Chapter 22: Return to New York

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Peter and Wanda searched everywhere for Pietro but to no avail. Peter held Wanda close after she collapsed on her bed in tears. She lost Pietro once, she couldn't go through it again. As she cried in Peter's arms, she remembered the good times they had in their short vacation in Russia, but all good things must come to an end. 

"He'll be fine, Wanda. I know he will. Nothing can stop him." Peter said, trying to comfort Wanda. Wanda looked into Peter's eyes, feeling comforted and safe. She knew Peter was right. Nothing could Pietro, he survived being shot multiple times, so she felt some comfort from that. "Let me call Mr Stark." 

Peter unlocks his phone and proceeds to phone Tony.

*Phone conversation* 

"Hey, kid. What's up?" 

"Mr Stark? Could you send someone to pick up Wanda and me? We are coming back to New York." Peter looks to Wanda, smiling. Wanda smiles back.

"Yeah, sure. I'll send Happy, I already know where you are, so he'll be there soon."

"Thanks, Mr Stark."

"Oh and Pete, don't pull a stunt like that again, your Aunt was worried about you. As soon as you land in New York, get your ass to that hospital and see her." Tony ordered.

"Of course, Mr Stark. I'll go see her, I've missed her anyway." 

"Okay, good. Now, head outside and Happy will be with you two soon."

*Tony hung up on Peter*

Peter and Wanda pack their stuff and go wait outside for Happy. They talk about their time in Russia and what they got up too. They laughed and joked, Wanda was slowly becoming herself again. That was until Happy showed up, looking devastated.

Peter was the first to take notice, "Hey, Happy. Is everything okay?" Peter asked, concerned. Happy just asked them to get on the jet and told Peter to sit down. 

"Kid... I got some news. Your Aunt May, she's not getting any better, she has a couple of days, at best. You best make the most of it." Happy explained to Peter. Peter sat there in silence, not moving or saying anything. Happy got up and started flying back to New York. 

Inside the jet was quiet. No one said a word, the radio wasn't on, everything was off as Peter coming to the realization that not only has he lost his parents, but also his Uncle and now soon his Aunt. It hit him like a ton of bricks as he places his head on Wanda's shoulder, crying. He didn't want to lose his Aunt, he wasn't ready. Happy looked back and saw Peter, the same young boy who is usually bright and bubbly, cracking jokes and one-liners, cry. It hurt him, but he wouldn't admit it. 

As soon as the jet landed at the Avengers base, Peter and Wanda walk out and see Tony and Vision. Peter looked at Tony and Peter could tell he was crying, Tony had grown quite close to May and had formed a family-like bond. Peter and Tony hug before they go to the hospital to see May. 

*At the hospital*

Peter, Tony, Wanda, and Vision enter the hospital and go to the receptionist.

"Hi, we have come to see May Parker," Tony said to the receptionist. 

"Sorry, I'm afraid we can only allow two people to go see, right now. With her condition..." The receptionist got cut off by Peter.

"Please, can I go see my Aunt? I need to see her." Peter said, banging his hand on the counter.

"Okay, you and another can go, but the other two have to stay here." The receptionist said, Tony told Wanda to go with him and she did, she knew Peter needed her now, more than ever.

*Peter and Wanda make it to Aunt Mays room*

May sees Peter right away, "There's my boy." Aunt May said, in a weak voice. Peter almost lost it but maintained his composure. "Hey, May. How are you holding up?" Peter asked, holding back his tears. 

"Well, I'm in the hospital now, I was worried sick about my nephew, no my son, and now, I see he's trying not to cry." Aunt May responded. Peter couldn't hold it anymore, "There's gotta be something I can do, to help you. I know there is." Peter said, holding back tears.

Aunt May shook her head. "There's nothing you can do, Peter. Not even the chemo did anything. It's over for me, but that's okay. Peter, you are and you always will be my son, you have been the best part of my life and I couldn't ask for anyone better. You are the best human being ever and just know, that no matter where you are, I will always be by your side." Aunt May said, reassuring Peter. "But, I don't know how to live without you, May." Peter responded.

May smiled weakly, "Of course you do, you are like Ben in so many ways, you know what path right and you know what path is wrong. You know how to overcome so many obstacles, you know that one day, you are going to wake up and know you made the right choice, and also Peter, remember this: In times of grief and sorrow I will hold you and rock you and take your grief and make it my own. When you cry I cry and when you hurt I hurt. And together we will try to hold back the floods to tears and despair and make it through the potholed street of life because no matter what, I will always be in your heart." 

Aunt Mays heart monitor starts beating slower and slower, Peter notices and tries to run out to get help but May holds his hand before he is able to stand up. "Stay, Peter, you and Wanda. I want you both here by my side." Peter sits back down on the seat he was on and Wanda kneels beside Peter, holding Mays hand with Peter as May's heart stops and the only sound in the room is May's heart monitor beeping. 

Peter looks at May, with his teary eyes, leaning in and kissing her forehead. Saying his final goodbyes. He and Wanda reunite with Tony and Vision and Peter breaks the news to them. The four of them get back in Tony's car and drive back to base. This was gonna be a long week for Peter.

*To be continued*

*Writers note*

Hey, guys. Shane here, how you guys been, I've missed you. I'm sorry you guys having to wait so long, I just lost the inspiration to continue this story, I was in a bad place these past few months and this month isn't an exception. I had to get this out because I received some bad news earlier today and I may not write a new chapter this month, but I just wanna let you guys and gals know that I haven't forgotten this story and I'm sorry for being inactive. I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

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