Chapter 8: Deadpools Past

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*3 Years ago*

It was the year 2014. Captain America recruited some guy to be part of the avengers whilst hunting for a guy with a robotic arm. I was in my natural habitat with Weasel and the others. 

"What can I get you Wade?" Weasel asked me. "I'd love a blowjob." I replied. Weasel sighed and went to make me my drink. 

"Why, hello." A mysterious girl voiced said behind me. "I'm Vanessa, you must be...?"

"Wade. Wade Wilson. The "clone" of Deathstroke but better than Deathstroke." Vanessa laughed, but I was being serious. I am better than Deathstroke.

Anyway you want the most of my backstory, watch my movie. Anyway, the ending was a bit different. In the movie I kill Frances and Vanessa lives but for plot reasons on this story. I fail to kill Frances and he kills Vanessa.

So yeah that's some of my backstory. WATCH MY MOVIE, It's on Netflix.

Wait, Wade.


Just tell them what happened when you were fighting Frances.


So my fight with Frances was near the docks in Brooklyn. Me, Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead went there to stop Frances and save Vanessa. Pretty much everything that happened in the movie happened except from me being able to get Vanessa off of that huge exploding ship or whatever the fuck it was. Vanessa got crushed and for 3 years I have been plotting my revenge and spoiler, it will be happening very soon.

And this is from the writer. He is sorry that he wasn't able to update this story as soon as he could. He has been busy with some stuff and he apologizing for this being too short. The next chapter will be longer and hopefully better. Also the writer has a YouTube channel where he is completely boring but he could use some loving support. Shameless plug right here:

Anyway, see you soon. 

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