to the same coffee they went for their first date. "Hey, wasn't this where we went for our first date," Wanda asked, amazed.

Peter smiled and nodded. "Though I'd bring you here again because let's be honest, the coffees here are great." Wanda smiled and agreed with Peter.

"Just get me what I got when we came here before if you remember what it was." Wanda winked. Peter laughed slightly.

"Hey, Peter." The barista said. "Hey, Stan. How have you been doing?" Peter asked, smiling.

"Oh, you know me, Peter. I'm as amazing as Spider-man." Stan laughed. Stan noticed Wanda. "Is that you two back together, now?" Stan asked.

Peter looked back at Wanda, smiling. "Yeah, we are back together. I forgive her and she forgives me." Stan smiles. "Life is too short to hate people, I'm glad you two are back together. You two were always amazing together." Stan said.

Peter laughs slightly, "Thanks, Stan. You know, I'm gonna miss you when you go." Peter said.

"Ahh pish-posh, when I'm gone Peter, I'll never be truly gone. I'll always be there, in your heart. After all, you were always my favorite customer. Just, don't give up on her, you hear me. You two were made for each other." Stan reassured Peter. "Now a medium Americano and a medium Cappuccino, coming right up."

"Wait, how did you know I was gonna order that?" Peter asked, surprised. Stan looks back at Peter and pokes his own nose as to say 'nosy, nosy'. Peter chuckled.

The coffees get made and Peter takes them back to Wanda. "One medium Americano for the beautiful Wanda Maximoff." Wanda blushed and giggled at Peter's silliness.

Peter sat down on the opposite side of the table, so he can look at Wanda like he did on their first date. Wanda noticed this and she looked back at Peter, getting lost in his eyes in the progress. She can see that he's hurting but he's trying so hard not to let it show.

Wanda takes Peter's hand and holds it in a reassuring manner. Peter smiles, knowing everything will be okay. At least for now.

*to be continued*

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