Chapter 5: Deadpool

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After the news report broke out that an armed and possibly dangerous man in a red suit causing havoc on a busy highway, our heroes, Wanda and Peter head straight to the scene. 

*At the highway, on the ground*

"Move, move!" One of the armed individuals ordered. 

"Okay, asshole! You have 5 seconds to show yourself or we'll open fire!" Another armed individual shouted. 

Deadpool pops his head out of the black SUV. "Oh, hello. Well isn't this a surprise. You all look lovely today. Oh and expect to see more of me, the writer loves me as much as he loves violence."

"Who the fuck is he talking too?" A third armed individual asked. 

"Oh, I'm talking to the readers. Now where was I? Oh yeah." Before the armed men knew it, Deadpool jumped out of the SUV and shot two of the armed individuals.

*Deadpool taking over* 

Yeah, yeah. Armed individuals. Let's just call them dumbasses because that makes more sense right, writer? Don't wanna bore the readers. 

Okay back to you writer. 

*Back to writer*

"8 dumbasses remaining." Deadpool pointed out, so obviously. "Hey! Watch what you type, writer. Or i'll come and find you."

Deadpool jumps too take cover behind the SUV and pulls out his swords. "Time to slice and dice." Deadpool says to the readers. 

One dumb ass runs around to try to catch Deadpool off guard but he manages to catch the dumb ass off guard when he climbs up the SUV and jumps off swinging his sword and decapitating the dumb ass. "Jeez, it's just a sword, no need to lose your head over it." Deadpool says jokingly.

Deadpool runs out into the open, guns in hand. One dumb ass orders the other dumb asses too open fire. Of course, Deadpool does get shot, multiple times, however Deadpool heals faster than bullets entering his body. Deadpool...

*Deadpool taking over*

Wait, wait, wait. Don't you get tired of saying Deadpool, over and over again. It gets very annoying. So here's a suggestion, use my real name. Wade Wilson or Wade, okay? 

Back to you.

*Back to me*

Wade takes cover behind a small black car. One dumb ass tries to shoot Wade, but he had no bullets in his clip. "Aww, looks like someone has run outta bullets." Wade said, shooting the dumb ass in the face. "Hahahah, next time count, dumb ass." 

6 remained, and Wade was thinking of a way to kill the remaining 6 with as little ammo as possible. "I know!" Wade shouted. He pulled out his gun and fired a bullet, which killed 2 dumb asses. "Me gusta, cinco." Wade said in celebration of his "Epic" kill. "Hey writer get ride of those quotations marks!"

Bullets were fired at Wade and without thinking, he played dead. "Hey, I think I got him!" The dumb ass said. However the dumb ass met an end when Wade shot a bullet and hit the dumb ass in the head. "Gotcha." Wade said.

3 remained and Wade had an idea, the same idea he had in his movie, which failed but was bad ass anyway, too kill the last 3 with one single bullet. "Time to be a bad ass motherf..." Before Wade could finish Peter appeared.

"Oh my god, SPIDER MAN! I'M YOUR BIGGEST FAN!!!" Deadpool shouted. "PLEASE, OH PLEASE..."

"OH MY GOD, WADE! SHUT UP!" Peter shouted at Deadpool.

"OPEN FIRE!" One dumb ass ordered. 

Wade and Peter ran for cover. "Just so you know, I had that." Wade said to Peter, with a bit of attitude. Peter rolled his eyes. "Well go on then do your thing." Peter said to Wade. Without hesitation Wade jumped on the SUV and took all the bullets. 

"Bring it on, motherfu..." 

"LANGUAGE!" Peter shouted, shutting Wade up. Wade then pulled out his swords and sliced up the dumbasses. After 3 slices all 3 dumbasses fell to their deaths. 

"What, what? Who's the man?" Wade yelled, celebrating. 

*On the rooftop of a nearby building*

"Hmm, there he is. You won't be able to hide from me, when I get my hands on you." Wanda said, watching Peter and Wade argue. "Looks like your friend isn't very happy to see you, Spider. I do wonder why." Wanda laughed lightly. "See you soon, Spidey." And with that Wanda turned and left.

*Writers note*

Hey, guys. So i just wanna say, thanks for making it this far into the story, I do apologize if this was a bit rushed, there was a lot of distractions and so that's why it looks rushed. Chapter 6 might not be coming out tomorrow as I am someone who likes to have a day to themselves. Anyway, if you enjoyed, be sure to share this with your friends and family and if you didn't then you can always let me know in the comments what you didn't like about it and i'll be sure to improve.   

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