A Quick Update

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Hey, guys. The writer here. I just wanna apologize for the lack of updates. I am going through something personal right now. I don't really wanna go into detail but all i'll say is, one of my family members is dying. I need a little more time to process what is going on as i have never had an important family die ( well a family member that i have known for almost all my life). I'll be back soon, i just don't know when. I am really sorry for taking to long. I hope you guys remain patient, and chapter 14 will be finished whenever i can get around to do it. 

Thanks for your support.

*New update*

Hey peeps, so I took a longer break then expected. I am feeling a lot better now. I am thankful that my friends were there for me in my darkest days. I am still currently working on chapter 14 which will hopefully be finished and published tomorrow. Thanks for your patience, I love ya all and I have loads of plans for what I could do with this story. 

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