Exam days

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As I entered the auditorium, a wave of familiarity washed over me. The hushed whispers of students, the shuffle of papers, and the scent of anticipation filled the air. It was the last day of exams, and the tension seemed to dissipate with each passing moment.

I found my seat, scanning the rows until I spotted Ishika just a few seats ahead. Nidhi and Aarav were somewhere nearby, their presence a comforting anchor amidst the sea of desks.

Then, our eyes met.

Rohan, seated a few rows behind me, sent a fleeting glance my way. It was like a silent acknowledgment, a shared moment of recognition amidst the chaos of the exam hall.

But soon, our focus shifted to the papers in front of us. As the questions unfolded, I delved into the world of equations and essays, each stroke of the pen bringing me closer to the end of this academic journey.

The minutes stretched into hours, and before I knew it, I was scribbling down the final lines of my last answer. Relief washed over me as I closed the booklet. The weight of weeks of preparation finally lifted from my shoulders.

As the papers were collected and the exam came to a close, a sense of camaraderie filled the room. We had survived another challenge together, bonded by the shared experience of academic pursuit.

And amidst it all, I couldn't help but steal a glance back at Rohan, a silent acknowledgment of the journey we had just completed, and perhaps, the journey that lay ahead.

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