Chapter 23 - Aunt Mays funeral

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*Peter's pov*

A week has passed and it's been a long one. I wake up and I feel nothing, absolutely nothing. I don't have the motivation to be Spider-Man anymore. Wanda promises me that everything will be okay, no matter what happens she'll always be there. Bless her heart, she's always been trying to make me feel better all week. There are times, however, she has made me smile, so I guess I can say she's my rock and I don't know what I would do without her. Maybe it is time I come clean and tell her the truth, I am Spider-Man. I stand up from my seat and I walk out of my room and I see Wanda and Tony talking, well more like arguing, Wanda wants me to live with her in our apartment whilst Tony wants me to stay here. I didn't know what to do, this was too much for me to handle but I had to intervene, I start making my way to the two, hearing their shouts get louder.

*no ones pov*

"Come on, Tony. What's the worse that'll happen?" Wanda questioned. "Do you not trust him?"
"No, Wanda. I do trust him I trust him so much, I brought him to Germany with me, when we had that fight with Steve!" Tony argued.
"In Germany? Steve? We? What are you talking about Tony?" Peter whispered to himself.
"What are you talking about?" Wanda questioned, confused.
"Well, let me tell you something, Peter was the one in the red and blue suit, Peter Parker is Spider-Man." Tony spilt, not regretting it.
"No, you're lying, he... he can't be." Wanda tried arguing back.
"Oh and Pete, stop trying to be sneaky, I can see you!"
"Tony, Wanda! What is..." Peter gets interrupted.
"Is it true?" Wanda said in a cold tone.
Peter looks down in shame, "Yes, yes it is. I wanted to tell you, but I was scared that if word got out, you would be in danger."
Wanda looks at Peter, staring into his grieving eyes as Peter stares into Wanda's emotionless eyes. "You're Spider-Man?" Wanda asked for clarification. Peter nods his head.
Wanda looks down at her hands then looks at Peter, who still has his head hanging in shame. "Well if that's the case then, I guess I can tell you that I'm the Scarlett Witch."
Peter looked back up in shock, Wanda was able to prove it by showing off some of her powers. That's when it all started to come together, the girl that Peter loved, the girl that Peter called his own, his soulmate was the same girl he fought in Germany.
"What the fu..."

*2 weeks later*

Peter, Tony, Steve, Happy and Bucky carry Aunt May's coffin to the hearse. These 3 weeks have been way too long, one week after losing Aunt May, he and Wanda broke up. Being so confused about the fight in Germany, how did he not noticed, it's not like Wanda wore a mask or anything, he just never got a good look at her face. He still loved her, but it would've been awkward. Tony pats Peter on the back sighing. He knew that Peter wanted Wanda back but he knew that they fought, he knew that they were enemies for a short time, he knew that Peter couldn't find a way to get her back. Happy gets in the driver seat of the hearse and waits for Peter to get in. Once Peter enters, Happy makes his way to the cemetery.

"Hey, kid. May wanted me to give you this." Happy said, handing Peter May's phone. He was confused at first but he took it. Peter turned the phone on and looked at the lock screen. *Please enter the password* the phone screen read.

"The password is... I love you, Peter. No spaces and the I and p are capitalized." Happy said, not looking away from the road. Peter entered the password and was greeted by a voice message left by May. He left it for now and chose to listen to it when he got home. Happy looked with the corner of his eye, watching Peter put the phone in his pocket. "I'll listen to it when I get home."

Happy nodded as he continued driving. "Is there anything you want to talk about, Pete?" Happy said, trying to make conversation. Peter looked down sighing and looked up too Happy. "I lost my parents when I was 6, apparently because of a plane crash, I lost my Uncle Ben 3 years ago because I was an idiot and didn't stop a robber, he got carjacked and shot and now I've lost my Aunt May, my only family, so please forgive me, Happy, if I'm not in a talkative mood." 

Happy stayed quiet, unable to respond to Peter. He just drove on, in silence. 

*At the graveyard*

Everyone is waiting for Peter and Happy to appear but as they are waiting, they start telling stories about their experiences with Aunt May, and they were all similar to a certain degree. She was always kind and caring to them but there would be times she would be a little where she would be rough, like with Visions experience with Aunt May. 

*Visions experience*

Peter left the house and it was just Vision and May, May had grown fond of the strange being, he knew how to cook, how to clean up after himself, how to watch what he was saying. He reminded her of Ben, in one way or another. 

When May had to run to the bathroom, she noticed there was no toilet paper and she shouted for Vision to bring in the 12 pack of toilet roll that was on the kitchen counter. Vision picked it and phased through the wall without realizing that May was on the toilet. 

"Oh, Ms Parker, I do apologize." Vision said as he covered his eyes, handing May the toilet. 

"Hey, Robo-idiot. See that door there, knock on it next time." May said. "Of course, Ms Parker" 

Vision went back to the kitchen to finish cooking the eggs and bacon May asked for.

*Flashback over*

Everyone started laughing at the story. Vision was slightly embarrassed but laughed along because it was a dumb moment. The laughter died down when they saw the hearse pulling up. "Hey they're here," Natasha said in a light tone. "Poor kid, he's been through a lot," Bruce said as Happy parked the hearse. Tony walked up to Peter's side and opened the door for him. Peter got out and hugged Tony. "I'm scared, Tony. What do I do now?"

"It's okay, Pete. You'll be okay, no matter what happens we'll always be here for you." Said Tony.  Peter felt like he was alone, he wanted to be alone but he couldn't leave, not yet. Bucky, Steve, and Happy start lifting May's coffin out of the hearse, Peter and Tony join them as they carry it to the grave that was dug up for May, she was getting put next to Ben, just as she wanted. 

Everyone watches as Mays coffin gets lowered to her grave, Peter didn't cry anymore, he just watched in silence. 

*To be continued*

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