The Elocution Competition

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I woke up that morning with butterflies in my stomach. It was the day of the elocution competition, and I was feeling nervous. I'd been practicing my speech for days, but standing in front of a crowd still made me jittery.

Luckily, I had my friends Ishika and Aarav by my side. They showered me with words of encouragement, assuring me that I would do great. Their support meant everything to me, and it helped calm my nerves. 

As the competition began, I listened intently to each speaker, trying to focus on their words rather than my own impending turn. Then, it was finally my time to step up to the podium. I took a deep breath, steadied my shaking hands, and began to speak.

The words flowed from me, fueled by a newfound sense of confidence. I poured my heart into every sentence, hoping to captivate the audience with my story. And when I finished, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride wash over me.

But the real highlight of the competition came when Rohan took the stage. His voice was like music to my ears, smooth and captivating. He delivered his speech with such passion and charisma that it was impossible not to be impressed.

Later, when the winner was announced, it was my sweetheart, Ishika. I was so happy for her.

As the competition drew to a close, we all eagerly awaited the night ahead – the campfire. 

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