Chapter 9- Remembering Vanessa

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*Wade's POV*

After telling you lot what happened to my Vanessa, I went to visit her grave. You all might think that because I was her lover, I went to her funeral. Sadly, I didn't. Too much guilt. It was all my fault she died that day.  

I got to her grave and I started to cry, hey don't judge.

"Hey, beautiful. I'm sorry for not being able to save you." I said. "It was all my fault. I know it was but Colossus is saying it wasn't my fault." I sat down in front of the tombstone and placed the flowers I bought down on the grave. "He's back, Vanessa. Frances is back and he is trying to fuck Peter's relationship with this girl who he is with. I think her name is Wanda or something. I don't know. What do I do? I wanna kill him, but I can't. I'll get kicked from the X-Men." I looked down in shame. Then suddenly a voice behind me said, "Who is trying to fuck with this Peter character who is with a girl named Wanda?" 

I turned and pulled my guns out and pointed them at the person.

"What? Impossible! You can't be here." I exclaimed.

"Do you really think that?" It was Pietro Maximoff aka Quicksilver. 

"But, but, but, but. YOU DIED IN SIKOVIA!!!"

"I started to heal. I awoke in a morgue, cold and alone. I got out of there and it turns out everyone thought I was died. I had to keep it that way. To keep Wanda safe. I had a massive bounty on my head, that's why I faked my death."

"So you wanna know who's fucking with your sisters relationship. A man named Frances but he calls himself Ajax. He's the one..."

"Where can I find him?"

"I don't know."

"Well find out, because I'll be killing him myself." He then ran off. A huge blue blur followed him.

"Well boys and girls. This is "to be continued". See you real soon."

*Writers note*

Hello there. I do apologize for the lack of chapters recently. I am continuing this so do not worry. I just wanna take this time to say thank you for taking the time out of you day to read this story, I am extremely thankful. Chapter 10 will hopefully be out either later on today or tomorrow. Have a good day, goodbye.

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