The Farewell Game

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As the announcer’s voice echoed through the school hall, excitement buzzed in the air. As it was our farewell, a bittersweet moment marking the end of an era. Ishika, Nidhi, Aarav, and I sat together, eagerly anticipating the festivities.

"The moment you’ve all been waiting for,” the announcer declared, “a game to spice up the night!”

I exchanged glances with Ishika, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. We knew this would be memorable.

“The girls will pick chits from this jar,” the announcer continued, holding up a glass jar filled with folded pieces of paper. “Each chit contains the name of a boy.”

My heart raced with anticipation. Who would fate pair me with?

“Once the couples are chosen,” the announcer explained, “they’ll take to the dance floor.”

I glanced at Ishika again, our excitement growing. This was going to be unforgettable.

As the jar made its rounds, I held my breath, hoping for a familiar name.

Unfolding it, my heart sank a little as I read the name written on it – Aarav. I had been secretly hoping for Rohan's name, but fate had other plans.

I glanced at Ishika and Nidhi, who were eagerly unfolding their own cheats. Ishika's eyes widened with surprise as she read the name Saurabh, who is our classmate, while Nidhi's face lit up with joy upon seeing Rohan's name.

I sighed, trying to shake off my disappointment as the couples were announced. Ishika would be dancing with Saurabh, Nidhi with Rohan, and me...well, I would be dancing with Aarav.

As the music started and couples took to the dance floor, I couldn't help but feel a pang of envy as I watched Nidhi twirl happily in Rohan's arms. But then I reminded myself that tonight was about having fun with friends, regardless of who we danced with.

So, with a smile plastered on my face, I took Aarav's hand and joined the others on the dance floor, ready to make the most of the night, no matter what the future held.

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