Chapter 16: Captain America returns

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*Pietro's POV* 

Not 15 minutes into the movie and Wanda falls asleep. Now I can go. I ran out the door and to Peters school. I saw him sitting in a tree. Bit of a weird place to sit, not gonna lie, but he was in disbelief about his Aunt. Anyway to make sure he wasn't, like, suicidal. I went to talk to him.

"Hey, Pete. You sure it's okay to sit on a tree that could break any minute?" I asked, jokingly. Peter looked down and saw me, I could tell his face brightened up a bit when he saw me. I ran up the tree to join him. "Hey, Pietro. Yeah I'm sure it's okay for me to sit up here, even if it does break." Peter replied, also joking about as well. 

There was one thing I was concerned about, where was Captain America? "Hey, Pete. What happened to Captain America? Where is he?" Peter looked at me and replied with, "He's a war criminal. You missed out on something important. The Sokovia Accords. Tony was with the Accords and Steve wasn't. We ended up having a war and well, our side won and Captain America and his team went into hiding, because they are war criminals." 

My heart stopped. Wanda had fought by Captain Americas side. Does that make her a war criminal. "Peter I gotta go. I'll be back when I can." I said as I started making my way back to Wanda to find out the truth. 

I found Wanda, still asleep. I can't blame Peter for telling me, she might kill him. I'll say I found out by an anonymous tip. 

*Meanwhile with Tony, Tonys POV*

All these medical bills. Fucking hell, they are insane. I should be able to pay for them but I'm fucking struggling. I scream out as I throw my glass across my room. "Fuck, fuck, FUCK!!!" I screamed. I sat back down to calm down. "Friday, ask Vision to give me an update on Mays condition for me, please." I asked my computer A.I. 

"Of course, sir." Friday replied back. I rubbed my eyes, I hadn't slept for 2 days. I have to keep up with these medical bills. "Sir, May Parker, is doing well, she is eating normally and she can still get out of her bed. She does need a walking stick but I got her one when she asked." Vision said to me over the voice coms. 

"Thanks Vision." I said, tiredly. Natasha walked in with a few more medical bills. "Are you fucking kidding me, ROMANOFF!?! MORE MEDICAL BILLS!?!" I screamed in anger. "Okay, Tony. You need to calm down. You aren't the only one paying for these medical bills. Pepper is paying them as well. Take a break, go for a walk and take in the fresh air, because you are getting too fucking stressed out." Natasha said, snapping at me. 

I sighed and sat on my chair, my hands covering my face. Natasha walked round and wrapped her arm around me. "Go see May." Natasha said. After that she picked up the medical bills that I hadn't paid yet to help me calm down. I went to my garage and got into my car to see May.

*Back with Peter and Peters POV*

School was over. I went to start my Patrol as Pietro was busy with other stuff. I was swinging around Queens just waiting for something to happen but nothing is happening today. This is weird. 

As I continued swinging, I spotted a suspicious figure standing in a dark alley-way. He looks like he's trying to hide. I started making my way to the figure. I am now sure it's a guy because he has a beard. I have never seen a woman with a beard. 

"HEY STOP RIGHT THERE!" I shouted at the figure. He stopped in his tracks. "Kid, listen. I can't stop, I have to keep on running, if you were in my position you would understand why. Now run along and continue your patrol." 

"Wait, do I know you?" I asked. "I know that voice." The figure turned around and it was him. It was Captain America. "Captain?" I was in shock. He was on the run as a war criminal. "Kid look, you never saw me, okay?" 

"Sorry, sir. Everything these eyes see's Mr. Stark can see through them as well on his computers. So if I let you go, he won't be happy." I said. Captain America looked down then looked at me. "Okay fine, you caught me. Take me to Tony." He said with his hands in the air. I took his arm and made my way to the Avengers HQ. "This is gonna be interesting." Captain America said, jokingly. He wasn't wrong it was gonna be interesting. How is Tony gonna react that I found Captain America. 

Well kids, find out next time. 

*To Be Continued*

*Writers note*

Okay yes I know the last few parts haven't had romantic moments between Peter and Wanda, that's mainly because I don't wanna over do them. I am gonna be bringing a lot more characters into this because later on in this story I am gonna add my own spin-off with the Infinity War. So I am gonna be introducing a lot of Marvel heroes, so that'll be fun. Anyway if you guys enjoyed be sure to let me know in the comments and if there is anything I can improve on also let me know in the comments. 

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