Chapter 12: Peter and Wanda's first night together

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Peter was swinging to Clint's to spend the night with Wanda, like he had said as an excuse to May. 

Peter got to the front door and knocked on it. "What the? Who can be at the door at this ungodly hour?" Wanda asked herself as she was walking to the door. She opened the door and was surprised to see Peter. 

"Hey." Peter said. "So, umm, I told my Aunt May that I was spending this night with you, if that's okay with you." Wanda blushed as she gestured for Peter to come in. "Come on in." 

Peter walks in and heads straight to the couch. Wanda closes the door and follows him to the couch. On the T.V. music was playing and the song that was currently on was 'Something just like this by Coldplay and The Chain-smokers'. "Great song. One of my favourites." Peter said, with a smile on his face.

Wanda cuddles into Peter. "You know, I feel like Clint is keeping something from me." Peter looked at Wanda with a confused looked. "What do you mean?" 

"Well, Clint never goes out for late night drives and when I talk about that Spider-guy, he just keeps me quiet." Wanda says. Peter looked at Wanda and said, "I'm sure he has his reasons. Hey, let's forget all of this and enjoy our first night together." Wanda smiled. She knew this would a night she would never forget.

Peter noticed that he turn on YouTube on the T.V. and asked Wanda, "Hey, wanna watch some "UFO sightings?" They are really scary." Peter added, jokingly. Wanda looked confused but agreed to watch these videos.

"What the hell?" Wanda said, shocked what she just witnessed. "That has too be fake, right?" Wanda asked, worryingly.  "Don't worry, it's unconfirmed." Peter said. Wanda laughed nervously. "What does that mean?" Peter looked at Wanda confusingly. "What? It means that it's unconfirmed if it's real or fake." Peter said, holding in his laughter.

"What's so funny?" Wanda asked. Peter started to laugh and then he said, "Nothing. Anyway, wasn't there something we were meant to do two nights ago?"

"What?" Wanda asked. Peter turned the video off and started to play some music to set a little romantic mood.

"Aww, Peter. You really know how to set a romantic mood." Wanda said, flirtingly. They both lean to kiss each other. Wanda wraps her arms around Peters neck and Peter wraps his arms around Wanda's waist.  

Wanda then pushes Peter on his back as they were making-out. They were lost in each others warmth and lust, that they forgot the front door was unlocked. Peter and Wanda lean up when they hear the door open. Clint walks in and see's the Wanda on top of Peter. "Okay, umm... I'll be back later." Clint then leaves, closing and locking the front door behind him.

Peter and Wanda laughed it off and continued their special moment together. Ten minutes later after kissing each other passionately, Wanda takes Peter's hand and leads him to her room.  Where they went to do some stuff, inappropriate stuff that lovers do. 

*To be continued*

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